Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Chasing the Unknown: Day 2

Word Count: 12,045

Summary of Events:
Hammy investigated the interior of the plane with one of the police officers before having his own meeting with Gemo Zanetti. On their way to the hotel for the night they stopped at the mortuary to see the bodies of the agents and learned they'd been shot with full metal jacket bullets. The next morning Vera went to interview Gemo and his copilot while Hammy did ballistics testing . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
"Setting his ballistics kit beside him, he put on the ear protectors, drew out his pistol, and waited for the all-clear, as there were a couple of officers putting fresh target sheets out.
Once they were gone he cocked his pistol and fired squarely at the centre of the target.
Setting his pistol back in its holster, he then strode down to the target, drawing out the heavy-duty bullet-extraction magnet from his pocket as he went.
He set the calibre, inserted it into the hole, and engaged the magnet.
With a slow back and fort motion he successfully pulled the bullet out without scuffing or damaging it, which would've added markings that would've compromised the rifling marks.
Disengaging the magnet, he dropped the bullet into his hand before collapsing the magnet and pocketing it again.
Walking back, he scooped up the ballistics kit and seated himself at a table, where he opened the ballistics kit and started to examine his own bullet.
It didn't take long for him to notice the eerie similarity in the rifling marks of his bullet and the others. In fact, it was incredibly hard to tell which bullet was his, they were all identical.
Removing his ear protection, Hammy drew out his mobile and selected conference call before pressing Vera and Cheremyshynski's numbers. Vera answered first.
"Why do I hear ringing?" Vera asked.
"You're on conference call with Cheremyshynski of Ballistics if he ever answers," Hammy replied.
"Oh," Vera said.
"Yes?" Cheremyshynski's heavily accented voice answered.
"You're on conference call with Dalca," Hammy said. "I thought it would save time to tell both of you at once."
"Tell us what?" Vera asked.
"The kill shots were fired from an Agency-issue pistol," Hammy replied.
"How do you know?" Cheremyshynski asked.
"I used the police shooting range here to fire a bullet from my own gun at Dalca's suggestion," Hammy replied. "If I didn't have the ballistics kit here to identify the rifling marks I could swear all five of the bullets I have in front of me came from the same gun."
"So we do not need to do any more research," Cheremyshynski said.
"No," Hammy replied. "Well, actually, wait."
"What?" Cheremyshynski asked.
"Are there not records on file of the ballistic imprints every single Agency gun makes, its serial number, and who the gun is currently issued to?" Hammy asked.
"Extensive records," Cheremyshynski replied.
"Look up what I've given you," Hammy said. "Identify the serial number of the gun and who it was issued to so we know who we're looking for."
"We will do that," Cheremyshynski said. "And we will call you with a report."
"Ver good," Hammy said."

Cheremyshynski: chairemmyshinskee

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