Word Count: 18,005
Summary of Events:
Chapter 5:
Adaire and the fleet set sail from Beldonersteine with much pomp and ceremony at sunrise and made for Aifos. Saoirse went to deliver some mended clothes to the blacksmith's house and found out that the blacksmith liked her.
Chapter 6:
Adaire and the fleet docked at Aniger, the capital of Aifos, and were received by King Yévgeni Étatsé Nosolov XII and his wive, the Queen Consort Révékka and were then taken to lunch, where they met the Government of Aifos and the king's children.
Excerpt of the Day:
"The carpet was deep lilac and the chairs were upholstered in deep apple green — which was starting not to surprise Adaire; it would be more surprising if he were to see red, blue, yellow, or orange.
It looked like the table was set for a great crowd, but there was just the four of them — as the butler wasn't likely to sit down and eat with them — the king seated at the head of the table, the queen to his left, Adaire to his right, and the captain to Adaire's right.
Adaire glanced down the table at the empty places before looking down at his place setting of fine silver utensils and white glass plates edged with silver, lilac, and apple green stripes.
The glasses were clear and unmarked, the napkins were white and tied with a string of lilac and a string of apple green as if they were one string, even though they weren't woven together.
Remembering that his mother had told him it wasn't good to gawk, Adaire straightened and shifted uncomfortably, looking at the fair queen across from him who was looking toward the door.
Adaire looked over his shoulder toward the door as well and watched as it opened and a parade of children in various shades of lilac purple and apple green walked in. The oldest one — a son — looked to be the same age as Adaire's nieces, Luijsa and Ísobelle, which would put the queen at about thirty one years of age at the youngest.
Turning back to look at her, Adaire looked her over. How could she possibly be eleven years his senior? She looked like she was at the oldest three years his senior! Adaire turned back to the children, there were six of them, which meant that the queen was expecting the seventh.
All six of them sat alongside their mother from youngest to oldest; the youngest one looking maybe a year old. The queen looked at her children and smiled at them kindly before returning her gaze to the door.
Adaire looked as eleven men dressed in similar finery to the king — with exemption to the fact that they were bareheaded — strode in and were seated to the right of the captain with seven empty seats sporadically scattered between them. Then seven women walked in and filled the seats.
Unsure of the status of the men, Adaire assumed, though, that the seven women were wives of seven of the men. Adaire then turned and looked at the king as everyone else turned in that direction.
The king got to his feet. "Before we see food, I would like to introduce our guests," he said. "Master Eidere Sÿthei, heir and liaison of the Heijmegourde Shipping Company of Beldonersteine which is financing the trading mission that is also seeking to circle Ureonaiea."
Adaire stood up and nodded — he liked how the king had put his title, heir and liaison; he should remember that. Once the king was done he sat back down."
Aniger: ahkneezhehr
Yévgeni Étatsé Nosolov: yehvgehknee ehtahtsay nohsohlawv
Révékka: rehvehkah
Luijsa: Louisa
Ísobelle: easeohbell
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