Novel Title: Dubious Arrangement
Time Setting: 2015
Genre: thriller
Minimum Word Goal: 120,000
Timespan: March-July
Location: Wainwright, Alberta
Main Character: Greyson Adler
Background Information: born the third son and fourth child of five to a fifth generation hog farmer from the area of Chinook, Alberta, he was raised in a typical evangelical Christian household.
When he was nine a grass fire began at a neighbouring form that caused five families to be evacuated. His family was not evacuated, and so he watched the fire with interest, even terrorizing his family by going closer to it so he could better see it, being as the fire and firefighters intrigued him.
As the firefighters succeeded in saving all five farms and — for Greyson — more notably a trapped farm dog, Geyson thought they were incredible heroes and so began to learn all he could about them with the intent of one day being a hero such as them.
Eventually, after he graduated, he moved to Calgary where he became a firefighter; unfortunately his career was cut short by an accident that resulted in the loss of his right forearm.
His parents rallied their church and many other churches and gathered the money together to buy Greyson the most advanced prosthetic arm on the market; Greyson was grateful for the gift, but annoyed at the return of his parents, being as he'd rejected their Christianity and been working to cut off all ties from them.
As soon as possible after receiving his prosthetic arm, Greyson left Calgary and his parents behind and eventually made his way to Edmonton, staying with various girlfriends he met along the way; but now he's got no girlfriend, no house, and little money and he hasn't done any work since he did firefighting — which he can't do any more — because he doesn't find any other work brings the same sense of fulfillment as firefighting did . . . which leaves him in a rather difficult predicament.
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