Novel Title: Transformation Beginning
Time Setting: 2015
Genre: Hockey/Life Fiction
Minimum Word Goal: 90,000
Timespan: October to March/April
Location: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
Main Characters: Chalmers MacKenna, Alizabeth Toverud, Cole Ehly
Background Information:
Chalmers: Born in Middle Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia, Chalmers couldn't even begin to imagine what his parents look like; they divorced shortly after he was born and he was deposited on his paternal grandparents' doorstep.
Although surprised, his grandparents took on raising him willingly, teaching him to skate, play hockey, and cheer for the Montréal Canadiens; until his grandpa died when he was nine.
Stunned and disoriented by the loss, Chalmers' grandma chose to sell the home place in Nova Scotia and move in with her daughter in Kaleden, British Columbia, where Chalmers continued his hockey education under the stellar guidance of Joseph Evernden, one of the few people aside from his grandma whom Chalmers would listen to.
He was drafted by the Brandon Wheat Kings sixth overall in the WHL Bantam Draft and played with them for three years, his stellar talent quickly getting him into the NHL draft conversation.
For the first two years in Brandon, Chalmers had an excellent billet family, but at the end of the season before last they moved due to a job promotion for his billet dad.
Thus, for his final season, Chalmers was put with a new billet family who, unfortunately didn't even have half the care his former family had, and treated him like a burden.
He endured the treatment in silence until just after Christmas when finally he lost his temper, vandalized his billets' home and cars, and ran off to a teammate's house.
Due to his cations he was essentially benched for the rest of the season and his draft rankings plummeted so badly some people didn't even think he'd get drafted at all.
He was then sentenced to community service for the summer for his vandalism, and he was traded to the Swift Current Broncos as soon as trading was allowed. The most amazing thing, however, was that the Winnipeg Jets actually drafted him third overall in the NHL Entry Draft that summer.
Now, having served his community service, been drafted, and even attended training camp and nearly made the Jets, Chalmers is heading to Swift Current where nobody's entirely sure what he's going to do, now that his predictability has gone down the tubes.
Alizabeth: A lifelong resident of the Swift Current area, Alizabeth has been a Christian for most of her life, along with having a rather easy life, nothing majorly bad or traumatic having ever happened to her.
Alizabeth is pretty confident of what the future holds for her, she's going to attend the University of Saskatchewan and take a degree in English or History — or both — marry someone — she's not quite sure who, though, but she's not worrying either — and live in Swift Current, or at least Saskatchewan for the rest of her days.
However, her sister Abigayl chose to attend Bible School last year, and since her return, Alizabeth can't help but notice the change in her sister; a change she must admit she likes, and she wishes she could experience for herself.
Her plans, though, didn't include Bible School, and she's not sure whether she should postpone the U of S, or the Bible School, which is really leaving her in quite the dilemma.
Alizabeth Toverud: ah-liz-ah-beth toh-veh-rud
Ehly: eh-lie
Musquodoboit: musk-oh-doh-bwah
Montréal Canadiens: mohn-reh-ahl kah-nah-dyeh
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