Novel Title: Suddenly Alone
Time Setting: Modern day
Genre: Agricultural life
Minimum word count goal: 60,000 words
Timespan: August-December
Location(s): Golden Prairie, Saskatchewan
Main Characters: Axel Bergquist, Sofia Olesen
Background Information:
Axel was born in Ängelholm, Sweden, but raised in Tølløse, Denmark as a member of a farming family. Being as he wasn't the oldest son he wasn't slated to inherit the farm, but he wanted to pursue farming so — being as Denmark is a small country — Axel immediately looked overseas to more spacious areas — namely Saskatchewan — where is lifelong bachelor uncle had been living since the 1970s. Slowly Axel took over his uncle's farm while remaining in Denmark until finally he prepared to make the move to Canada himself, with his wife Keryn in tow. However, when Keryn found out that Golden Prairie was an exceedingly small town that was over fifteen minutes from anywhere more substantial she found the final excuse she needed to call an end to their fledging marriage and did so, returning to Denmark and leaving Axel to farm in Canada alone which Axel has been doing in the years since then — and doing quite well.
Sofia was born and raised in Vara, Sweden where her father worked as an employee at the large Olesen farm. Sofia spent much time at the Olesen farm and got to know Mr. Olesen's second son Josef quite well. Josef was an avid farmer as well and built up a farm for himself using land his father had given him. When Sofia was nineteen she and Josef were married and they had two children: Charlotte and Hendrick before Josef — who had about a net worth of about fifty million Swedish Krona — decided to liquidate one hundred percent of his assets and move to Canada, where his fifty million Krona became $7.62 million. Undaunted Josef forged ahead and bought a piece of land, equipment, and seed and started farming. In January of the current year Sofia gave birth to their third child: Kirsten.
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