Thursday, May 04, 2017

Trustful: Day 4

Word Count: 24,033

Summary of Events: 
Rosemarie went to go for a boat ride, but snow from the storm prevented her from even getting out of the subterranean lake. Wolfgang had gotten through a row of the mountains before an avalanche spooked his horses and caused his mare to stumble and injure her shoulder. Rosemarie was able to get out of the subterranean lake the next time she tried and saw a strange creature she'd never seen before, which she followed into the trees. Wolfgang was woken up by Rosemarie approaching him, having followed his colt to his camping place and they had a lengthy conversation in which Wolfgang explained that he was a male human being in relation to her being a female human being before explaining to her why the mountains she lived in were called the Black Mountains . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
""What are sorcerers?" she asked.
"Well, there are sorcerers and elves, and elves are people who look like us, but have superior ability in that they can work magic, such as instant healing, transporting people across great distances in an instant, or even destroy buildings without having to swing a hammer," Wolfgang replied. "Sorcerers have this same ability, as all sorcerers were once elves, but elves will use their powers without asking for people to give them something in return. Sorcerers will demand things in return, especially things of great value."
"Ah," she said.
"Now the sorcerers were against Erhard because of the fact that he wanted to unite all the peoples under his rule, and he was an ally of the elves," Wolfgang continued. "They wanted to unite the peoples under themselves, and to even take over other peoples and establish themselves as rulers over all the known world."
Her eyes widened like any young child hearing the tale who couldn't comprehend the massive size of the world.
"So there was war, with Erhard and his allies on one side against the greatest sorcerer of the day, known as Erdmann, and his allies on the other," Wolfgang went on. "Erdmann had a great fortress built here in these mountains and–"
"Do you think Hulda's fortress might be that one?" she asked.
"Possibly," Wolfgang replied. "I don't know."
She nodded.
"Thanks to the help of the elves, and the fact that all of the people united willingly under Erhard, they managed to score a great many victories and force Erdmann and his men into the Black Mountains," Wolfgang continued. "They then rallied and attacked Erdmann and his forces in one of the greatest battles this land has ever known. It raged for months before Erdmann was killed. Having lost their leader, Erdmann's forces were undone and fled in terror, solidifying the unification of the people."
Her face looked almost in rapturous awe as she gazed at him, eagerly listening.
"The battle was not won without cost, however," Wolfgang went on. "The dead littered the land, with many lost on both sides, and so ravens, which eat dead flesh, flocked to the mountains and there was such a great flock eating the flesh of the dead that the mountains were blackened with them, thus the mountains became called the Black Mountains to this day. And even still it is known that there are more ravens that live in the Black Mountains than anywhere else."
"Oh," she said.
"Following the battle Erhard and the rest managed to conquer more land south and east, but some of it — especially to the south — has been lost in the ages since," Wolfgang continued. "Once they'd conquered all of the land on which clans speaking our language had dwelt Erhard was chosen as ruler over all the land, the position that today is know as the Kaiser. He is known as Erhard the Great or Erhard the Bond-Maker, as he untied a divided people.""

Erhard: airhard
Erdmann: airedman

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