Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Astounding Discovery: Day 2

Word Count: 12,007

Summary of Events:
Chapter 3:
Saoirse got to thinking about which of the eligible bachelors in town she ought to marry, but still coming to no resolution. Adaire had lunch at a tavern and got talking with two sailors about how to ensure the success of the voyage; smarts, or sacrifices.
Chapter 4:
Saoirse excitedly watched the marriage ceremony of her friend Eíghlín to her brother-in-law's brother and longed for her own wedding day — even though she had no idea who she'd be marrying in the least.

Excerpt of the Day:
"Bruíghse started the nest song, his fingers flying up and down the pipes; after several beats Dubhánn came in on the vaígóleínn, with the fingers of his left hand flying along the fingerboard and his right arm stroking the bow across the strings with an equivalent rapidity.
Instantly men brought women into the open circle and started dancing. Saoirse smiled as Peádraígh and Bryoíghnea went out into the circle. This jig was Peádraígh's specialty — and it was fantastic to watch him do.
Saoirse watched her sághre and leíbrághre as they started to dance. Peádraígh's feet flew — but didn't carry his body anywhere — as he danced, Bryoíghnea's feet not moving as fast, but keeping perfect pace with their steps.
A light tap on Saoirse's shoulder caused her to look away, Sgémoíse stood beside her, looking down at her as if he wished to speak.
"May I dance with you?" Sgémoíse asked.
"Of course," Saoirse replied, getting to her feet.
With an energetic leap that pulled Saoirse off of her feet, Sgémoíse leapt into the circle and started dancing. Saoirse's mind raced for a moment before she figured out where they were in the jig and was able to do her steps in time with his.
It didn't take long for Saoirse to find herself tiring, though, Sgémoíse was no slouch at this jig either, and Saoirse was having to work her hardest to keep up with him so that she wouldn't wreck the dance.
Saoirse then noticed that it was only Sgémoíse, Peádraígh, Bryoíghnea, and herself in the circle; there was no one else, this jig had developed into a dancing duel; not to mention Bruíghse and Dubhánn were playing their instruments faster: the first pair to falter, fall, or quit would be the losers.
Honestly, Saoirse had no doubt that Peádraígh and Bryoíghnea would succeed in winning the duel, but now she knew she had to work harder; she didn't exactly want to go down without a fight, even if a loss was certain.
Saoirse's sides began to ache, her legs felt heave, but she kept dancing, even when she thought she could dance no faster; Sgémoíse surely had to have been practising for something like this, she didn't recall him being this good at the last dance.
Bruíghse and Dubhánn continued playing, getting faster and faster — faster than Saoirse had ever thought it capable of either of them to play, talented though they were. It was all so incredibly fast Saourse couldn't believe she hadn't quit yet.
The crowd around them clapped thunderously and rapidly, few were stomping their feet anymore — it was too fast — and everyone looked eager to see who the winner would be.
Suddenly the séoghmaígpíb uttered a grossly unmusical sound and Bruíghse dropped to the floor, panting. All of the dancing and clapping stopped. Saoirse leaned against Sgémoíse, panting desperately. It was a tie, and mercifully it was over."

Eíghlín: eyhleen
Bruíghse: brooyse
Dubhánn: duhbhahn
vaígóleínn: vayohline
Peádraígh: peahdrayg
Bryoíghnea: breeooynyah
sághre: sahgr'
leíbrághre: leyhbrahgr'
Sgémoíse: zhehmooy'se
séoghmaígpíb: saygmypeeb

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