Word Count: 66,025
Summary of Events:
Chapter 21:
Thårijn and Äthelröd worked at forging armour, discussing how long it would take them to finish it all. Bæjern was told by his half brother Jöden that there would be a council of Øbjen's children in three days. Æliyäu came and visited Helännä and showed her and Bæjern the map. After Æliyäu left Thårijn went in and spoke with Helännä about the map and whether or not she would participate in the journey and pledged that he would not allow her to be buried anywhere but with the kings of Kænjiøs in Sönniväbæsted.
Chapter 22:
Thirty of Øbjen's children —not including Thårijn or any of the others under the age of twelve — gathered for the council in Old Møkbæsted and it was rather riotous affair with much shouting and anger and in the end they divided off into about four unequal factions. Thårijn queried Bæjern as to his activities and had Bæjern burst into tears before him — something that had never happened before — and being as he couldn't get any answers he went back to what he'd been doing a bit before going to bed.
Excerpt of the Day:
""Be at peace my brothers!" Bæjern said. "Hear me! I reside with Thårijn, and I have made an observation."
Everyone quieted, looking at Bæjern with rather upset and yet suspicious looks.
"In these two months Æliyäu has been a frequent visitor at my mother's house, and he has not always come to visit my mother," Bæjern replied. "I have even heard raised voices exchanged between Thårijn and Æliyäu. I am under the inclination that it is Thårijn, that he is the Eikenenshåldjgråvenwød."
Honestly — with the high emotions of this meeting thus far — Bæjern had expected an incredible, deafening outburst of rage at his statement, but he was greeted with dead silence, tense though it was.
"It is an injustice!" Øbenn cried. "He is not of king's blood! He is the son of some coward who has still yet to come forward and confess how he led Helännä astray!"
"His being the Låstbøn proves the contrary!" Vånnä said. "Thårijn is Øbjen's son, as Helännä has long claimed! He cannot be the Låstbøn unless such is the case!"
"It should be I!" Øvin cried.
"You!? It should be I!" Jöden protested.
"Naught should it be either of you!" Sæmöän said. "I should be the Låstbøn."
"It shouldn't be any of you! It is Thårijn!" Bæjern snapped.
"So you say!" Jöden said. "I shall not rest until I have killed him! I shall kill him and take his place, the rightful Eikenenshåldjgråvenwød!"
"Not if I kill him first!" Sæmöän snapped.
"Ha!" Øsälä scoffed. "I shall kill him first, for I declared that I would do so before either of you were inspired to do so!"
"Oh, and says who?" Gæil asked. "Surely I will succeed in bringing about his end before you!"
"Not if I outdo you!" Wilmæd snapped.
Bæjern was just about tempted to let his jaw drop to the floor, but he restrained himself, no matter how disbelieving he was. His siblings in full and half blood were arguing about who would kill Thårijn first.
"Why can we not go along with him in peace?" Bæjern asked.
"Go with him?" Svän asked. "I shall not go anywhere led by that wretch! I am staying right here! My family and I shall leave whenever it is that we see fit, but we will not go with him, we will find our own way, and we may well reach Kænjiøs before they do and claim it for ourselves!"
"I shall go with you!" Æsä said. "I will not be led by some charlatan like he!"
"Nor I!" Steffön declared.
Øblgän, Øbenn, and Øvin also joined the group who would be departing separately with Svän — as did Mærä, Greschän, and Jägen.
"Who will go along with him in peace?" Bæjern asked. "Who of us will accept that we are not the chosen one? Who of us will accept the one that Göd has chosen and will go with him without protest, and with all due desire to bring assistance to him in whatever way we can?""
Jöden: juh-den
Sæmöän: say-muh-ann
Gæil: gail
Svän: svann
Æsä: ay-sah
Steffön: steffun
Greschän: gresh-ann
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