Novel Title: Glimpsed
Time Setting: 1881
Genre: Historical Fiction
Minimum Word Goal: 60,000
Timespan: January-April
Locations: Denver & Georgetown, Colorado
Main Characters: Samuel Manning, Charlotte Langridge
Background Information: Samuel Manning was born in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky into a coal mining family. His mother died when he was four years old and he and his siblings were sent to live with his spinster aunt in Owensborough for four years until his father remarried. In 1866 his father died of silicosis leaving Samuel, his older brother, and his sister Christina with their step mother and her four children.
Shortly after their father's death Christina married Robert Goos and set out on the Oregon Trail to head west — although they only got as far as about Nebraska before Robert headed for Colorado at the lure of gaining a fortune in silver. They settled in Georgetown and Robert worked to strike it rich — however he took many risky gambles and reduced them to living in a tiny shack at the edge of town.
As soon as Samuel and his brother became adults they both set off, having no real family ties in Kentucky. Samuel's brother married and settled down to run a general store in Nebraska, while Samuel for the most part has gone wherever the jobs are. He's worked as a carpenter, a railway engineer, with his brother at his store in Nebraska during his sister in law's first pregnancy, and also at a cattle ranch.
Most recently he's settled down in Nevada with a job as a butcher, although he's sure it'll be about as brief a job as his last one, being as he still hasn't found a place where he really truly feels like he belongs.
Charlotte Langridge was born and spent about half of her life in Ohio before her family moved to Denver with her uncle when she was eleven. She hasn't really had much for any significant adventure in her life — not that she minds — and she's looking forward to adulthood.
She is courting a local wheelwright by the name of Elisha Seaborn and enjoys spending much time with him, and also with her sister Deborah who as recently become betrothed to Holloway Pue, with a wedding planned for the coming March which Charlotte is quite looking forward to — mainly to glean ideas for her own, hopefully, impending wedding to Elisha, once he's proposed to her of course.
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