Word Count: 96,143
Summary of Events:
Nadia, having decided she wanted to go work in Italy with Horea, agreed to spend the day — Saturday — with him getting started on the necessary paperwork to make the move out of Moldova. Borden delayed his start by an hour so Honour could sleep, as he'd walked a good part of the night with her in order to get them as far away from her captors as possible, then they climbed the mountains, as Borden was hoping to get to Tagetochlain Lake by the end of the day if he could . . .
Excerpt of the Day:
Borden was grateful that Honour lapsed into silence again, as he was going to have to start climbing above the tree line; ahead of him was some rather steep faces that would either force him down to the waterway below, or up higher, and seeing how he wanted, and needed, to go over the mountain peak anyways, going up sooner would probably be the better choice.
After a time Borden’s side really started aching as his body worked to pull in enough air, he was starting to be able to tell the air was a little thin, and as he kept walking it started to become more evident.
“You’re going to need to walk for a little bit,” Borden said. “It’s too much weight to carry you and the backpack.”
Honour slid down without protest and settle into following Borden; each time he glanced back he saw her placing her feet in the prints he’d left in the snow.
Borden did his best to breathe deeply and drink regularly, along with making sure that Honour took regular drinks, even though she didn’t seem to be suffering as Borden felt he was suffering.
As they kept walking Borden inwardly cursed that he hadn’t brought any mountain climbing equipment as he carefully tested each step before he put his full weight onto his foot. When he glanced back he saw Honour moving with the same caution.
Things weren’t as level as they looked, and Borden wasn’t really comfortable with how close to the edge they were having to walk, but in order to get to the other side they had to do it some way, and Borden had hoped this would be the less steep way to do it; although he wasn’t sure if it actually was, he wasn’t exactly going to turn back now.
Finally Borden reached the trench he’d walked down days before; his footprints were still in the snow, and he followed them in the opposite direction, his gaze fixed on the peak when there was a yelp behind him.
Turning cautiously, Borden saw that Honour had fallen again. He carefully made his way back down to her, collected her in his arms silently, and kept going. Honour clung to him and whimpered as he fixed his gaze on the peak ahead again.
“I don’t feel good,” Honour whimpered.
“Just another metre and then we’re over,” Borden whispered.
With two strides Borden stood at the top again; he straightened and surveyed his surroundings for a moment before Honour moaned and Borden knew it would be best to descend to the tree line, from there he’d make his way to the considerably lower peak, and then down to where oxygen levels were normal for the rest of the trek to Prince George.
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