Monday, February 15, 2016

Unriddling Clues: Day 13

Word Count: 78,016

Summary of Events:
The two camps and other reinforcements went to attack the fort, which went well — although being as the fort was of fairly green wood it didn't catch on fire as fast as Nikita, personally, had expected. Gavriila was getting bored waiting, then was nearly discovered as a girl and ended up being bullied by one of the officers of a rank lower than hers before they had to charge into battle — which Gavriila had hoped wouldn't happen. Once the battle was finally over Nikita helped identify the dead — including ten men from his own unit — before finding Gavriila bloodied and traumatised because some other soldier had beheaded a man close to her who had fallen on her. After having lead some of the captive horses back, Gavriila went, somewhat reluctantly, with Nikita to bathe herself and Nadia.

Excerpt of the Day:
"Once they got to the trees Lieutenant Kharondirev took the lead and led them to a sizeable pool of clear water, bordered all around by an open grassy area.
Gavriila watched as Lieutenant Kharondirev removed his boots, socks, belt, shirt, and cloak, leaving him in bare feet and breeches. He wasn't dirty, what was he doing?
In silence she watched as he turned back, took Naida's lead rope from her fingers, and led the mare toward the water.
Nadia put her hooves in, but then balked. Gavriila could hear Lieutenant Kharondirev murmuring to her softly, but couldn't make out exactly what he was saying. Nadia stepped forward a little and Lieutenant Kharondirev gave her enthusiastic praise for it.
Slowly Nadia inched her way in until she was belly deep in the water. Gavriila watched as Lieutenant Kharondirev scooped up water into his hands and washed it over Nadia's bloodstained shoulder. Gavriila felt like it was her job to wash Nadia, but Lieutenant Kharondirev wasn't calling her over, so she stayed where she was and watched.
Lieutenant Kharondirev led Nadia further into the water until only Nadia's neck and head remained above water — as did his own. He dove under the water for a moment and came up with his dark hair plastered against his skull.
Finally he led Nadia out, her coat soaked to a shade of nearly black, but no longer stained by blood. Gavriila saw Nadia bracing herself to shake and stepped away a bit before the water droplets flew, first from her neck, and then all the way along her body to her hindquarters.
Lieutenant Kharondirev was dripping wet, his breeches clinging tightly to his skin — not that there was much for wrinkles being as they were close-fitting to start with — waster running in small rivulets down his bare chest.
"Now it's your turn," he said.
Gavriila nodded.
Lieutenant Kharondirev turned and took up his shirt, which he used as a towel to dry his hair and upper body before he put his sword belt back on. He looked at her over Nadia's back.
Gavriila set her jaw and glared at him. Smiling, he turned away.
Even though she didn't want to, Gavriila slid off her boots and removed her belt. She was going to undo her breeches when the thought suddenly struck her: her clothes were as filthy as her skin was going to be underneath. She could go into the water fully clothed and then wash them both at the same time, along with being completely modest until she had to change afterwards."

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