Word Count: 18,004
Excerpt of the Day:
After finally making it nice and far away from his family, Ilyé ended up running into a friend of his father's who magically sent him back home to be tortured some more; but more of the tortures failed and finally his brother became convinced that Ilyé was cursing the family by his presence, so they decided to up and move, abandoning Ilyé in their house, where the Lemyazhmok found him . . .
Summary of Events:
""The waters have told me much about you," the Lemyazhmok said. "I haven't seen all of it, but I have seen a fair bit of it. Not all of it is easy even for one as great as me to understand, but it is enough to prove to me the truth: you are going to be very great."
The Lemyazhmok definitely had his attention now. He was going to be great? He couldn't begin to imagine how, but he hoped that part of it included paying his father and Nargya back for what they'd done to him.
"But before that can happen, a lot of other things need to happen first, Ilyé," the Lemyazhmok said.
He glared at the Lemyazhmok. How dare he use the name so familiarly.
The Lemyazhmok smiled, as if he'd noticed. "That would be the first one: you need to accept me, and trust me."
Oh really? And why should he do that?
"Here," the Lemyazhmok said, squeezing his hand as if he were grinding something and causing light to fall again.
A bowl of hot porridge appeared in the light and the Lemyazhmok held it out to him.
He looked at it warily. He didn't know that he wanted to take it.
"You haven't eaten in far too long, you must restore your strength if you are to come with me and fulfill your destiny," the Lemyazhmok said.
So he needed to go with the Lemyazhmok to fulfill his destiny now? He didn't see why he'd have to do that, but the smell of the porridge was making him desperately hungry, so he took it and ate.
With every bite he felt like he gained new strength. He wasn't sure that he'd eat the entire bowlful, but all too soon it was gone. He wished there was more.
"Now, will you come with me?" the Lemyazhmok asked.
"Why should I?" he asked defiantly.
"So as to fulfill your destiny," the Lemyazhmok replied.
"Surely I don't need you to fulfill my destiny," he snapped.
The Lemyazhmok looked at him seriously — not that he was sure how he could tell, being as the Lemyazhmok was still wearing his hood that kept his face from being seen — "Because it is your destiny to take my place after my days are completed."
His eyes widened. What?
"Once my life is complete, the waters tell me it is you who will be the Lemyazhmok, the greatest among all magicians," the Lemyazhmok said. "And there will be no Lemyazhmok who will be comparable to you in greatness, not even I.""
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