Word Total: 90,002
Year to Date: 360,012
Summary of Events:
Chapter 29:
Magnus — by overhearing Herr Reiter talking to Olga — came to the full realization that he didn't have to fear any severe, senseless punishments from Herr Reiter. Emma felt down about Olga's still being upset, and she talked to Mama about it, then she went over to Olga's house and found them packing to move.
Chapter 30:
Magnus watched Olga's family leave and discussed the matter with Jeremiah. Emma worked on making turnovers while feeling down about Olga's family leaving. Magnus was working with a mare when she ended up catching wind of a stallion and . . .
Excerpt of the Day:
"Loosening the line from her halter, Magnus let her inside while the groom did the same with the stallion. Magnus sighed and leaned against the fence to wait. Magnus recognized the stallion as Nachtende.
As he watched the horses, Magnus thought about their names, Freudigmorgen and Nachtende, it almost seemed ironic, really. One referring to a joyous morning, one referring to the night's ending — which was essentially the morning.
Night's end and a morning of joy. Magnus looked down at the grass as he thought about it. Back when he'd been hauled to Flächbenestädt Magnus had thought that his life was at its sunset.
As much as then he'd been thinking that the nighttime in his life would be his death, it'd been slavery instead. He'd been brutally beaten, he'd been deprived of all hope, he'd been viciously derided throughout like a fierce and violent storm coming in the night.
But Herr Reiter was different from any other master Magnus had been under. He treated Magnus like a man. He had yet to whip a man that Magnus knew. He gave each man door and clothing that was not only decent, but was also quality. He made sure that each man was healthy and well cared for.
It seemed like Magnus had arrived in the twilight, the lightening of the sky before the dawn. Herr Reiter was treating him better than he deserved, but he was not out of the nighttime yet, as he was still a slave. The morning would come when Magnus was freed.
The names of the horses, though, almost seemed like a signal to Magnus. Either they were signalling that he was going to be freed soon, or that things would only get brighter and more hopeful from here.
Nachtende: the night was ending, there were signs of the coming sunlight on the horizon; Freudigmorgen: when the morning came, it would be a morning of joy. Of course it would be, Magnus would get to see his family again, he might even be able to see Windläufer and Tiedemann again — if they were still alive.
Magnus felt a lightness within himself. He could well be released soon. What the verdict would be that would get him freed, Magnus didn't know, but he didn't really care either, he could see the approaching light of sunrise.
The approaching light of sunrise was the surest of all signs that Magnus had passed through the greater portion of the hopeless night, and now he could see the morning was coming at long last.
Magnus reached up and took Freudigmorgen's halter. The weeping had endured for a night, a long, hopeless night, but when the morning came, it would be magnificently joyous."
Nachtende: nahchtend'
Freudigmorgen: froydigmoregehn
Check back on April 4 for the essential information for my April novel, which will be a Camp NaNoWriMo project (if you want a sneak peek already you might be able to check it out on the Camp NaNoWriMo website).
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 14
Word Count: 84,018
Summary of Events:
Chapter 27:
Emma and several ladies were trimming carrots to ready them for pickling and discussing the presence of the slave in the main yard. Magnus worked a horse and got to missing his own horse. Olga talked with Emma and Selma about the slave as well.
Chapter 28:
Magnus helped get the horses hooves trimmed and put Herr Reiter's horses away when he returned from his trip. Olga took Emma with her to go talk to Herr Reiter about the presence of the slave in the main yard and they engaged in a lengthy conversation.
Excerpt of the Day:
""All of the slaves that I've not succeeded in purchasing from the slave market in Geizenstadte have been beaten to some form," Herr Reiter said. "Some of them have even suffered the loss of fingers, toes, and limbs as punishment for the littlest of wrongdoings, and many are grossly underfed and underdressed for their labour. Additionally, most of these men have been deprived of all hope. They have been told that they are horrible, that there is no hope for them, and that it would be better off if they were dead — not necessarily in direct statements, but by their treatment."
"They deserve to be treated like that," Olga said.
"No Olga," Herr Reiter said. "They do not. For if they deserved to be treated like that, then we as men would be treated by the same by God. We would not even have our existence if God treated us the same as those men had been treated. But God is a merciful God, He offers us forgiveness for our wrongdoings, and if we accept the forgiveness He casts the memory of them as far as the east is from the west, and forgets them, accepting us as good and perfect as His Son was in our place."
"But your words don't give me any confidence that this Magnus won't go and do what he did to get convinced in the first place," Olga said.
"I cannot assure you that Magnus will not be motivated to do such things, although I will say that I do have a reasonable doubt, knowing the conditions he came from," Herr Reiter replied. "I cannot guarantee that anyone who works for me — slave or servant — will always do good. But I have faith if they ever choose to do evil that God will guide me in disciplining them here and now. And if they do not respond to my discipline, that He will judge them perfectly and righteously when it comes to pass that they are in His presence."
Olga exhaled harshly.
"God will judge all men aright," Herr Reiter said. "And He also governs all of the actions of men. That is enough assurance for me, and it seems to be enough assurance for Fräulein Emma. I can offer you no more assurance. You must seek that assurance from God, for He is sovereign over all men.""
