Novel Title: Tormented
Time Setting: 2016
Genre: Thriller
Minimum Word Goal: 120,000
Timespan: January 2016 – about December 2017
Locations: Buenos Aires & Mar del Plata, Argentina; Bloody Point, Daufuskie Island, South Carolina
Main Characters: Gabriel "Riel" Cuéllar Vivas, Esperanza "Anza" Bello Arechovaleta
Background Information:
The oldest child and only son of two children born to Cristobál and Isabelle Cuéllar Vivas, a couple who made their fortune in the industrial field, Riel and his sister, Estefanía, lived a life of privilege from day one.
When Riel was eighteen, it all changed. Estefanía, one of the most attractive teenagers in all of Buenos Aires, went to a friend's birthday party on a yacht . . . and was never seen again.
For months the police — and even the army — searched desperately, but yielded nothing other than a pile of alleged sightings and young women falsely claiming to be the missing teenager.
It was all too much for Isabelle, who took her own life partway through the investigation, leaving Riel and Cristobál to seek, and find nothing.
Cristobál has become a shadow of his former self, retreating into his home and not making any public appearances, running his company through phone calls and receiving visits from the vice president.
Riel — as far as everyone can tell — has come out of his sister's disappearance the strongest, throwing himself into university with an intense course load and graduating ahead of schedule cum laude with a degrees in law, psychology, and criminal sciences.
But he didn't stop there, Riel is still taking several courses, including pursuing doctorates of law and psychology among others, while practising law successfully and even being hailed as a legal prodigy . . . yet he's no less deeply haunted by his sister's disappearance nine years on.
Born the third child and second daughter of nine children to a poor family living in the villas miserias of Mar del Plata, Esperanza's parents were both sporadically employed, but not enough to send their children to school.
The local church's priest, however, decided to start a school for the children of the villas miserias, and rich parishioners graciously donated the necessary supplies so Esperanza and her siblings, among others, all received an education.
At the age of fifteen Esperanza, using her education, got a job as a cleaning maid at a resort, and she's held the job down for two years, although she dreams of someday becoming famous to break out of the villas miserias forever.
Recently she's befriended a handsome young man who promises her he will help her get free of the villas as an actress, and he's arranged to meet her at night near the beach so they can drive to Buenos Aires to meet an agent . . .
Cuéllar Vivas: kwehlahr veevahs
Arechovaleta: arrechohvahletah
Miserias: mihzehreeah's
The novel begins on April 4.
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