Saturday, March 14, 2020

Inexplicable Incidents: Day 12

Word Count: 78,033

Summary of Events:
Étienne and his comrades engaged in battle with the Mardeaux once again, but this time they were called to retreat, not the Mardeaux, and Étienne discovered Commandant Bouchard had received a severe wound to his right forearm. Adrien needed help finding the weaver's so Aline went to help him, bringing her niece and nephew along because Joanne was busy. Étienne had volunteered to help Commandant Bouchard while his arm healed, which some were purporting Étienne was only doing to get promoted, led by the man Étienne had flogged for condemning the previous Commandant, which was more punishment than the man should have received, for which Étienne felt badly . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
“I understand, you were inexperienced, and, having seen much of the men you commanded in these fifteen weeks, I can see how your hold over them would’ve been tenuous, you needed a way to enforce your authority over them,” Commandant Bouchard said. “I do think that Cavalier Drouin believes that I beat you for your lust for power, for he was not well enough to be present and hear the actual sentence.”
Étienne nodded.
“Many of those men you commanded have been persuaded to agree with him,” Commandant Bouchard went on. “And now the men that I brought here are believing them for they know nothing of your brief period of command.”
“And they speak ill of me, all?” Étienne asked.
“Oui, unfortunately,” Commandant Bouchard replied.
“Is there any way we can inform them otherwise?” Étienne asked.
“I do not know,” Commandant Bouchard said.
“Even if I were to make grand overtures of submission they wouldn’t be convinced?” Étienne asked.
“Non,” Commandant Bouchard replied. “If anything such would persuade them that what they believe about you is true.”
Étienne sighed. It seemed that the opposition never ceased.
“This troubles you greatly,” Commandant Bouchard said.
“As much as there are men who claim me to be a living saint, I feel that there are a lot more men who would rather me not exist at all,” Étienne replied. “Many resent the fact that I have achieved what I have when I am so young, while they are Paresseux, they want to be rewarded when they do nothing, and they attack me when I get rewarded for putting in effort that they’re not willing to.”
Commandant Bouchard nodded. “I have seen an unusual amount of men who were under your command who are besieged by Paresse,” he agreed. “I do believe that this unit was one of the most impie units I’ve ever seen the remnants of, if I were not here to see it I would not believe it.”
“We had no prêtre with us until you brought Père Trudeau,” Étienne replied.
“What?” Commandant Bouchard asked, looking appalled. “There was no prêtre?”
“Non,” Étienne replied. “I don’t even know if there was a prêtre when I came here.”
Commandant Bouchard groaned and put his forehead into his hand.
“It is no wonder?” Étienne asked.
“None at all,” Commandant Bouchard replied, his voice shuddering.
Étienne nodded.
“I had heard reports that Commandant LeBlanc was not all that pieux,” Commandant Bouchard said, raising his head out of his hand. “But this? I didn’t realise this.”
“I’m sorry,” Étienne replied. “I should have mentioned it sooner.”
“It’s not your fault,” Commandant Bouchard said, shaking his head. “Piété is not easy, I will be the first to tell you it’s not, however, I will also be the first to tell you that the effort is supremely worthwhile.”
Étienne nodded.
“If we do not fight this war for Dieu, then what do we fight for?” Commandant Bouchard asked. “It is no Holy Cause if we do not fight for Dieu.”

Drouin: drooah'
Parreseux: pahrehsuh
Paresse: pahrehss
Impie: ahmpee
Prêtre: prehtrh
Père: pehr
Trudeau: troodoh
Pieux: pyuh
Piété: pyehteh
Dieu: d'yoo

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