Monday, May 04, 2020

Unavoidable Confrontations: Day 1

Word Count: 6,017

Summary of Events:
Madeleine settled down out on the deck to relax while Alina played on a blanket with her toys when one of Madeleine's friends from Sweden, Nellie, called to chat about things, including Nellie's upcoming wedding, which she wanted to see Madeleine and Alina involved in as members of the wedding party . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
“She’d hardly be walking, though,” Madeleine said.
“I’ve already thought of that, though,” Nellie said. “We could have Ville pull her down the aisle on a little sled, and she could have the ring pillow on her lap, it would be so adorable, and she could wear her own little flax blue dress and have some flowers with her, but she wouldn’t be expected to throw petals of course. It would just be the most darling thing, and with her looking so much like you, she would look so adorable.”
“It would look very cute,” Madeleine admitted, envisioning her smiling daughter in a little blue dress, probably something sparkly keeping the majority of her soft, golden curls back of her face, being pulled on a sled by Nellie’s older sister’s son, who had always been kindly and sweet to little children.
“I’m sure Ville would be delighted,” Nellie said. “In fact, I’m sure everyone would think it about the sweetest thing. I can already imagine Ville being a dear and taking her to you if she begins to fuss about being far away from her mama. It’s just so sweet to think about! I’ll have to ask Per tomorrow morning.”
“Like I said, I’ll have to ask Erik about it,” Madeleine said. “But I do think it would be fun, even if a little unfair that my daughter gets to be in a wedding when she’s hardly a year old when I had to wait until my own wedding.”
“I would say it's a shame on all the people who knew you as a little baby and got married without thinking it would be the most darling thing ever to have you involved,” Nellie said. “As there isn’t a doubt in my mind you looked like Alina does now. You deserved to be involved in a wedding as a little baby.”
“But, then again, Alina’s probably not going to remember it, even if she has pictures,” Madeleine admitted.
“Even still, I’m not going to leave her out because she won’t remember it,” Nellie said. “Even though I’ll probably have to compete with her for attention, it would be worth it to have such a beautiful child in my wedding party.”
“Well, don’t count on it yet,” Madeleine said. “I have to agree to be a bridesmaid first, and that only happens when I’ve talked to Erik.”
“I know, I know, but make sure that you tell him,” Nellie urged. “Surely he’d want to see his sweet girls looking beautiful.”
“He’d probably say we’re beautiful all the time,” Madeleine replied.
“But this would be verging on the pinnacle of beauty,” Nellie said.
“And it may depend on the harvest too,” Madeleine added. “If we can get it in as soon as we want to then we’d be more inclined to come because we’d know our work here was all taken care of.”
“Oh I certainly hope things go well!” Nellie said, the enthusiasm clear in her voice. “I am so excited about the idea of having you and Alina in the wedding party!”

Ville: vihlee
Per: pehr

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