Thursday, September 11, 2014

September Novel No. 2 Essential Information

Novel Title: Corruption Rent
Series Title: Saga of Le Gané
Time Setting: 1560 Age of Peace*
Genre: Medieval-esque Fantasy
Minimum World Goal: 90,000 words
Timespan: March-June
Location(s): Ducdoummé of Marceaux, Le Ganéis, Ducdoummé of Ferdélè, Wouest Suid, Ducdoummé of Madeux, Le Suid
Main Characters: Étienne de Versant, Agathe d'Enclume
Background Information:
Le Ganéis Roidoummé: The 1400s in Le Ganéis were restless and rife with corruption that finally reared its head sixteen years into the next century. In 1501 the first in line to the Le Ganéis throne, Duc Mathieu, set off on a journey around the world with his ships wrecking off the coast of Aom Yarp. In 1515 the king, Roi Didier XIX, de Roudrienne, died heirless. Due to Mathieu's disappearance the next brother, Guillaume, ascended to the throne and became Roi Guillaume IV de Plandoule. In 1516 Mathieu turned up alive and well and claimed the throne, however he had violated the Purity Law of 565 by marrying a princess of Aom Yarp so Guillaume retained the throne. Upset, Mathieu rallied his Ducdoummé to rebel and in 1517 Guillaume declared war on Mathieu and his country of Le Nourd. Over the next fourteen years Guillaume's younger brother Louis, cousins Pierre and Gaston, and nephews Éric, Rodolphe, Albert, and Richard incited their Ducdoummés to rebellion and made it La Guerre de les Neuf. In 1548 Guillaume died and his son Joseph inherited the throne to become Roi Joseph VIII de Plandoule. At this time La Guerre de les Neuf has been raging for 43 years.
Étienne: Born the youngest son of eleven surviving children in a mining town, he was trained in the military by his patriotic father's orders. For being from the mountains he became a surprisingly good horse and bowman with such strength that his bow needed bronze plating to keep it from being broken when he fired. In 1549 he joined the army, battling on the Ferdélèois front from the beginning. He married his wife in 1559.
Agathe: Born the second oldest daughter in a blacksmith's family, she's lived all her life in the rough, treacherous foothills of northern Ferdélè — through its being captured by Wouest Suid in 1542, retaken by Le Ganéis in 1549, and recaptured by Wouest Suid in 1555. Since 1555 the majority of residents in her town are women as the men are being forced to make weaponry for the Wouest Suid army as a repayment for having allegedly helped the Le Ganéis forces take Ferdélè in 1549.
Le Gané/Le Ganéis: leh gahneh 
Ducdoummé: duckdoomeh (dukedom)
Marceaux: mahrsoh
Ferdélè: fehrdehleh
Wouest Suid: ooest zhweed
Madeux: mahdooh
Étienne de Versant: ehtyeh deh vehrsan
Agathe d'Enclume: ahgath dohncloom
Roidoummé: wahdoomeh (kingdom)
Duc Mathieu: duck mahchoo
Aom Yarp: ahohm yahrp
Roi Didier XIX de Roudrienne: wah didyeh dihz noof deh rhoodreeehn
Guillaume: gheeohm
IV: cat'
Plandoule: plahndoolh
Nourd: nohrd
Louis: loowhee
Gaston: gahstohn
Éric: ehreek
Rodolphe: rohdohlf
Albert: ahlbehr
Richard: reechard
La Guerre de les Neuf: lah ghwehr deh leh noof (The War of the Nine)
VIII: wheet
Ferdélèois: fehrdehlehwhah (denonym of Ferdélè)
*does not correspond with 1560 A.D.

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