Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Game Changer: Day 14

Word Count: 84,018

Summary of Events:
Hawk stayed in hiding at Tekla's residential unit for a few days while Tekla collected him a disguise of loose-fitting black clothes, contact lenses that made his eyes brown, and black dye for his hair before he went off to the Military Headquarters and started hacking away with the other assembled hackers — except that he wasn't trying to get into the Sons of Nahash's computers, he instead hacked an Emim probe manufacturer and started making lots of probes loaded with high explosives . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
Once that was started Hawk shrunk that window and set it off in the corner where it would flicker or blink if his attention was required in its direction and then started searching for the video the hackers were working to send.
It took him a bit of work to find the video message that the General Secretary had recorded, but he finally succeeded and prepared to watch it.
Putting on some wireless earpieces that Tekla had gotten him, Hawk plugged their small antenna — which looked like little more than a large droplet of water when inserted — into the port.
An automated voice spoke, telling him that his earpieces were connected; he then selected to watch the video.
The video filled the screen and soon the General Secretary appeared, seated behind his desk, with his office looking rather grand and imposing behind him, his uniform looking perfect.
“Attention Sons of Chesil,” the General Secretary said, practically spitting the words out like bad food. “I am General Secretary Vedran Dzhugashvili of the Emim.”
He stared savagely for a moment.
“We have received your probe, your declaration of war,” he continued. “And we return it. All of our forces are mobilised, and we shall attack you until you are no longer, with not even a remnant to run away to Deep Space like cowards.”
An evil smirk lifted the General Secretary’s moustache on one end.
“It is regrettable that we did not finish you the first time,” he went on. “But where our forebears failed, we will succeed. You will suffer until you are annihilated, and then your names will be torn from the history books, wiped from the hard drives, and driven from our minds as the people who never existed.”
The General Secretary brought his hands up and clasped them just under his mouth, his smirk lifting into a smile.
“You have declared war on the wrong people,” he said. “You have declared war on the fiercest and most valiant warriors of the entire universe, and you will severely regret it, for we shall show you no mercy. Insolent wretches like you deserve none. May your death be agonising.”
With that, the video was finished.
Hawk was going to see about editing the video to see if he could change what it said almost entirely, but the shrunk window flickered, so Hawk enlarged it over top of the window he’d been looking at and saw that the factory had already finished fifty thousand probes loaded with high explosives.
Immediately Hawk ordered them to launch and sent their flight instructions before shrinking the window again and opening another window that he set up to show him live security footage near the factory, and he watched with pleasure as the explosive probes began their three-day journey to Maarath for the destruction of the Sons of Chesil.

Dzhugashvili: zhoogahshveelee

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