Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Unforeseen Events: Day 6

Word Count: 36,072

Summary of Events:
Emil and one of his grandson-in-laws discussed a variety of things largely revolving around Sheldon. Sheldon wasn't enjoying himself at the community picnic until he discovered there was dessert available, so he got himself two plates worth; he ended up sitting with his cousin Matthew, who was disgusted by the ridiculous amount of sugary food, and so presented him with a challenge . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
""Starting sunup tomorrow, if you can go without eating more than one cookie, or brownie, or piece of pie, or ice cream — not one of each, one total — a day for the whole rest of the summer, I'll give you two hundred bucks," Matthew said. "And, if you spend at least an hour outside without your phone in front of your face every day starting tomorrow I'll give you an extra three hundred bucks."
Sheldon shifted his jaw. The money was tantalising. Mom didn't even give him half that in allowance, not to mention she didn't buy him anything over fifty bucks unless it was his birthday or Christmas. Dad was more inclined to give him more expensive things, but being as he was in prison now Sheldon was pretty sure that was going to come to a halt; to have that kind of money would give him the ability to get himself what he wanted.
The catch was, in order to get it, he needed to do things he didn't want to do. He didn't want to suffer without sugar like that, and he didn't want to be outside. What was there to do outside without friends and a skate park?
It would only be for the summer. Unfortunately, the summer was two months, which was a long time. He couldn't imagine the idea of suffering for that long.
"Come on, I think you can do it," Matthew said.
Sheldon gathered his lips. He wanted the money, but he didn't want to have to do what Matthew was asking him to do to get it. He was pretty sure his grandfather would hold him to it if he were to agree too.
"You come from a long family lineage of tough guys who've stuck it out through worse stuff," Matthew said. "Surely my challenge isn't too hard for you."
"I don't want to do it," Sheldon replied.
"That's why it's a challenge," Matthew said. "Challenges are often not only difficult, but involve a little bit of undesirability. Like my joining the military. It's a challenge, and I haven't always wanted to do the work required, but I've stuck it out and found that there's been a reward in fighting through the stuff that isn't fun. I think you'll find the same thing through this if you just do it."
Sheldon looked at the two plates of dessert before him. Could he let this be the last sugar he'd eat all summer?
"Come on, you're just about bigger than Thomas and he's got two years on you," Matthew said. "Don't tell me you can't do this."
Setting his jaw, Sheldon glared at Matthew. "You're going to regret this."
Matthew smiled. "Challenge accepted?"
"Challenge accepted," Sheldon replied.
He wasn't going to let anyone think he was a weakling. He was going to earn himself probably the easiest five hundred bucks in his life."

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