Novel Title: Challenging
Time Setting: 2015
Genre: Life
Minimum Word Goal: 90,000
Timespan: August–March
Location: Kelowna, British Columbia
Main Characters: Reid & Gabrielle Kiszczak, Nicholas & Jennifer Boivin
Background Information: Gabrielle was born and raised in the general area of the Okanagan Valley, and been around orchards her entire life; in fact, that was how she met Reid: he came to work at her parents' orchard when she was in high school and their relationship grew — despite the fact that he wasn't a Christian — and they were married shortly after she graduated.
Since then they've had three children: Jeremiah, 6; Parker, 3; and Ivy, 1. Gabrielle is happy with her life and the love she receives from her husband, although she is saddened at his occupational frustrations and the far that he still has not become a Christian.
Reid, also, was born and raised in the Okanagan Valley area, and he greatly enjoys its pleasant weather and — especially — the fruits it yields; in fact, it has been his lifelong dream to own and run his own orchard . . . unfortunately he feels he's further from reaching his goal than nearer.
A year ago Gabrielle suggested that they enact a plan to pay off all of their debts so that they would have more money to direct toward saving for their dreams. He thought it was a reasonable idea, not to mention it's gone well, they're almost done, but he's still frustrated, of course his coworker isn't really helping . . .
Jennifer was born and raised west of the Okanagan Valley where she lived a life of privilege, even after her parents divorced, and after they both remarried. At a young age she went to a Bible camp and experienced and emotional conversion experience and has ever after attended church, becoming quite a prominent figure.
It was through the church that Jennifer met Nicholas, whom she married just two months after graduating. They've since had two children: Daniella, 5; and Dylan, 3 — more than enough children for her to handle, especially with a hectic social life and a burgeoning real estate hobby career.
Nicholas was born the heir to one of the hundreds of wineries in the Kelowna area, and has lived a life of privilege off of its profits. His parents regularly attended church, and he has kept up the tradition, now being the chairman of the Trustee Board.
However, Nicholas is not satisfied, he feels no love from Jennifer, especially since Jennifer has decided that she doesn't want any more children — not that she spends any time with the ones she has — it's as if the love they once had has died, and now he's left with no other option than to look elsewhere for satisfaction.
Kiszczak: kizsizahk
Boivin: bwahvahn