Word Count: 12,003
Summary of Events:
Chapter 3:
Agathe and her mother discussed the lack of amity between Agathe and her older sister Mathilde, while Étienne fought some more and succeeded in taking a tent in the camp of the Wouest Suides. Agathe and all of the residents of her village gathered at the church — even the Wouest Suid soldiers — for Sunday morning service.
Chapter 4:
Étienne went to Premierpetit again to spend a night with Jacinthe and told her of their advances, having taken half the camp of the Wouest Suides, and driven them westward. Agathe thought about the collapse of the kingdom of Le Ganéis and Le Ganéis people and how, as dark as it seemed, there was some kind of purpose for it all in the grand scheme of things.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Women, girls, and boys were the residents of Extraireville, only young boys, all of whom were now over the age of four as — being as there were no men — no children could be born. The oldest boys were getting acquainted with the mountainsides, becoming as agile as the wild goats, getting to know the crevices, caves, nooks, crannies, and all the little secret places of the mountains, as when they were twelve the boys were taken away.
Unless they were able to hide and become as little thought of to the soldiers as to not be noticed. Such was the case with Jacques. Jacques was now thirteen and had been hiding in the mountains for nearly two years, even though he hadn't really needed to begin hiding so early, he had just chosen to do so.
Jacques was the last of Isaac and Marjolaine d'Enclume's sons, Agathe's youngest brother. He was the only one who had remained of the d'Enclume men after the Wouest Suides had taken all of the men away after they'd recaptured Ferdélè from Le Ganéis.
Isaac, Isaïe, Guillaume, Émile, and Joseph had all been taken. And along with them had been taken Jean, Mathilde's husband. Jacques had been nine then, and he had been adept at climbing the mountains, and he was still adept, but even one who was adept would damage his clothes sometimes, thus why Agathe was sewing for her brother new clothes.
They were grey — which was something that disappointed Jacques, being as he wanted to have more colourful clothes — being as grey helped him to hide among the rocks in case it should be that he were wandering outside and a Wouest Suid soldier happened to look in his direction. The last thing they wanted was to lose Jacques.
In losing Jacques more could be lost. No one could know how many boys might be around Jacques when he was noticed, the soldiers might take away all of the boys who had been hiding in the mountains. And the soldiers would surely know that the women had hidden them, and therefore might take some of them away — and no one knew where the women went to because the soldiers had never said.
All the women knew was that once every so often — and coming up sometime soon — a wagon would come through the village with boys inside it, to collect any boys who had come of age or had been found up in the mountains, and shortly thereafter would come a wagon with women inside it, women who had been caught hiding the boys, or women who had staunchly and courageously pledged allegiance to Le Ganéis, Le Suid, or Le Wouest, the nations with whom Wouest Suid was at war."
Mathilde: mahtildh
Extraireville: ehxtraihveelh
Jacques: zhahkh
Marjolaine: mahrzhohlaynh
Isaïe: ahzayh
Émile: ehmeelh
Jean: zhohnh
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