Word Count: 78,029
Summary of Events:
Caetline participated in her first competition at the next level up from where she'd been and — to her own surprise — actually succeeded in winning the competition in the seventh round of the jump-off. Macaulay contemplated giving money to help buy the horse — abused or not — but wasn't convinced his donation would cause the change he hoped being as he intended to remain anonymous. Caetline watched Jada participate in the team portion of the competition, going last in the second round because of her clear ride in the first, another clear round meaning PCÉE could get into a three-team jump-off for the win . . .
Excerpt of the Day:
Again Pride showed energy, soaring of the jumps with ease — in part thanks to the fact that he was almost seventeen hands high — and moved around the course with confidence.
Pride was such an excellent horse that Caetline felt like Jada looked a lot better on him than she ever had on Coraline. The thing was Pride was trained for higher levels and young enough not to be quite as potentially bored with it as Coraline — and, of course, there was the fact that Pride seemed to feed off the competition environment.
Caetline watched as he managed one of the complex combination jumps with expertise, his hooves hardly remaining on the ground for more than a second between jumps. He was an incredibly athletic horse and his athleticism shone through as he moved over the course.
Completing the first two thirds of the course, Jada reached the long strait and started off. Pride, seeming to recognise that it was a long strait, immediately picked up his pace; Caetline could hear the rhythmic shift from three beats to four.
At first she thought Jada was going to ride it out at the faster speed, as Jada didn't deepen her seat and draw back on the reins to curb Pride's enthusiasm.
"Oh no," Mrs. Quincey said. "Don't do that."
Caetline watched as Jada reached forward with one hand and grabbed the rein closer to the bit, bringing Pride's nose around. It was an effective way to slow a horse down, but it was one that would eat up precious seconds in this instance and possibly cause Jada to get time faults.
Pride, upset at the idea of being pulled away from the course, tossed his hindquarters up in the subtlest and gentlest of bucks — although Caetline knew from experience even a little buck like that didn't feel as little in the saddle — Jada screamed and pulled even harder on the rein, practically touching Pride's nose to her knee.
He didn't like this either and popped his forequarters up, which Caetline saw jostled Jada, who screamed again, and made her come loose a bit. Dropping down from his half-rear, Pride did another little buck and Jada came loose, dropping to the ground with a shriek.
The crowd, naturally, gasped, but Pride showed calmness immediately after unseating Jada and turned to examine her like a curious colt seeing something for the first time. Again Jada shrieked and took a swing at him, hitting his nose.
Pride pulled up into a full rear and Jada stared at him, a bloodcurdling scream emanating from her throat. Several people including M. Fabron and Miss Phillips hurried out onto the course to help Jada and catch Pride.
Caetline was surprised Mrs. Quincey didn't move. She was even more surprised when Mrs. Quincey whistled.
Everyone was startled when Pride immediately cantered through the course without disturbing a jump and came over to the gate where Mrs. Quincey took hold of his reins.
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