Thursday, March 17, 2016

Astounded: Day 15

Word Count: 90,002

Year to Date: 300,026

Summary of Events:
Penrod and the posse from Verdant pushed on to get home instead of camping out for one more night and found some human remains Penrod guessed to be Mr. Vaughan's. He called on Jemima early and she made breakfast for him before he told her about the discovery, which led her to weep in mourning again. After Penrod had fed the animals Jemima gave him some chocolate pie and then got upset at him when he told her she'd be going to stay with one of her siblings shortly. After crying for a long time Jemima thought about how she'd fallen so hard for Penrod when he didn't seem to love her in return. Penrod got back to town and was told by Mr. Bateman that Susanna had come to visit, which he'd forgotten, and unfortunately things fell apart quickly . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
""And you're coming to their aid!" Susanna snapped.
"And why shouldn't I?" Penrod challenged. "She needed help."
"Because your woman, the woman you promised you would marry is the only one who deserves such treatment from you!" Susanna retorted, stalking past Penrod and out of the hotel room.
"Susanna, you told me that part of what you liked about me was my courtesy and my gentlemanly manners," Penrod replied, following her down the stairs. "And I strive to be a gentleman at all times, which includes helping anyone who may have a need. That is also part of my duty as an officer of the law, and as a Christian."
"Have my trunk brought down from my room to the stage office at once, thank you," Susanna said to a stunned Mr. Jackson, who mutely nodded.
"Susanna, you can't leave!" Penrod exclaimed.
"Yes I can, and yes I am," Susanna snipped, stalking out the door.
"But Susanna, I haven't done anything wrong!" Penrod protested. "I've merely done what I ought to do based on my occupation and my morals!"
"And such wretchedly skewed morals they are," Susanna snapped, whirling around to face him for a moment before stalking on. "On top of being horribly deceptive."
"Deceptive?" Penrod asked. "How have I deceived you? Any other woman would have no problem with my conduct."
"Well then go find them!" Susanna roared, coming to a stop beside the waiting stagecoach. "I am through with you!"
Penrod stood dumbfounded as Susanna stalked into the stage depot. He couldn't believe it. He absolutely couldn't believe it.
"I am going back to Rock Springs," Susanna said, reappearing out of the office. "And should you dare follow me there I will make sure that Father, Paul, and Arthur are all notified to shoot you on sight!"
Mr. Jackson appeared with her trunk, which was loaded onto the coach. Susanna watched them, her arms crossed, then turned to look at Penrod one more time.
"We are not getting married," she snapped. "And should I ever see your wretched face again it will be too soon!"
Turning back to face the coach, she climbed inside and slammed the door emphatically. Stunned, the driver got into his place and snapped the lines without a word. Mr. Jackson looked at Penrod like he didn't know what to say and hurried away quickly.
Penrod watched as the stagecoach set off down the street, a cloud of dust in its wake, carrying the woman he'd been fully intending to marry away from him for what she seemed to intend be the rest of their days.
Footsteps hurried up to him, but Penrod kept watching the stagecoach.
"Sheriff Haskell," Dr. Toews' familiar voice barely reached his ears. "I do believe I've got a positive identification on the remains."
The stagecoach disappeared among the trees.
"The remains belong to Henry Vaughan."
Dropping to his knees, Penrod burst into sobs. What had he done? What had he done?"

The next post will be on April 2.

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