Thursday, September 21, 2017

Baffin Island: Day 16

Word Count: 114,111

Summary of Events:
Toward the end of the day the group finally sighted the buildings of Iqaluit, but decided to spend one more night in the tundra. The next morning they went to Yukon's great aunt and uncle's house; his great aunt and uncle then proceeded to take them to the hospital to be tended to for all their injuries from the trek. Yukon was coming out of anesthetic from the surgery to reset his broken ribs properly when his dad and stepmom came to visit, and his stepmom's mood wasn't making things pleasant . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
"Yukon grimaced and turned his head away from Tiffany's loud exclamations. His brain still felt foggy and her shouting didn't really help anything.
"Going out in the middle of nowhere!" Tiffany ranted. "Where's the fun in that? Or do you find it fun to scare people out of their lives? Hm? Did you hear me? Is that pleasant to you?"
Tiffany shouted the last two questions into Yukon's ear, making him turn away all the more.
"Ma'am, please, you're disturbing the patient," the nurse said. "I understand your concern for him, being as he is your son, but you must allow him to recover properly."
Yukon's brain revolted at the idea of him being considered Tiffany's son. Sure she had the darker hair like he did — although not as dark as his — but that was purely coincidence, they had no blood relation.
He couldn't summon the ability to verbally protest, however, so he grimaced some more.
"Actually, she's not his mother biologically," his dad corrected. "Yukon is only my son."
"Oh, I'm sorry sir," the nurse said.
"Don't worry, it's a common misconception, seeing as they have similar coloured hair," his dad said. "Yukon's mom was actually part Inuit, thus why Yukon spends so much time up here."
"Oh," the nurse said, sounding interested.
"Did you think about the heart attack it would cause us?" Tiffany demanded right into Yukon's ear again.
Yukon tossed his head in distress and gave the finger.
"Tiff, why don't you go get me a coffee?" his dad asked. "And get yourself a latte or something."
"I'm not going anywhere until I can be sure he's alive," Tiffany snapped.
"Babe, he's moving," his dad said.
"Even comatose people move, but that doesn't mean that they live," Tiffany replied.
"I'll still be here and I'll let you know if anything happens," his dad said. "Go get me a coffee, maybe call your mom and see how Carter's doing."
"Carter's fine, and he'll be fine too," Tiffany snapped. "But I'll go get you a coffee."
"Thank you babe," his dad said.
Yukon heard the sound of a soft peck before Tiffany's heels echoed off down the hall.
"She's definitely worrisome," his dad said, sounding as if he were apologising to the nurse.
"It seems so," the nurse said.
"But he's all good?" his dad asked.
"The wrist and ankle sprains were minor to begin with from the best we can tell," the nurse replied. "We've given him injections to help the healing process. From his records we found he was up to date on his tetanus, but we gave him a booster shot against tetanus and a couple other things because of the bite wound on his chest. The surgery to reset his rib was successful, but we will have to watch for potential overreaction with his bones repairing, as they'd healed improperly, so the rib had to be broken again. His lung should heal well now too, and we've been feeding him a nutrient-rich liquid diet so far. We're going to start adding solids over the next week and after that he should be free to go home."
"At least he's okay," his dad said. "I mean, any of them could've died out there.""

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