Thursday, February 11, 2016

Unriddling Clues: Day 10

Word Count: 60,021

Summary of Events:
Nikita visited the town inside the fort of Viladyslovo they were camped nearby to get information regarding the wooden chest he'd received, and got confirmation it was Aissuresky. Gavriila went into Nikita's tent looking for him, he returned after she'd come inside and told her, essentially, that he wanted to do to her what she'd joined the army to avoid and she ran away. Nikita recalled a talk his father'd had with him about honourable men and realised he hadn't been one; he was then ordered by General Moroyhanev to find Gavriila when she was noticed absent from dinner. A soldier in Viladyslovo talked down to Nikita, which he took offence to, drawing his sword — the one he'd inherited from his father — and caused the man to raised the alarm; the ensuing panic didn't help Nikita find Gavriila, but eventually he found the soldier who'd raised the alarm at a tavern telling other men about how he'd known Nikita's sword was Aissuresky: he had one of his own with writing on it and everything . . .

Excerpt of the Day:
""It says . . ." Ledranokor tipped his head back, looking contemplative. "It says: Blessed be this sword's possessor.
Nikita wrapped his hand tightly around the handle of his sword. That was exactly what his sword said.
"And then it had a name and a date too," Ledranokor said. "I can't remember the date, but the name was Zhihondoniov."
Nikita's eyes widened. Zhihondoniov!
"I know the Zhihondoniov name," a man with his back to Nikita said. "My brother was captured by Zhihondoniovs, they're a well-known military family in Aissure. Just about worked him to death they did — it was only by his own cunning that he escaped."
Looking down at his sword, Nikita didn't know what to think, but he had to know.
Quickly he spurred Breasha forward and then slowly waded through the crowd, hoping dearly that Ledranokor hadn't recognised him as he'd ridden by. He saw a soldier and rode over. The soldier stood straight and saluted, even though he was on foot and thus likely Azemjutany.
"Where are Ledranokor's quarters?" Nikita asked.
"Why do you need to know sir?" the soldier asked.
"Ledranokor claims he has a foreign sword that matches that of the intruder he reported, we must see it so that we can confirm the man is an intruder," Nikita replied.
"First unit, second block from the southeast corner," the soldier replied.
"Thank you," Nikita said.
Breasha surged forward on the fringes of the crowd — which moved quickly away from her — until they reached the appropriate block. Getting out of the saddle, Nikita quickly opened the door and stepped inside. There were several bunks in the unit from what he could tell in the dimness.
Fumbling around he found a lantern and lit it. All of the bunks were empty, and all of them had a pair of trunks by them — one for the top bunk, one for the bottom — he had eight trunks to look through.
Quickly Nikita used his key and managed to open each one. In the fifth one he found a long sword like his own with a similar hilt. Drawing it out, he looked at the blade and found that it possessed writing much akin to his own sword, along with three blood grooves — one wide flanked by two thin. This was the sword.
Taking it up, Nikita quickly closed and locked the trunk, then blew out the lantern and hurried out, now to find a way to get out of here.
As Nikita closed the door he heard a gasp. Looking around, Nikita saw no one, and he knew that Breasha couldn't gasp. He was puzzled. A man carrying a torch walked by and Nikita saw a figure curled into one of the barrels piled between the blocks.
Starting forward, Nikita knelt down at the barrel and reached inside. Finding an arm, he wrapped his hands around it and pulled, hauling the person both out and to their feet.
In the dim light Nikita could barely make out the features, but what features he made out were familiar: he'd found Gavriila."

Viladyslovo: vihlahdeeslohvoh
Moroyhanev: moreoyhayneev
Ledranokor: lehdrahnocore
Azemjutany: ahzehmzhootahknee

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