Thursday, November 05, 2015

Challenging: Day 4

Word Count: 24,008

Summary of Events:
Jennifer packed up Nicholas' things into garbage bags and threw them outside as Nicholas showed up and they had a heated discussion. Reid woke up, pretty sure he'd had a bad dream, but felt unsettled when he heard a news report that sounded eerily similar to his dream. Nicholas reluctantly went to his oldest sister's house and she willingly took him in and sympathized with him. Gabrielle asked Reid what was bothering him and began to feel unsettled by it as well. Reid listened to another news report that revealed more information about the news item that had been similar to his dream that was even more similar. Jennifer then went to her dad's house to pick up Daniella and Dylan and found her dad and stepmom were rather upset.

Excerpt of the Day:
""Now, Jennifer, if you wouldn't mind giving me an explanation as to why the police delivered your children here," he said.
I wanted to be sure that Nicholas wouldn't get them," Jennifer replied.
Intrigue and concern popped onto her father's face. "And why?"
"Because I refuse to let my children be in the presence of such an unwholesome man," Jennifer replied.
"And how is he unwholesome?" her father asked.
"Because he's being unfaithful to me," Jennifer replied.
"How so?" he asked.
"He's been laying with other women on business trips," Jennifer replied. "And now he came home and started an affair with mom and Brian's daughter. I ended up catching them in a hotel together. It was rather fortuitous that it happened."
Her father nodded.
"I've kicked him out of the house now, so I do believe it would be safe for the kids to come back with me," Jennifer said.
"Have you spoken with a lawyer?" he asked.
"No, not since I found Nicholas and Megin together," Jennifer replied.
"I would then be of the mind that it would be wiser for the children to remain here," he said.
"You and Suzanne don't mind?" Jennifer asked nervously. "I'm sorry it was kind of sudden how it all happened, but being as Megin was involved I didn't really want the kids with mom, so I thought it would be safer for them to come here."
Her father nodded. "We don't mind, we just wouldn't mind more notice next time."
"I promise that I'll keep you posted on all of the developments," Jennifer said.
"You are planning on pursuing a divorce?" he asked.
"Absolutely," Jennifer replied. "If he's going to be that sort of a . . . a . . . I don't know, I'm not going to stay with him any longer. I refuse to allow my children to have any association with such a terrible man. I don't want my children to become like him at all."
Her father nodded.
"I can't believe he would do such a thing," Jennifer said, feeling tears in her eyes and sobs in her throat. "It just, I don't know what to do. I hate him. What did I do that all of the sudden I wasn't good enough for him? Why did he have to do this to me?"
"What does he say?" her father asked.
"He says that apparently I wasn't loving him," Jennifer snapped.
"How so?" her father asked.
"I don't know," Jennifer replied. "But apparently saying that I love him isn't enough; then why was he saying that he loved me? He kept saying it. Even the time he called and had another woman in his room, he still told me he loved me. Why did he lie to me?"
"You won't have counselling?" her father asked.
"No, there's no sense in fixing this," Jennifer said. "He's even loony enough to think that we should try and fix it. He's the one who broke it and he wants to fix it? He's absolutely crazy. I refuse to let him get away with this. He can't get away with being unfaithful to me.""

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