Word Total: 990,490
Increase Over Year Prior: 135,300
Novel Total: 10
Increase Over Year Prior: 0
Longest Novel: Unexpected, 145,064 words, 256 pages
Shortest Novel: Descent into Ruin, 90,019 words, 161 pages
Summary of the Year:
It seems rather hard to believe that the year’s come to an end — in fact, I’m kind of sad about it — but, at the same time, I am glad that it has, as I probably need this break more than I think.
I’m really pleased with all the projects that I turned out this year, there were so many fun stories that I really enjoyed telling, just the same as there’s going to be next year, which will surely be here before we know it.
In summary of the year… I don’t really know what to say. It was a lot of fun to either finally do some of these projects for the first time, as they were ideas that I’d been really looking forward to getting down on paper, or revisiting and making some much-needed improvements that really have me pleased with their progress.
More and more of my projects are becoming rewrites, though, as I’m not coming up with so many new ideas anymore, or if I am, I want to use the characters I’ve already created, making them sequels of the stories I’ve already written, which is something I’ve not yet attempted to do, although I probably should.
I do hope that you all are enjoying these projects even though you don’t leave any comments — not that I’d be the type to leave comments on a blog either, if I’m honest, so don’t think I’m griping — and I also hope that you’ll all enjoy a lovely winter (or summer for anyone who might be visiting from the Southern Hemisphere) and a particularly pleasant Christmas season before joining me again next year.
Until then, Merry Christmas,