Saturday, April 30, 2016

May Novel Essential Information

Novel Title: Ascent
Time Setting: 9987, Sixth Age of Kysnim
Genre: Fantasy
Minimum Word Goal: 90,000
Timespan: 9987-9994
Locations: Ikulonsar Cetards and Kodulez Lemyazhmok, Qikatalukiq, Kysnim
Main Character: Ilyé Nikadenaer (Redekmaaz)
Background Information:
Kysnim is a world inhabited by many mythical creatures, each living on their own continent . . . or at least that was the case before Anaty Ném died.
Anaty Ném was a great dragon who lived the longest of any dragon in history, 40,695 years. He could've even lived longer, except that his own daughter brought about his end.
Neya Rillo was her name, and she engaged in battle with her father because he wouldn't tell her all of his magical knowledge — which was particularly great due to his age — and after sixty months of battling, she thrust her father through with a pine tree at a weak point in his scales.
Being as they'd been battling in the air, Anaty Ném plummeted to the ground, then exploded just before landing. Many dragons were killed in the blast and the dragons' continent, Syruolabé, was destroyed, with even the ocean boiling from the heat.
The nearest continent was the centaurs' continent, Anechyzdalam in the dragons' tongue, Qikatalukiq in the centaurs' tongue. After many battles, being as the centaurs, naturally, thought they were being invaded, the continent has come to be divided in two: the dragons' North, and the centaurs' South.
Shortly after peace was finally achieved the dragons introduced their specialty, magic, to the centaurs, and chose one of the most magically skilled centaurs as their liaison, called the Lemyazhmok.
For nearly 60,000 years peace has lasted, although the dragons have heard a prophecy that they will one day return to Syruolabé and are in great anticipation of that day.

Ilyé is the second son and youngest child of three children born to Níléts Ajuné and his wife, Yanéla Récédolba, although many suspect that he is somehow a crossing of a centaur and a dragon because, unlike all other Qikatamenj, or winged centaurs, his wings aren't feathered, but are dragon wings.
Like many centaurs since the introduction of magic, Níléts is a magician, and is also among the ever-present minority who seek to overthrow the Lemyazhmok and somehow achieve his great power.
In fact, Níléts has such great oratorial skills he's convinced the deposing faction that he should become the Lemyazhmok once Zharíka Lyarí, the current one, is deposed.
Unfortunately for Níléts, though, he would be forbidden to take the position of Lemyazhmok because he is married. The Lemyazhmok is forbidden to be married, mainly because marriage is a foreign concept to the dragons, and on top of that centaurs who are married can only create their magic with elixirs.
Ilyé, however, has no interest whatsoever in magic, mainly because his father and brother regularly test new spells on him, or even work spells on him with the intent to deliberately torture him for their own pleasure, and all centaurs — whether or not they like, use, or are able to make magic — seem to shun him for his uncommon appearance.

Kysnim: keysnihm
Ikulonsar Cetards: ickyoulawnsahr sehtahrs
Kodulez Lemyazhmok: kohdyouleh lemyahzhmock
Qikatalukiq: keycattahlukeick
Ilyé Nikadenaer: eelyay nickahdehneigher
Redekmaaz: redeckmahz
Anaty Ném: ahnahtee nehm
Neya Rillo: neighah rihlow
Syruolabé: seerooowelahbay
Anechyzdalam: ahnehcheezdahlahm
Níléts Ajuné: kneelets ahzhooneigh
Yanéla Récédolba: yahnehlah rehsehdohlbah
Qikatamenj: keycattahmehnee
Zharíka Lyarí: zhahreekah leeahree

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