Word Total: 120,004
Year to Date: 420,030
Summary of Events:
Esperanza was visited — and beaten — by an angry Hercules. Riel went to the rendezvous location and waited for Patricia and Xavier to show up. Esperanza got ready for the party and watched as Zeus arrived. Riel successfully prevented Xavier and his friends from taking Patricia before being chased by a machine-gunner and escaping in a taxi. Esperanza, Catalina, and Ana-Maria successfully snuck into one of the guests' trunks thanks to a lost key fob with an unlock button on it. Riel prepared to return to Buenos Aires, stopping at the police station to give a witness statement to Roberto, as the machine-gunner who'd chased Riel had wrongfully massacred a family. Esperanza, Catalina, and Ana-Maria emerged from the car in the morning and found themselves in blissful freedom.
Excerpt of the Day:
"As Riel walked around the front of his SUV, he spied a piece of paper pinned under his wiper blade.
Reaching over, he pulled it out and then climbed into his SUV. Unfolding it, he found a typed message.
Slicky Suave,
Be warned that we know who you are, what you look like, and that you are an unwelcome meddler who will be eliminated at our first opportunity. Going to the police won't help you; they're a bunch of chumps, after all.
Enjoy your final breaths,
X, C, M, & T
Riel refolded the message and pocketed it. Starting his SUV, he pulled out of the parking lot toward the Buenos Aires route. He wasn't going to be home for long, he had a gang to join, and hopefully take down from the inside.
And maybe, along the way, he'd succeed in getting relief from the nightmares which had tormented him for far too long and would be able to bring Esperanza — if not Estefanía — home. . . .
. . . "You two look for some food and anything else you think might be a good idea to have, I'll get us a map," Esperanza said.
Catalina and Ana-Maria nodded as they walked inside.
Esperanza went over to the maps and looked. All of them had to do with different cities or states, but finally she found a map of America as a whole. That would show them how they should go about getting to Mexico, but now she had to find out what town they were in.
Once Catalina and Ana-Maria returned with food, drinks, and a first-aid kit, Esperanza paid.
"What do you do for fun around here?" Esperanza asked, gazing at the young man behind the counter from under low lids.
He looked at her, surprised. "You don't know what to do for fun in Charleston, South Carolina?"
"I've never been here before," Esperanza replied.
He gave her a list of events and places she never intended to go see. She knew where they were, now all they needed to do was find a place to have a look at the map and figure out their route to Mexico.
Once he'd finally finished listing things she bade him farewell and the three of them left.
"So we know where we are now," Esperanza said. "Let's go find a place to eat, and then we can have a look at the map and decide where we're doing to go from here."
Catalina and Ana-Maria nodded and the three of them set off again. Esperanza still felt rather excited. She couldn't believe she'd succeeded in escaping. She'd succeeded in finally getting free. Free from Zeus, free from Hercules, and Apollo, and all of the other Argonauts, free from that heavenly-veiled prison, and above all free from being tormented."
With the completion of this project, I am once again pleased to announce that I am a:
The next post will be on April 30.
Year to Date: 420,030
Summary of Events:
Esperanza was visited — and beaten — by an angry Hercules. Riel went to the rendezvous location and waited for Patricia and Xavier to show up. Esperanza got ready for the party and watched as Zeus arrived. Riel successfully prevented Xavier and his friends from taking Patricia before being chased by a machine-gunner and escaping in a taxi. Esperanza, Catalina, and Ana-Maria successfully snuck into one of the guests' trunks thanks to a lost key fob with an unlock button on it. Riel prepared to return to Buenos Aires, stopping at the police station to give a witness statement to Roberto, as the machine-gunner who'd chased Riel had wrongfully massacred a family. Esperanza, Catalina, and Ana-Maria emerged from the car in the morning and found themselves in blissful freedom.
Excerpt of the Day:
"As Riel walked around the front of his SUV, he spied a piece of paper pinned under his wiper blade.
Reaching over, he pulled it out and then climbed into his SUV. Unfolding it, he found a typed message.
Slicky Suave,
Be warned that we know who you are, what you look like, and that you are an unwelcome meddler who will be eliminated at our first opportunity. Going to the police won't help you; they're a bunch of chumps, after all.
Enjoy your final breaths,
X, C, M, & T
Riel refolded the message and pocketed it. Starting his SUV, he pulled out of the parking lot toward the Buenos Aires route. He wasn't going to be home for long, he had a gang to join, and hopefully take down from the inside.
And maybe, along the way, he'd succeed in getting relief from the nightmares which had tormented him for far too long and would be able to bring Esperanza — if not Estefanía — home. . . .
. . . "You two look for some food and anything else you think might be a good idea to have, I'll get us a map," Esperanza said.
Catalina and Ana-Maria nodded as they walked inside.
Esperanza went over to the maps and looked. All of them had to do with different cities or states, but finally she found a map of America as a whole. That would show them how they should go about getting to Mexico, but now she had to find out what town they were in.
Once Catalina and Ana-Maria returned with food, drinks, and a first-aid kit, Esperanza paid.
"What do you do for fun around here?" Esperanza asked, gazing at the young man behind the counter from under low lids.
He looked at her, surprised. "You don't know what to do for fun in Charleston, South Carolina?"
"I've never been here before," Esperanza replied.
He gave her a list of events and places she never intended to go see. She knew where they were, now all they needed to do was find a place to have a look at the map and figure out their route to Mexico.
Once he'd finally finished listing things she bade him farewell and the three of them left.
"So we know where we are now," Esperanza said. "Let's go find a place to eat, and then we can have a look at the map and decide where we're doing to go from here."
Catalina and Ana-Maria nodded and the three of them set off again. Esperanza still felt rather excited. She couldn't believe she'd succeeded in escaping. She'd succeeded in finally getting free. Free from Zeus, free from Hercules, and Apollo, and all of the other Argonauts, free from that heavenly-veiled prison, and above all free from being tormented."
With the completion of this project, I am once again pleased to announce that I am a:
The next post will be on April 30.
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