Novel Title: Astounding Discovery
Series Title: Saga of O'Enne*
Time Setting: 1715 Age of Peace†
Genre: Medieval Fantasy
Minimum Word Goal: 90,000 words
Timespan: March-October
Locations: Heijmegourde, Beldonersteine; Castleorghlynne, O'Aennea, O'Enne; Laoismellyk, O'Aennea, O'Enne
Main Characters: Adaire Sithneigh (Eidere Sÿthei), Saoirse Lagoahaíre
Background Information: Born and raised in Beldonersteine, Adaire has lived a life of privilege from birth, especially being as his father is one of the premier shippers in all of Beldonersteine and possesses a fleet second in size only to the King's Fleet.
However, shipping is a dangerous business, even for the rich, and over the ears all five of Adaire's brothers have been killed, leaving Adaire — the second youngest child — as the heir to his father's fortune.
This spring Adaire is going on his first voyage as the Heijmegourde Shipping Company's representative on a trip that is also looking to make history as the first trip to circumnavigate the continent of Ureonaiea, which has many people excited, but many people also nervous; if this voyage fails there's the potentiality that the last Sithneigh could be lost.
Saoirse is the daughter of a well-respected shepherd and his seamstress wife; and she is learning well from her mother the art of sewing, which has caught the eye of several young men in the village — which is something that excites Saoirse, as she dreams of marriage and running her own household.
The problem is, though, Saoirse has found a flaw in each of the men; flaws that she cannot ignore, and flaws that many of the men seem to be proud of, or unwilling to do anything about. Saoirse wants to marry the man of her dreams, and he doesn't have any of these flaws, which makes Saoirse wonder where in the world she's ever going to find him, and when — which looks like it won't be soon.
O'Enne: oh ehneh
Heijmegourde: hymeh-gourd
Beldonersteine: belldonnerstein
Castleorghlynne: cass'l'org-lyn
O'Aennea: oh aynhyah
Laoismellyk: l'oysemehlick
Adaire Sithneigh: ahdare sithnee
Eidere Sÿthei: aydeer seethy
Saoirse Lagoahaíre: sayer'se lahgwahhire
Ureonaiea: yurhahneighah
*O'Enne is located in the same world as Zeig (March Novel: Hopeless Night) and Le Gané (September Novel No. 2: Corruption Rent).
†Does not correspond to 1715 A.D.
The next post will be on June 1.
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