Thursday, April 23, 2015

Reconciling Circumstances: Day 13

Word Count: 78,059

Summary of Events:
Chapter 25:
Heleighna arrived home form school and found a parcel from home full of birthday and Christmas presents, she became overwhelmed by homesickness and talked with Mme. Amyotte, Teghanne, and the horse Résolu.
Chapter 26:
Heleighna was called by Papa early in the morning. Étienne got up and talked with the cook Mme. Villetard, then he went to the school and helped shovel snow, had breakfast, and then worked with Sauvage, all the while feeling like he was getting nowhere.

Excerpt of the Day:
"Heleighna took up her phone and looked. Papa. Pressing the button to accept the call, she put her phone to her ear.
"Allô Heleighna," Papa said. "It took you awhile to get to the phone."
"I was sleeping," Heleighna replied.
"What time is it there?" Papa asked.
Heleighna pulled her phone away from her ear and looked, but it didn't have a clock on it.
"What time is it there?" Heleighna asked in return.
"Noon, Papa replied.
"Then it's six in the morning here, my alarm only goes off in a half an hour," Heleighna replied.
"Has your parcel arrived yet," Papa asked.
"Yes," Heleighna replied.
"Did you like what I got you?" Papa asked. "Maman said you would like it, but I wasn't entirely sure."
"Yes, I did Papa," Heleighna replied. "It was wonderful Papa, it's one of the best gifts you've ever gotten for me."
"I'm glad," Papa said. "When can we expect a parcel from you?"
"I don't know," Heleighna replied. "I haven't even thought about presents yet."
"Just like me," Papa said. "I didn't remember to get you a birthday present until the day after your birthday."
Heleighna smiled, although she could feel the sadness and loneliness welling up inside of her again.
"Hopefully we'll get them in time for Christmas," Papa said.
"I'll see what I can do," Heleighna replied.
"Why are you whispering," Papa asked.
"Because I'm going to cry," Heleighna replied, her voice choking.
"Oh Heleighna amoureuse, don't cry," Papa said.
"I can't help it Papa," Heleighna replied.
"Why should you cry?" Papa asked. "You're being well taken care of, you're learning a lot, and hopefully you're going to have a better future because of your education, there's nothing to cry about."
"I'm all alone," Heleighna replied.
"No you're not," Papa said. "You have M. and Mme. Amyotte, and your friends you've told me about, Granville and Jacques-Henri and Teghanne; you can easily call me, or Maman, or Yzabelle, or your friends here, Jacquelinne and . . . Aléxandra."
"But I'm going to be away from all of you for Christmas," Heleighna said.
"It will be alright," Papa said. "We'll all get together on Christmas and call you."
"I can't get hugs from any of you, I can't even just sit down beside you and feel you," Heleighna said.
"Summer isn't that far away," Papa said.
"Yes it is!" Heleighna replied. "It's seven months!"
"Amoureuse," Papa said. "If you forget about how long it is and just do things and have fun it will pass in no time at all, I promise you, it won't be so bad, you didn't seem to think it was that bad or that long before."
"But that was before I realized I was going to be away for Christmas," Heleighna replied.
Papa sighed. "I promise you'll be alright Heleighna, it will be fine."
"I don't know," Heleighna replied."

Résolu: rehzoh-lu
Villetard: villtahrd
Amoureuse: ahmohr-ooze

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