Novel Title: Hopeless Night
Series Title: Saga of Zeig*
Time Setting: 1627-1639 Age of Peace†
Genre: Medieval-esque Fantasy
Minimum Word Goal: 90,000 words
Timespan: August 1627-June 1639
Location(s): Graßbenestädt am Waßergabein, Flächbenestadte am Zeig, Geizenstadte am Küste, Hangstädt am Krummbucklig, Sommerstädt am Apfel, Funsternessädt am Voortrefflisch, Ellbogenstädt am Weizen, and Wiesestädt am Strenghärte, Kaingsvoldisch Zeigreisch
Main Characters: Magnus Kenner and Emma Pächlersöhn
Background Information:
Kaingsvoldisch Zeigreisch: Established as a distinct nation in 237, and a monarchy in 301, Zeig has been a rather peaceable nation throughout its history; even when the kingdom separated, producing Kaingsvoldisch Deuschbren in 792, and Kaingsvoldisch Außtöst in 817, the separations were peaceable and the relations between the nations have since been amicable.
The most unique thing about Zeig, however, is how it deals with convicted criminals. In 798 Zeig abolished slavery, but noted that it had hardly abated by 808 — ten years later — so the king declared that there would be no more prisons; instead, convicted criminals who didn't receive the death sentence would be sentenced to slavery and were allowed to be bought, sold, and treated more along the lines of animals until their time was served — or if it was life, until they died.
In the 1600s Zeig is well known for its foods, it is one of the major agricultural producers and much of the finest foods available have been grown or raised within the borders of Zeig.
Magnus: Born the fourth son and ninth child of fifteen (seventh of ten living) children to a wainwright^ and his wife, Magnus lives a slightly above-average life. He lives such a life because his mother is the eldest daughter of one of the king's own food suppliers — a rather wealthy man.
Being as Magnus' maternal grandfather had no sons — making his mother the technical heiress to the farm — Magnus is not only being trained as a wainwright, but he has also gained knowledge in farming, and has shown himself exceptional above his brothers in managing the farm, in specifically in horsemanship, which as made him his grandfather's favourite and sparked rumours around the town that Magnus might inherit his grandfather's farm.
Emma: The third daughter and seventh child of soon-to-be ten (sixth living of currently seven) children born to a servant couple who are willingly employed by another one of the king's own food suppliers by the name of Ladislaus Reiter; she doesn't really mind the fact that her family is lesser fortunate than Magnus' family would've been without his mother being who she is. In fact, Emma finds her life quite happy and doesn't really want for anything she doesn't already have.
Zeig: zayegh
Graßbenestädt am Waßergabein: grass-bennehstahd ahm wasser-gahbyne
Flächbenestadte: flachbennehstahd
Geizenstadte: guyzehnstahd
Küste: koost
Hangstädt: hahngstahd
Krummbucklig: crummbuck-lig
Sommerstädt: sohmerstahd
Apfel: app-fell
Funsternesstädt: foonsternehstahd
Voortrefflisch: voortref-lish
Ellbogenstädt: elbow-genstahd
Weizen: why-zen
Wiesestädt: wisestahd
Strenghärte: strehnghahrt
Kaingsvoldisch: kangsvold-ish
Zeigreisch: zayegh-rayesh
Pächlersöhn: pahchler-sown
Deuschbren: dooyshbrehn
Außtöst: ows'toast
Ladislaus Reiter: ladisslouse righter
*Zeig is located in the same world as Le Gané from September Novel No. 2, Corruption Rent, last year
†Does not correspond to 1627-1639 A.D.
^Wainwright is the archaic term for wagon maker
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