Increase Over Year Prior: -225,183
Novel Total: 10
Increase Over Year Prior: -1
Longest Novel: Run, 120,034 words, 209 pages
Shortest Novel: What Nobody Saw, 90,006 words, 162 pages
Summary of the Year:
On one hand, it feels as if this writing year has been an eternity — I barely remember writing the novels with which I began the year — but, on the other, it’s also seemed to have flown by, with neither summer nor autumn seeming to last long enough.
Nonetheless, it’s done, and I must say that I’m quite satisfied with what I accomplished, even if the word total is one of the smallest that I’ve accumulated since I’ve started keeping track.
Once again, I didn’t participate in NaNoWriMo, although I would still promote the event for people who do want to give writing a try. I must admit, though, that I think I’m not the sort of writer for whom NaNoWriMo is helpful, as I am a little rigid — even if I had the flexibility to add 15,000 additional words to my final project of the year instead of trying to shoehorn all that I wanted to have happen into the 90,000-word goal I’d set for myself — and don’t often have the desire to throw wrenches and other things into my novels, usually because I have a plot going in and to do something random or crazy would turn my characters away from my set goal for them.
Regardless, the time comes to look forward to next year, which is going to feature some new projects that I’m super excited about, particularly later on in the year, while all of my projects that are revisions of past manuscripts are actually shaping up to be major enough overhauls to seem almost like new stories — with the least-overhauled story probably being the next one up in January, which I am, nonetheless, looking forward to, as it will certainly be an improvement on its previous incarnation.
I look forward to writing again next year and hope that you’re all inclined to join me again. Until then, I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas.
R.A. Millet
Next Post: 2 January.