Word Count: 108,011
Summary of Events:
Esperanza planned to tell Ana-Maria and Catalina why she hadn't turned up to carry out the escape, but Catalina had just suffered a forced abortion so she told them separately; she and Ana-Maria were then startled by Hercules, who made Esperanza suspicious that he may've heard escape talk. Riel was feeling frustrated, along with being disappointed by Patricia's seeming to have deserted him, then he got a phone call from his Father that left him sad and furious at the same time. Esperanza and Ana-Maria discussed their hopes for escape the next time around, and even thought a little about the bad things that could happen, but quickly banished those thoughts. Riel was bored and not really hungry for anything he had, so he went out to eat and saw Patricia with another man; he intercepted Patricia after she'd parted ways with the other man and offered her a ride to work and told her he was suspicious of the man, Xavier.
Excerpt of the Day:
""Because you're beautiful, innocent, and young, and if you don't take care, you could be ruined in the blink of an eye," Riel said.
"How would I be ruined?" Patricia asked, mostly looking irritated, but a measure of concern and curiosity coming into her expression.
"He could use you merely as a means to an end, without loving you, casting you aside like a worn out garment," Riel replied. "He could lie to you and take you somewhere you don't want to go and hold you captive there. He could even cause you to conceive a child and then abandon you to raise the child on your own."
Patricia looked at Riel worriedly.
"I'm not saying that this Xavier necessarily will," Riel said. "But I don't want you to think that he can't possibly do it. I have very strong suspicions that he might be able to, and I don't want to see you come to any harm because of it. I would hate to have been able to protect you and not actually have done so."
"It's not your job to protect me," Patricia said.
"I feel it is," Riel replied. "And besides, I already lost someone I should've been able to protect, but didn't succeed in doing so."
Patricia looked at Riel with a somewhat fearful and sad expression, all of her resentment and indignation had faded.
"I don't want to lose you too," Riel said.
"Oh I'm sorry," Patricia said quietly. "I promise I'll tell you everything, at least until you're reassured."
"Thank you," Riel said, unlocking the doors.
"And maybe we can hang out again soon," Patricia said.
"I'd like that," Riel said quietly.
Patricia leaned across the seat and touched her lips to his lightly. Riel took hold of her head and pressed his lips passionately into hers. He couldn't put words to the relief that he felt, so he hoped that his kiss would translate that to her.
She looked a little breathless after he released her, but smiled softly before slipping out of the SUV and sauntering toward the staff entrance.
Riel turned to look out the windshield and drive off when he saw Xavier staring after Patricia, a smouldering cigarette between his fingers.
Xavier turned and looked at Riel with a dark look before throwing the cigarette to the ground and grinding it out pronouncedly.
He held Riel's gaze for several seconds before stalking off toward the staff entrance angrily.
Riel felt like he'd just been warned. He felt his suspicions about Xavier were justified, and that Xavier had just warned him to tread carefully, or he might be ground out as firmly as the cigarette had been.
Looking toward the closed door of the staff entrance again, Riel shifted his jaw. He would've just sent a message to Father, but he didn't know that he liked the idea of sending weapons through the mail.
It looked like he'd have ten hours of driving ahead of him; that way he'd be prepared if his suspicions were founded, and not allayed, by Patricia's reports."
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