Novel Title: Treacherous Impulses
Time Setting: 2016
Genre: Thriller
Minimum Word Goal: 120,000
Timespan: June 4-22
Locations: London, England; Brussels, Belgium; Marseille, France; Milan, Italy; Tallinn and Narva, Estonia; St. Petersburg and Moscow, Russia; Zenica and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina; Pljevlja and Podgorica, Montenegro; Durango, Mexico City, and Puebla, Mexico; Belize City, Belize; Havana, Cuba; Nassau, Bahamas; Valparaíso, Chile; Cochabamba and Sucre, Bolivia; Córdoba, Argentina; Salto, Rivera, and Montevideo, Uruguay
Main Characters: Hilton James-Sheahan, Mackenzie Blackbear
Background Information:
The grandson of a finance magnate on his father's side and a prominent scientist in the field of metal studies on his mother's side, Hilton has lived in the high social circles of Manchester his entire life; but all has not been pleasure. Hilton's parents divorced when he was five, and his mother won custody, which she used to restrict contact with his father — for all of five years — although she largely neglected him.
In part due to the sour relations with his mother, Hilton's occupational pursuit is rather atypical of high society, but no one can dispute the fact that it is his passion: driving. He is a professional driver, one of the most renowned in the business, and considered largely self-taught. His most favourite driving experience was doing the stunt driving in a James Bond film, although his most common employer is Aston Martin — a job that comes with a complimentary car annually if he wants it.
Mackenzie is a part First Nations Canadian from the vast wilderness of Yukon Territory where she has lived with her family for all her life, and intends to live for the rest of her days, being as she loves the wilderness — thus it's only natural for her to work for a wilderness tour company — the quiet, and the privacy.
However, she has recently given up the wilderness, quiet, and privacy of the Yukon for the crowded, noisy, and not terribly private city of London, as one of her childhood friends who is taking secondary education in England is feeling rather homesick.
They've been having a pretty good time exploring the city — which Mackenzie must admit is legitimately interesting — however, the one evening her friend was feeling ill, so Mackenzie let her friend rest and spent her evening looking around on Wikipedia, where she found the strangest thing . . .
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