Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Reconciling Circumstances: Day 8

Word Count: 48,021

Summary of Events:
Chapter 15:
Heleighna watched Étienne as he worked Tempête, and then Couronne — spellbound by his talent with the horses — before going shopping with Teghanne. Étienne had dinner with his father and his father's fellow company founders.
Chapter 16:
Heleighna met Jacques-Henri Tremblay, Granville's billet family's son who'd just been transferred to her school and learned some more about Étienne. Étienne called Amanda and told her about Sauvage's sprain and then wandered around bored because he couldn't work Sauvage.

Excerpt of the Day:
""Hello?" Amanda answered.
"Allô," Étienne replied.
"Hey, I haven't checked her yet," Amanda said. "Were you wondering?"
"Non," Étienne replied.
"Why'd you call then?" Amanda asked.
"Well, I, I'm not really sure how to say it," Étienne replied. "Not without getting upset."
"Did I mess something up?" Amanda asked, sounding concerned.
"No, not really," Étienne replied. "I just won't be interested in doing natural breeding again anytime soon, unless it's a hybrid of conventional and natural, with a bit more control involved."
"Why? Cut to the chase already!" Amanda said.
"Sauvage sprained a hind tendon," Étienne replied.
"Oh my," Amanda gasped.
"Dr. Charron says it has to do with rearing," Étienne said. "And awkwardly."
"So are you saying she won't have a foal?" Amanda asked.
"It depends on when he reared awkwardly," Étienne replied. "If it was while he was doing what he was supposed to then we're fine. If it was beforehand and he never did because of the pain, then no. It all depends on what you find. I can't confirm anything here."
"I would like to try again if she doesn't take or never got it," Amanda said.
"Then I would like there to be someone always watching the pasture and have them only together during the daylight hours," Étienne said. "I don't want wholly natural, lest Sauvage get injured again. I was terrified it was a bone spavin."
"I'm glad it wasn't, and I'm so sorry," Amanda said. "Should I give you some extra?"
"No, I'll be fine," Étienne replied.
"Oh man, I'm so sorry Étienne," Amanda said. "Nothing like that's ever happened before; things have always gone pretty well. Of course every other horse I've used has been retired already, and of course it happens with an active competitor. Is there any way at all I can make it up to you?"
"I don't think so," Étienne said. "I've got pretty much everything I want. Or do you have a time machine so we could go back and undo that?"
"No, I don't," Amanda said. "And I honestly kind of wish I did now too. Gee, I feel horrible.
"I guess you've learned a little something is all really," Étienne said.
"Yeah, I guess so," Amanda said. "I think I'll check the pasture and see if there are any spots that might've facilitated the injury or not. I'll let you know if I find anything, and if Georgie is in foal when we check at the end of the month."
"Alright," Étienne said.
"I hope Sauvage gets better soon," Amanda said.
"Hopefully he should be back up and going again before the break is over," Étienne said.
"That's good, I hope you don't run into any complications," Amanda said.
"Absolutely," Étienne agreed.
"Well, I'll call you when I've got information," Amanda said. "Bye."
"Au revoir," Étienne replied."

Jacques-Henri Tremblay: zhahk ohnree trahmblay
Allô: ahlow
Non: noh
Charron: sharohn'
Au revoir: ohrvwah

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