Word Count: 36,096
Summary of Events:
Edward and Adeline arrived at the Leonard Ranch where they received a less-than-favourable greeting from the younger Mr. Leonard and his dog. After putting their things in the bunkhouse they went and saw the colt, whom Edward had released into pasture to relax, being as he'd been rather skittish. He watched the colt and regretted that he hadn't been present as soon as the colt had arrived at the ranch from the East. Adeline was visiting the colt when the younger Mr. Leonard and his dog came outside, the dog spooked the colt, who jumped his fence and ran away; Edward went after the colt on his mare, and Edward's colt panicked at the departure of his mother, trying to jump the fence but failing and cutting himself, which required Adeline to stitch him up; Edward was distressed when he returned . . .
Excerpt of the Day:
""What did it look like?" Edward demanded.
Adeline walked over to him and the colt.
"It was torn like this," she traced the line. "I stitched it up as quickly as I could. He didn't stand up until I was done."
Edward worked his jaw slowly, looking tense and upset. Adeline had never felt worse in her life in regards to pleasing anyone than in this moment.
"Didn't even think of him," Edward muttered, staring beyond both Adeline and the colt. "I didn't even think of him!"
He turned away from the colt, swearing.
"You had to act quickly," Adeline said.
Edward glared at her, then exhaled heavily and swore again.
"It was the dog," Adeline said quickly. "The dog went into the colt's pasture and started barking. The colt jumped right over my head."
Edward swore again as he glared at the mansion with a fearsomely vicious expression.
Without looking toward Adeline he stalked toward the fence.
"Should I put the colt away?" Adeline asked.
"No," Edward replied through his teeth, stalking past the mare and the colt.
The colt raised his head and looked at Edward as he stalked past, but made no move to follow him.
Adeline wanted to follow Edward, but instead she went to the barn. The colt had to have a halter. She felt that would be safer than the rope, which had gone quite slack about the colt's shoulders.
She found a halter hanging by his stall door and went back to him. She remembered what Edward had done with the colt earlier in the day and went around to his left side. She put her hand over the colt's neck and pressed down on both sides gently.
The colt lowered his head and Adeline slid the halter over his head, buckled it in place, and then loosely looped the rope around the fence board.
Edward's colt limped over to the fence and nickered. His mother lifted her head and walked closer. Adeline quickly loped the mare's reins over the fence board as well before hurrying off after Edward.
She found the front door of the mansion ajar. A well-dressed, balding man startled at the sight of her and hurried over.
"Please, go back outside," he said. "Things aren't well."
"If my colt hadn't just gone and tore his leg open because I was forced to deprive him of his mother to chase that bloody colt down because of that dumb dog I would walk out of here this minute!" she heard Edward shout. "You'd better count yourself lucky that I'm doin' this for you, but I tell you if that dog does another thing like that I'm actually goin' to aim for the thing next time I shoot at him and I don't care who he belongs to or how much bloody money y'all have! This is the last time I am doin' anything for you!""
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