Word Count: 72,016
Summary of Events:
After Hammy successfully escaped the gangsters Vera woke up in the hospital, but was rendered mute by the poison, which was still somewhat in her system. Hammy set out to work without her and chose to seduce a gang-afiliated young woman. Vera was woken by the agent assigned to track the impostor calling and talked with him — as the poison's effects had worn off — a bit, but found he wasn't getting too much of anywhere. Hammy started questioning the gang-afiliated young woman, who took some coaxing before she talked; she then revealed that her earrings were bugged moments before the gangsters attacked . . .
Excerpt of the Day:
"Anong scrambled over and seized hold of his gun. She wrapped her mouth around it and viciously resisted Hammy's efforts to pry her off of it as the wood cracked and he heard people entering the room.
Gunfire exploded and Anong suddenly wrenched and contorted before dropping to the floor in a mess of blood and bullets.
Hammy cocked his gun and fired at all the guns trained on him, causing all of the gangsters to drop their guns. Hammy then rose to his feet, holding his gun out in front of him.
All of the gangsters backed away and Hammy herded them to the door with ease, until all of them drew out pistols and glared at him savagely.
Hammy ducked into the washroom and loaded his spare clip, as well as taking out Anong's earrings, which he pocketed before taking up the collapsible bucket full of water he'd prepared earlier.
Racing out of the washroom, Hammy ran and tossed water at the Mithril before throwing himself through the window, the Mithril wrapping around him. He grabbed the windowsill and flipped himself over, which slammed him against the hotel's wall.
He grimaced in pain before looking up to see the other gangster getting lowered down the wall to attack him.
Drawing his gun, Hammy fired at the gangster's gun, hanging onto the windowsill with one hand. He then put his gun back and managed to grab onto the sill with both hands again.
The gangster got closer, drawing a pistol, and put it against Hammy's head.
Hammy managed to reach up and grab the gangster's wrist connected to the hand holding onto the gun. He then pushed himself off of the wall and around to grab one of the gangster's ankles.
They dropped suddenly and jerked. Hammy struggled to wrench the pistol free from the gangster as he noticed that the lowering continued at a slower rate, with calls in Thai coming from above.
Viciously Hammy struggled with the gangster before grabbing onto the gangster's harness with one hand, while he continued to struggle with the gangster for control of the gun, making it fire several shots as a result. Hammy noticed they seemed to be picking up speed in their descent too; he looked down to see what their landing would be, and it didn't look like it was going to be pleasant.
Hammy managed to get the gun to shoot out another window below them before flipping himself through it. He swore and clutched at his forearm, which oozed blood from a long cut.
The occupants of the room screamed, but Hammy ran through the room and out in an instant, blinded by the bright hallway lights.
Looking both ways, he decided that it would be safer to make for the stairway and see if he couldn't get back up to Vera's room from there. Good thing he had two auxiliary clips, he had a feeling he was going to need them."
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