Thursday, January 08, 2015

Exile's End: Day 7

Word Count: 42,008

Summary of Events:
Chapter 13:
Thårijn went to work in the forges and helped Äthelröd to finish forging his sword with some smith work that amazed Äthelröd. Æliyäu and Äbihæl went to visit Helännä and talked about Helännä's children and grandchildren, then Æliyäu told Helännä that Thårijn was the Låstbøn. Shortly after that Thårijn arrived and Æliyäu told Thårijn the news.
Chapter 14:
Thårijn couldn't bring himself to believe that he was the Låstbøn, and he argued about it with Æliyäu until Æliyäu and Äbihæl left for home. Then Thårijn discussed it with his mother, still doubting the fact that it was himself. Æliyäu stayed up a little later than usual wondering why Thårijn wasn't convinced and even seemed unwilling, but at last decided it wasn't really worth worrying about.

Excerpt of the Day:
""Göd has spoken with me," Æliyäu said.
"Of course He has," Thårijn said, with a touch of ire in his voice.
"And He has made it known to me — confirmed by the passages of Gråvenwød I had you read — that you, Thårijn, son of Helännä, descendant of Øbjen of the house of Kæs, are the Låstbøn, the Eikenenshåldjgråvenwød, who shall lead our people to freedom, out of the land of the Förstenräl, through all the trials, travails, and dangers of the journey, through many lands until it is that we reach at longest last the lands that had been those of our people in times beyond memory and establish once again Kænjiøs, and become a free people again."
Thårijn gazed at Æliyäu with a face devoid of emotion — so devoid not even his eyes revealed the thoughts of his mind — for a long time. Æliyäu couldn't help but wonder what in the world Thårijn was thinking, what his reaction was going to be. Part of him feared with the longer the time drew on that Thårijn had no reaction that it was going to be a violent one. . . .
. . . "Sure," Thårijn said.
Disbelief and absolute surprise exploded across Æliyäu's face, causing his jaw to go slack for a moment before he caught it back up, closing his mouth again. "How can you not believe it?"
"I am only the last born son of my mother," Thårijn replied. "My father has many more sons born after me. And I should hope you are not neglecting the line — which was in one of the stanzas you had me read I might add — third of the twenty second stanza, which says, 'Last born son of king's blood'."
"Which you are," Æliyäu said, having recovered himself.
"Are you without knowledge?" Thårijn asked. "Surely you know that my father is married to seven women aside from my mother, and that every single one of their last born children is younger than I?"
"But none of them are of king's blood as it means," Æliyäu replied.
"Their father is of the house of Kæs!" Thårijn exclaimed. "You yourself even said so! Øbjen of the house of Kæs!"
"Yes, he is," Æliyäu said. "However, your mother is Helännä, Äbrääm's daughter, descendant of Bejøn of the house of Kæs."
"So?" Thårijn asked. What was Æliyäu even getting at?
"Both of your parents are descended from the house of Kæs," Æliyäu replied. "None of your siblings in half-blod have a mother descended from the house of Kæs. You are the last born of the tradition of kings in marriage. And that is what the third line in the twenty second stanza of Gråvenwød means."
Being as Thårijn knew full well what the tradition of kings was in regards to marriage he could not call anything into question. Æliyäu was right. According to that line he was the last born, and it wasn't too hard to find out that he was the last born of his mother."

Äbrääm: abe-rah-am
Bejøn: beh-urn

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