Word Count: 6,112
Summary of Events:
Étienne woke up in the rooming house with his wife, where he'd spent his night's leave and was very slow and reluctant to leave her for the frontlines; to his surprise, the frontlines were 50km closer to Beaudroit than they'd been when he'd left them last night; he was also shocked to find himself the highest-ranking officer left alive, but as such, took control of the force that was now just under 250 men, down from nearly 900. Aline went to exchange two roosters with a neighbouring farmer for some beets and was surprised to discover a young man helping the farmer load some straw into the barn as she arrived . . .
Excerpt of the Day:
Once the wagon was empty M. Cournoyer drove off and the younger male figure disappeared inside. He emerged from the lower door of the barn in moments and walked up to her.
He was tall, strong, and young, just the sort of man that ought to be a cavalier at the frontlines; what was he doing here?
“Bonjour mademoiselle,” he said, bowing low at the waist before meeting her gaze with handsome dark brown eyes. “May I help you?”
“Um, bonjour monsieur,” she said, feeling a little flustered. “I’ve brought these for Madame Cournoyer, in exchange for some beets.”
“Ah,” he said. “Come, let us find where she wants them.”
She followed him to the house, outside of which Mme. Cournoyer was hanging out a load of washing. She turned at their approach.
“Ah, Aline, bonjour,” Mme. Cournoyer said. “Have you brought me your best roosters?”
“They are among the finer,” Aline replied.
“Very good,” Mme. Cournoyer said. “Put them with the flock please.”
The young man took the cages from Aline and headed off.
“I will get you the beets,” Mme. Cournoyer said.
Aline nodded and waited alone for a few moments before the young man returned with the empty cages.
“I presume you would like these returned?” he asked.
“Oui merci,” Aline replied, taking them back from him.
He stood for a moment, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“What is your name?” he asked.
“Aline LaPrairie,” she replied. “And yours?”
“Adrien LaFleur,” he replied. “Enchanté.”
“Enchanté,” she replied.
“You look concerned,” he said.
“Well, I don’t know you,” Aline replied. “But I know the Cournoyers.”
“I have come to help them very recently,” he replied. “They are relatives, and they needed help bringing in the harvest, so I decided to help, as it contributes to the war effort.”
“But you are young and strong,” Aline said. “Surely there are other ways you can contribute.”
“Mais non,” he replied. “I cannot fight.”
“But why not?” Aline asked.
“I am blind in one eye, and cannot hear in the same ear,” he replied. “A terrible accident when I was a boy. A one-eyed, one-eared cavalier is useless.”
Aline nodded, she could see how such inauspicious handicaps could be shortcomings.
“I would contribute that way if I could,” he said. “But since I cannot, I do what other things I can.”
“And that is good,” Aline said.
Mme. Cournoyer returned with the maroon vegetables that some considered the ultimate symbol of patriotism because of their similarity in hue to the royal colour of Arbrienne.
“Merci beaucoup for taking some of these off of my hands,” Mme. Cournoyer said.
“You’re welcome,” Aline replied, taking the pail in one hand, having shifted the cage handle further down her arm.
“See you on Sunday,” Mme. Cournoyer said.
“You also,” Aline replied. “Au revoir Monsieur LaFleur.”
“Au revoir Mademoiselle LaPrairie,” M. LaFleur replied.
Turning away Aline headed homeward, doing her best to banish thoughts of the young man from her mind, not because she disliked him, but because of the way he made her flush and feel a flutter within.
M./monsieur: mihs'yehr
Cournoyer(s): kohrn'wahyeh
Cavalier: kahvahl'yeh
Bonjour: bohzhoor
Mademoiselle: mahdehm'wahzell
Mme./madame: mahdahm
Oui: whee
Merci: mehrsee
Adrien: ahdreeehn
LaFleur: lahflehr
Enchanté: ehnshahntey
Mais: may
Non: noh
Beaucoup: bohkoo
Au revoir: oh rehv'wah
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