Novel Title: Resolution
Time Setting: 1950
Genre: Historical Life
Minimum Word Goal: 90,000
Timespan: April–May
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Main Characters: Sheldon Keith, Georgiana Teagan
Background Information:
Born the second-youngest of seven and second of two sons to a provincial judge and his wife, Shelton has lived a decently high-class life, even being sent to the finest schools in Edmonton in spite of his birth happening right around the beginning of the Great Depression.
When the Second World War broke out his brother was old enough to enlist, which he did as soon as he possibly could. He proceeded to distinguish himself in military service, which made the family quite proud. Shelton hoped to follow in his brother's footsteps and enlist as soon as he was old enough.
In 1943, while working their way into Italy, his brother's unit was attacked and his brother ended up being killed. Unlike many expected, this didn't destroy Shelton's desire to enlist, but only invigorated it, to the point that even though the war ended before he turned eighteen he remained committed to enlisting in the army.
As his only brother was now dead, however, the task of continuing the familial legacy in the judicial field fell to him, and his father expressed a desire that Shelton become a practising lawyer before he enlisted.
Shelton didn't fancy the idea much himself, but when his best friend — who was committed to serving in the military with him — decided to go to university and become a doctor so that he could serve in the army in that capacity as his own father had Shelton decided to go to university and take law so that he and his friend could enlist together.
Even though he capitulated to his father's wishes on the educational front, he still joined the university hockey team with his friend even though his parents believed lawyers were too dignified to play hockey and made friends with several of the other team members.
Shelton also enjoyed singing, and so joined the university choir. A girl he'd known for years was also in the choir and while they were at a choir practise one day this friend introduced him to a fetching young woman by the name of Georgiana who was in the choir on more of a for-fun basis like him.
In spite of all the coursework, plus choir and hockey commitments, Shelton made time not only to spend with all his friends at school, but also to privately go for dinner or walks in the Edmonton River Valley with Georgiana.
Recently Shelton approached Georgiana's father, seeking permission to marry Georgiana. He was granted this permission and, in rather short order, proposed to Georgiana, who accepted the proposal.
The couple have plans of announcing their engagement to everyone after his graduation, which is happening soon.
Born the third of nine children to a carpenter and his wife, Georgiana's upbringing was quiet, simple, and centred on family, school, and church. From her earliest years Georgiana has sung in a church choir, naturally starting in the children's choir.
Her family worked hard and stretched their money as far as possible, being as the world was in the throes of the Great Depression throughout her childhood, including having her older brother leave school to work with their father as soon as he was capable of being helpful.
When the Second World War broke out her father and his brother — a lifelong bachelor who was the favourite uncle, having always done what he could to help the family out, caring for the children as if they were his own — enlisted.
In 1942 the family was devastated to learn from her father that their beloved uncle had been killed in action. From his will they learned that he had bequeathed all he had to help his beloved nieces and nephews go to college.
The war ended before her brother was old enough to enlist, so he went to college and became an engineer to help in the construction business, where he worked summers with their returned father until he'd graduated.
When her sister got old enough to go to college she decided to take nurse's training. As the third child, it was next Georgiana's turn to go to college, but she wasn't sure what to take, having really only ever wanted to become a housewife; she decided to take Home Economics to aid in that endeavour.
In college she joined the choir, where she met a friendly, outgoing young soprano who was in the theatre program and set to graduate the same year she was. Through this friend she was invited to join a group of young people who would often spend time together doing a variety of activities.
One of the young men in the group also happened to be a part of the choir; he was introduced as Shelton and the two of them soon struck up a friendship that led Georgiana to be convinced Shelton would be her husband.
Recently she was elated to have Shelton propose marriage to her, which she accepted. She agreed, also, to Shelton's suggestion that they wait to be married until after she'd graduated, which won't be for another year yet.
Novel Begins: February 4
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