Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Concealed Intentions: Day 3

Word Count: 18,163

Summary of Events:
Nadia told her brother, Vitaly, about their father's plans for her when he texted to wish her a happy birthday and was surprised when, instead of ranting and raving, he just shut down and wished her good night. Borden returned home from work and looked up Honour's surname to figure out why he recognised it; he discovered it was because there was a pair of criminals from Prince George who also bore it; in fact, he even found an article speculating the couple were Honour's parents and that her kidnapping was tied to the man, Grady, having been released from prison hardly a week ago. While waiting for her parents to finish chatting after church Nadia took a walk along the street the church was on and ended up finding her brother and some of his friends; she found the chat with her brother pleasant and not at all like their text conversation, although she noted that her father had spied her brother, and expected some harsh questions to follow . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
Neither of her parents asked her where she’d been — they knew she took walks while waiting for them to finish talking — although she was surprised, seeing as she was sure Father had noticed Vitaly.
When they reached home a few minutes later Nadia headed up to her room to change out of the dress she’d worn to church and into somewhat more comfortable clothes, but her arm was seized by Father, who’d likely followed her up the stairs, and she was hauled into his office before she could do so.
“Was that Vitaly?” Father demanded.
“Yes Father,” Nadia replied.
“What was he doing there?” Father demanded.
“He’d been at a business up the street,” Nadia replied. “He wanted to wish me a happy birthday.”
The hardness in her father’s eyes softened only slightly. “And that was all?”
“Yes Father,” Nadia replied.
“You are not to have anything to do with him, do you understand?” Father asked.
“Why not Father?” Nadia asked, feeling shocked.
“I will not have you corrupted like he has been corrupted,” Father replied harshly. “I fathered two children, but only one lives, and I will not have her taken from me by the same evils which claimed my son.”
Nadia said nothing. He really thought of Vitaly as dead?
“I cannot father any more children, and even if I could, at this point I would be too old to ensure they had a good future,” Father said. “Neither should I have to father any more children to get a success.”
A success? Nadia felt qualms stir in her stomach.
“Have I made myself clear Nadia?” Father asked sternly.
“Yes Father,” Nadia replied.
Father released her and opened the door, striding out and leaving Nadia to stare at the window that, like her own, looked out at the backyard.
When she heard Mama and Father’s bedroom door close she pushed herself off of the wall and turned around to look at the closed door before stepping into the hallway and going into her room.
No wonder Father was being so demanding of her; he thought there was no redeeming Vitaly, he considered Vitaly dead, and so all of his hopes hinged on Nadia. But what were his hopes? Merely that she would get a good-paying job? Or was there something more to it than that?
Nadia wondered if Father really meant to give her a choice about her secondary schooling, or if he would just force her to go to MGIMO no matter what. She wasn’t even sure if he really meant to give her a choice at all, even though he hadn’t brought it up since her birthday.

Vitaly: vihtahlee

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