Friday, September 19, 2014

Corruption Rent: Day 7

Word Count: 42,007

Summary of Events:
Chapter 13:
Étienne observed Le Suid soldiers were up earlier than usual and surmised they were planning an ambush so he knocked a man unconscious and stole a horn to warn them and was tackled by the Wouest-Suides who he got revenge on by dislocating joints. He tried to intimidate Agathe but she told him she had God on her side and so was unafraid of him and challenged him on his faith. He told her faith was unnecessary, but was unwilling to divulge into how that could possibly be true. Agathe felt she ought to discuss more with him regarding faith and God, but didn't know where to start.
Chapter 14:
Étienne had a night mare involving Jacinthe and woke up. Being as it'd rained and he'd gotten soaked he was too cold to go back to sleep and stayed awake. He then attacked and — despite Agathe's best efforts — strangled a Le Suid man. Some other Le Suides came and found their comrade dead and one of them and Étienne got into a heated discussion and Étienne challenged the man to combat, but the man never came back and did combat with him, not that Étienne really cared too much, he'd guessed someone might've realized that giving him a weapon and letting him go wasn't a good idea.

Excerpt of the Day:
"A rocking motion woke Agathe. She felt cold and wet, but the sky was rather light, so the sun would hopefully warm her soon. A sick feeling passed over her as she heard someone chokingly gasping for air.
She shot up and lunged for the figure draped in something grey and wretched looking. The firm, thick muscle was tight and solid under her fingers. She pulled desperately, bracing her feet against the cate. Even if she got one had off would be a victory.
Desperately she pulled, her hands slipping on the wetness, but his sleeve wasn't moving, which was something she was grateful for. She was putting so much effort into it that it caused tears to spring to her eyes.
She wished she had a third arm so that she could pound at him or something, or maybe even knock him unconscious. For a moment she relaxed on her pull to readjust her grip. She felt his arm relax and she quickly pulled at it.
Chevalier de Versant pulled his other arm in and the man he'd been holding — his eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly agape — collapsed to the ground limply. Agathe turned her gaze away — especially with the sight of blood on his neck. She looked at Chevalier de Versant.
He looked satisfied, content, and even pleased with himself. The bloodthirsty mongrel! He'd killed the man!
"You're a monster," she finally whispered sharply.
Chevalier de Versant turned and looked at her, he looked as though he was inclined to laugh at her statement. A smile curled his lips but he had yet to laugh.
"Mademoiselle," he said. "Surely killing that man does not make me a monster. I've made my reputation by killing men. Day in and day out I have killed. I've killed hundreds of men, if not even a couple thousand men in the past ten years. Have I only now reached the threshold of monstrosity?"
Revulsion mashed Agathe's stomach around as she thought about it. Chevalier de Versant was a soldier — a Chevalier — his job, what he was paid to do, was to kill does who did not wear the white and silver of Le Ganéis Roidoummé in an attempt to regain the land that those men had taken from Le Ganéis."

Mademoiselle: mahdehmwhahzhell

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