Monday, March 13, 2017

Disrupted: Day 11

Word Count: 66,013

Summary of Events:
Gwendolen and Mrs. Lloyd talked about the rustlers and their potential motivations. Ezra was frustrated that his fellow ranch hands seemed to have a lack of urgency about rustlers. Gwendolen was woken up by Sarah crying, having had a nightmare about Ezra being killed, and took her to bed with her. Ezra was woken up for his night-watch shift and ended up killing a bear and discovering another dead calf. Gwendolen helped Mrs. Lloyd in the kitchen before taking Sarah up to her room to talk with her privately . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
""You need to eat Sarah," Gwendolen whispered. "Otherwise your Papa will be sad because you're getting sick Sara. He doesn't want you to be sick, he wants you to run to him when he comes back, but if you don't eat you won't be able to run to him."
"I want Papa," Sarah sobbed.
Gwendolen blinked at the tears in her eyes, but they didn't go away. Sarah seemed completely fixated on the fact that her father wasn't present. She didn't seem to hear anything else.
Closing her arms around Sarah again, Gwendolen let the tears slide down her own cheeks. She had to do something, she had to get Sarah to eat. Even though Sarah didn't seem to be in that poor of shape, she felt a deep-seeded fear that the next morning Sarah wouldn't wake up or something.
She released Sarah and looked at her again. "You have to eat if you want to see your Papa again."
Sarah didn't seem to acknowledge her.
"If you don't eat then you'll get sick and you won't be able to see your Papa again," Gwendolen whispered.
"I want Papa," Sarah whimpered.
"Do you want to go home?" Gwendolen asked.
Sarah nodded.
"Alright," Gwendolen said. "Let's go home then."
She collected Sarah into her arms and headed back downstairs. Passing by Mrs. Harder and Mrs. Lloyd, she went outside, where the boys looked at her before hurrying after her.
"Is Sarah okay?" Jeremiah asked, looking fearful.
"She wants to go home," Gwendolen replied. "And I think you two should come along as well."
"But Pa's not home," Jeremiah said.
"I'll stay with you," Gwendolen replied, setting Sarah down in the wagon.
Jeremiah looked uncertain, but then turned and disappeared into the barn. After a few moments he returned with Mrs. Harder's horse and Gwendolen helped him harness the horse up before he skillfully managed to hitch the horse to the traces.
"What are you doing?" Gwendolen turned to see Mrs. Harder and Mrs. Lloyd both looking at her with confusion.
"Sarah wants to go home," Gwendolen replied.
"But, well, I'll go get your things," Mrs. Lloyd said.
Mrs. Harder walked over and climbed onto the wagon while Jeremiah reappeared with Lucy, whom he tied to the back of the wagon. Gwendolen mounted up next to Mrs. Harder and Jonathan climbed aboard.
A few moments later Mrs. Lloyd appeared with the clothes and collected Ezekiel into her arms. Mrs. Harder manoeuvred the wagon around so it was facing south and then leaned over, beckoning to Mrs. Lloyd, whom she said something to quietly before starting her horse off.
Gwendolen looked over her shoulder at Sarah, who was sitting between her brothers, both of whom were looking at her worriedly. Gwendolen felt the same uncertainty as they showed on their faces. Hopefully this would work and Sarah would be alright, if it didn't work . . . she shook her head viciously, she refused to entertain the thought."

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