Saturday, February 07, 2015

Exiel's End: Day 33

Word Count: 198,012

Summary of Events:
Chapter 65:
Thårijn got into a rather heated conversation with Sålömen, the man who had led the party of Iøsenräl they most recently met up with, and caused Thårijn great frustration. Their discussion also concerned Bæjern who was unsure why Sålömen was being so adversarial.
Chapter 66:
Æliyäu was summoned to see Øbjen because of his telling Frædröch that he had no legitimate claim to the Iøsenräl throne and got into a discussion that was about as effective as hitting one's head against a brick wall. He and Bæjern then went and visited with Sålömen.

Excerpt of the Day:
""I am of the house of Kæs! Therefore all of my children have a right to the throne! It matters naught the heritage of their mothers! All of them have a right to the throne!" Øbjen cried.
"The Law Concerning the Qualifications of Kingship — one of the oldest laws of Kænjiøs — written in the two hundred and fiftieth year of the First Age of Kænjiøs — some five thousand sixty four years ago — clearly states that only those descended from dual blood of the house of Kæs — meaning both their mother and father can trace their ancestry to any one single Kæ no closer than the eighth before themselves — and who marry a cousin descended from a single Kæ no closer than the eighth before themselves may claim the throne," Æliyäu replied. "Anyone who marries a cousin who descends from a single Kæ closer than the eighth before themselves is incestuous, anyone who marries someone who is not at all descended from the house of Kæs is diluting the blood of Kæs. According to the technicalities of the Law Concering the Qualifications of Kingship you — even though you married your seventh cousin Helännä so as to conform with the ordinances of the aforementioned law — do not eve have a legitimate claim on the throne. Since your father Ädöm died fourteen years ago your son Bæjern has been the next one who can rightfully claim the throne of Kænjiøs because Jägen did not marry in the tradition of the Kæs, and Sönnä is a woman."
"You are a liar! You are a fool! I know those laws! I could recite them from memory and I tell you! They say nothing of the kind that you put forth! All that you speak is lies! You ought to be cursed!" Øbjen cried.
Æliyäu was quite glad that this time Øbjen didn't seem to be of the inclination to rise up and attack him, in fact, all Øbjen was doing was screaming and flailing his arms, although his face was quite red with rage.
"Cursed be you! You fool! May you and all your generations be cursed for the length of my days! May pestilence come upon you! May you be shunned! May none of your word be believed as truth! By the order of I! The first Kæ Øbjen of the Iøsenräl I decree you shall be cursed!" Øbjen cried.
"No man can be cursed but by Göd alone," Æliyäu said.
"I am the Kæ!" Øbjen screamed. "Even Göd's word is not more powerful than mine!"
Æliyäu shot to his feet. "Göd above is Göd alone! Göd is only on the throne! And men in graves are laid!" he snapped. "May Göd curse you for considering yourself of higher rank that He! I shall not heed you any longer for my allegiance is to the Göd above! The Göd who make you from naught — and wastefully so in my mind! May Göd put you in fear!""

Sålömen: saul-a-men
Ädöm: ah-dum

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