Novel Title: Unriddling Clues
Series Title: Saga of Aissure*
Time Setting: 1872 Age of Peace†
Genre: Medieval Fantasy
Minimum Word Goal: 90,000
Timespan: February-July
Locations: Zilyograd, Prizimlyatsa Oblashkey, Czirvik Tzhikir; Bolodenkagrad, Solnizhna Oblashkey, Czirvik Tzhikir; and other locations long the Tzhikir-Aissure border
Main Characters: Nikita Davydavich Kharondirev, Gavriila Lavrintieva Comaromkova
Background Information:
Nikita is the oldest son of an accomplished koszhiak soldier — cavalryman — and his wife, who had always dreamed of becoming a koszhiak like his father, playing war and working with horses at home until finally he was drafted into the military at age seventeen. In the three years since then, despite his low rank, he's become quite renowned for his skill with horses that has been proven at some instances even to exceed his father's, along with being commended for his sharp military mind which is part of why he has already achieved the rank of Cavalier. He has big dreams for his military career as well, hoping to one day — preferably soon — become a General and lead the Tzhikirskey army in conquering all — or at least most — of the Far North of Ureonaiea.
Gavriila is the oldest daughter of a koszhiak soldier and his wife, all of her siblings are girls as well, which somewhat distresses Gavriila, as her father has no heir, and should he die before his daughters are wed, horrible atrocities would be done to her mother, herself, and her sisters because they have no male representative in the military. Her father has regularly insisted and intended to comfort her by telling her he couldn't be more proud of his beautiful daughters, and that he doesn't need a son to be happy. It probably doesn't really help, though, that when Gavriila was young she always wished she was a boy as well, so that she wouldn't get in trouble for pretending to fight, or for trying to ride horses — especially astride — and she could go on an adventure without people thinking it ridiculous.
Aissure: aceyoor
Zilyograd: zihlyohgrad
Prizimlyatsa: prisimleeatsah
Oblashkey: ohblahshkey
Czirvik: zeervick
Tzhikir: zhihkeer
Bolodenkagrad: bowlohdenkagrad
Solnizhna: soulneeshnah
Nikita Davydavich Kharondirev: nickeetah davidahvitch cahrondeerev
Gavriila Lavrinteva Comaromkova: gahvreelah lahvrinteeayvah comahromkohva
Koszhiak: koshyak
Tzikirskey: zhihkeerskee
Ureonaiea: yurhahneighah
*Aissure is located in the same world as O'Enne (June Novel: Astounding Discovery), Zeig (March Novel: Hopeless Night), and Le Gané (2014 September Novel No. 2: Corruption Rent)
†Does not correspond to 1872 A.D.
Next post will be February 1.
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