Word Count: 30,008
Summary of Events:
Chalmers went to the diner again and Alizabeth sat down and talked with him until quarter after closing time. Joseph went into Charles' office to talk to him, but Charles wouldn't give him any answers and got upset at him. Alizabeth went out to get social papers she'd forgotten in her car and was surprised by Cole's arrival at school.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Cool air wrapped around Alizabeth as she stepped out of the school to head to her car; she'd forgotten her social assignment in her car being as she'd forgotten to put it into her backpack before she'd gone inside.
Unlocking her car, Alizabeth grabbed it off of the seat and closed the door. She heard a vehicle driving and watched a red Ford SUV pull into the parking lot roughly. It came to a had stop and shut off.
Alizabeth listened as the door was slammed, watching the SUV rock. She startled when she saw Cole step out from beside it, looking furious. Quickly Alizabeth hurried over to him.
"Cole! What's the matter?" she called.
Cole stopped and looked up at her, looking like he was on the verge of tears. "I got sent home from practise," he replied, his voice breaking. "My coaches don't think I'll ever be drafted."
"Why not?" Alizabeth asked.
"Because I go making my own nicknames for people." Cole replied. "Like that's going to keep a team from drafting me. And like that's a legitimate reason for sending me home from practise."
"What kind of nicknames?" Alizabeth asked.
"More accurate nicknames," Cole replied. "Like our head coach, I call him Flowless because he doesn't have any hair — and it's kind of a play on his last name, Florence — and our assistant coaches, I call the one Premier because his surname is Parliament, and the other one I call MooJo because he goes by his middle name, but his first initial is M."
Alizabeth didn't think Flowless and MooJo were very nice, Premier didn't really seem particularly one way or the other.
"And with my teammates it's the same," Cole said. "I call our goalie Puffball because he looks fat with his equipment on, and I call the new guy Powder Keg because he's temperamental; he's so temperamental he went and busted up his billets' cars and painted their house up for no reason."
"Well, Cole, as accurate as those may be, they don't sound very nice," Alizabeth said.
Cole sped up his walking to outdistance Alizabeth.
"Cole! Wait!" Alizabeth said. "Please! I'm not trying to make you mad! I'm just trying to show you their side! Please!"
Cole stopped outside the doors, keeping his back toward Alizabeth.
"Cole, I'm sorry it upsets you," Alizabeth said, putting her hand gently on his shoulder. "But think about your teammates and your coaches, who wants to be called a puffball or a powder keg? Who wants to have their hairlessness lampooned? Who wants to be called . . . a cow?"
Cole said nothing.
"You wouldn't want to be called anything nasty like that," Alizabeth said. "So you shouldn't treat them like that, because if they get treated like that by you, that's how they're going to treat you, you receive what your sell.""
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