Word Count: 60,064
Summary of Events:
Hawk was summoned, with all of his fellow officers, to a meeting where the General Secretary told them how he meant to attack the Sons of Nahash: he meant to send a probe to them like they had to him, followed by an attack force. Hawk knew such a plan would result in much death for the Emim and followed the General Secretary to his office to confront him about it relentlessly . . .
Excerpt of the Day:
The General Secretary slapped Hawk again. “Be silent!”
“No,” Hawk declared. “I will not be silent. For the good of our people I will not be silent.”
Heavily the General Secretary slapped Hawk’s face twice more. “I will not have this insubordination!”
“You mean to destroy our people by this tactic!” Hawk shouted. “You mean to bring an end to the Emim and leave it between the Sallu and the Sons of Chesil who gets Tamah!”
“You insubordinate wretch!” the General Secretary roared. “You will suffer for these words!”
“I cannot let my people be destroyed,” Hawk replied emphatically. “We will not give up so easily, fail so foolishly, we cannot.”
The General Secretary seized Hawk’s throat and dug his fingernails in deeply. Hawk could feel his skin giving under the pressure and blood starting to ooze. The General Secretary’s face contorted into savage expressions.
“I am the General Secretary!” the General Secretary roared. “And I will not suffer this insubordination! You have gone too far! You have turned my daughter against me and into a wench and now you dare to challenge my authority and call me stupid! You will die for this!”
Hawk pried at the General Secretary’s hand with both of his own and released it from his neck, allowing him to breathe properly again.
“You mean to kill us all,” Hawk said. “ And I will not let that happen.”
“I mean to kill them all!” the General Secretary roared. “And I will kill them all! I am the General Secretary!”
“That doesn’t give you any superpowers!” Hawk cried. “You’re just as killable as anyone else!”
“So!” the General Secretary bellowed. “That is what you mean to do! You mean to kill me!”
“No sir,” Hawk replied, doing his best to keep a steady voice. “The Sons of Chesil mean to kill you. And they will succeed because you are playing right into their hand.”
“You know nothing about military strategy,” the General Secretary growled.
“Then why do you claim that the military strategists at the Institution are among the best the Emim have?” Hawk asked. “I was taught military strategy, and I have received much commendation and even promotion because of my competency with it.”
“This type of war you were not educated for,” the General Secretary said.
“Yes I was,” Hawk replied. “We are trained to be crack troops no matter what the scenario. That’s the whole point of the Institution.”
“I am your penultimate superior officer,” the General Secretary said.
“It’s ultimate sir,” Hawk said before the General Secretary could speak again. “Ultimate is top, penultimate is second from the top. General Mihaylov is my penultimate superior officer. You are my ultimate superior officer.”
The General Secretary slapped Hawk across the face again. “I have had enough of you! I am your penultimate superior officer, that means that I know more than you do in every single thing!”
“You should,” Hawk said. “But you don’t. Because if you did you wouldn’t be this stupid.”
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