Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Here to Stay: Day 8

Word Count: 48,116

Summary of Events:
Later on at the barbecue Jake was able to witness Keanu Baron meeting Wells Ellerington, which he feared because they were both rich, spoiled, and didn't really like him, thus he worried they would find common ground to gang up on him; but to his surprise, the two of them got into an argument almost immediately. A few days later it was the 127th birthday of one of James' great-grandfather's brothers, so he went to the family cemetery to visit his great-great uncle's grave; his visit was curtailed by the appearance of a mustang stallion who upset his stallion, forcing James to scare the mustang off with a bullet from his rifle before the two got into a bloody fight. Jake was dozing on his hammock when the barking of the family's oldest dog woke him, revealing to him that the veterinarian had come to call . . .

Excerpt of the Day:

Pierce, having heard Musti’s bass bark, appeared from the barn and greeted Dr. Dutchak, while Jake, feeling incredibly curious — as he’d heard nothing in the morning meeting recap over breakfast about a visit from Dr. Dutchak — sat up on his hammock and hung his legs over the side so that he could slide his boots back on and head over to see what they were up to.

He gave Musti a parting scratch on the head as Musti rose to his feet with a groan, not likely to follow Jake, but to go back to the house and collapse heavily on the veranda.

Pierce and Dr. Dutchak headed into the barn before Jake reached them, so he stood outside the barn to listen.

“We agreed that since there are two particularly large operations in this area who actually both adjoin the property in question to some measure, that we should take some precautionary measures, particularly with those herds,” Dr. Dutchak was saying. “After all, it is a serious thing to have in a herd, and it could even help us to determine where it may’ve come from, as old cattle are more disposed to manifesting it, but it can be dormant for years.”

“It is fairly rare, though,” Pierce said.

“It is, thankfully,” Dr. Dutchak said.

“I understand, though, that it’s better to be safe than sorry,” Pierce agreed. “The main question is, would you be able to carry all you need on a horse? Or are you just going to drive up?”

The sound of fast-moving hooves distracted Jake from Dr. Dutchak’s reply and he turned to see Dad riding in on the Colt, who looked a little agitated, while Dad looked rather calm, but didn’t dismount as he looked at Jake.

Since his gaze had an expectancy in it, Jake walked forward.

“Have they gone up or are they still here?” Dad asked.

“They’re here,” Jake replied, indicating over his shoulder with his thumb.

Dad nodded. “Here.”

He reached to his hip and tossed glinting brass to Jake, who caught it and found a spent cartridge in his hand.

“What did you shoot?” Jake asked.

“Nothing,” Dad replied.

“Then why did you shoot?” Jake asked.

“Because I had to,” Dad replied. “Go get Cloverlawn ready.”
“Why?” Jake asked.

“We’re going up to test the cattle,” Dad replied.

“For what?” Jake asked.

“BTB,” Dad replied.

Jake felt a little startled. He’d heard of BTB a little bit, he knew it led to ranches getting quarantined and whatnot, but he was pretty sure that they’d never had it at their ranch.

He was going to ask Dad why when he remembered what he’d just eavesdropped from Pierce and Dr. Dutchak, it was a neighbouring place that had BTB, and they were just checking to see that it wasn’t here too.


Musti: moosstee

Dutchak: duhchick

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