Fräulein: froyline
Summary of Events:
Chapter 27:
Emma and several ladies were trimming carrots to ready them for pickling and discussing the presence of the slave in the main yard. Magnus worked a horse and got to missing his own horse. Olga talked with Emma and Selma about the slave as well.
Chapter 28:
Magnus helped get the horses hooves trimmed and put Herr Reiter's horses away when he returned from his trip. Olga took Emma with her to go talk to Herr Reiter about the presence of the slave in the main yard and they engaged in a lengthy conversation.
Excerpt of the Day:
""All of the slaves that I've not succeeded in purchasing from the slave market in Geizenstadte have been beaten to some form," Herr Reiter said. "Some of them have even suffered the loss of fingers, toes, and limbs as punishment for the littlest of wrongdoings, and many are grossly underfed and underdressed for their labour. Additionally, most of these men have been deprived of all hope. They have been told that they are horrible, that there is no hope for them, and that it would be better off if they were dead — not necessarily in direct statements, but by their treatment."
"They deserve to be treated like that," Olga said.
"No Olga," Herr Reiter said. "They do not. For if they deserved to be treated like that, then we as men would be treated by the same by God. We would not even have our existence if God treated us the same as those men had been treated. But God is a merciful God, He offers us forgiveness for our wrongdoings, and if we accept the forgiveness He casts the memory of them as far as the east is from the west, and forgets them, accepting us as good and perfect as His Son was in our place."
"But your words don't give me any confidence that this Magnus won't go and do what he did to get convinced in the first place," Olga said.
"I cannot assure you that Magnus will not be motivated to do such things, although I will say that I do have a reasonable doubt, knowing the conditions he came from," Herr Reiter replied. "I cannot guarantee that anyone who works for me — slave or servant — will always do good. But I have faith if they ever choose to do evil that God will guide me in disciplining them here and now. And if they do not respond to my discipline, that He will judge them perfectly and righteously when it comes to pass that they are in His presence."
Olga exhaled harshly.
"God will judge all men aright," Herr Reiter said. "And He also governs all of the actions of men. That is enough assurance for me, and it seems to be enough assurance for Fräulein Emma. I can offer you no more assurance. You must seek that assurance from God, for He is sovereign over all men.""
Fräulein: froyline
Monday, March 16, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 13
Word Count: 78,006
Summary of Events:
Chapter 25:
While Emma and her friend Olga shelled peas Emma encouraged Olga to look into learning about something she liked more than kitchen work. Herr Reiter asked Magnus to come work with some horses and showcase his talent and Magnus had a wonderful time.
Chapter 26:
Herr Reiter assigned Magnus to be a groom and trainer — the first ever slave he'd trusted to do so — and Magnus set to work with his guard Jeremiah. Emma saw Magnus as she was trimming beans and was initially afraid of him, until she remembered that Herr Reiter wouldn't deliberately endanger anyone.
Excerpt of the Day:
""Have you heard?" Olga asked.
"I've heard plenty," Emma replied, smiling. "Whether or not I've heard what you want to tell me, I cannot say."
Olga flashed no smile in response — as she often did when Emma responded in that way to her announcement of news — instead forging on:
"Father says that one of the slaves is going to be allowed to work in the main yard every day with the horses!" Olga exclaimed.
Emma startled. "But such a thing has never been allowed before."
"Yes! But he's going to do it!" Olga said. "Herr Reiter seems to have become careless all of the sudden! He had a slave working with the horses yesterday too!"
"He did?" Emma asked.
"Yes, I saw him," Olga replied. "He had a collar around his neck."
Emma looked toward the horse pastures. She couldn't see anyone out working with the horses yet, of course breakfast had yet to be served, and aside from cooking there wasn't much of any work done before breakfast.
"What was the slave charged with?" Olga asked. "What if he suddenly decides to commit the same crime again? Or what about a worse crime? He could be very dangerous out here in the main yard! Does Herr Reiter even realize what kind of danger he's putting us into — especially young women like you and I — by doing this? Is Herr Reiter loosing his sanity?"
"Oh I don't know," Emma replied. "I think that Herr Reiter probably has taken great care and concern in even considering doing this. I'm sure he's not exactly doing this on the spur of the moment either. Herr Reiter must trust this slave. And I know that Herr Reiter will make sure that the slave is severely reprimanded if he ends up doing unacceptable. I doubt there's really any reason to panic."
"No slave is worth trusting!" Olga exclaimed. "Father doesn't even trust that the slaves will always be obedient when he gives them orders! I hope you don't forget, Emma, that these slaves are convicted criminals!"
"I don't," Emma replied. "But I don't fear them."
"How can you possibly not fear them!?" Olga exclaimed.
"Because they've not ever done anything threatening to Papa, to Herr Reiter, to his farm, or anything else," Emma replied. "And even if they decided to do anything, I have faith that God will provide protection for us against any ill that any slaves might intend against us unless it is His will that such trials come upon us. And if they do, I have faith that He will give us the strength and courage to make it through them well."
Olga stared at Emma dumbfounded for several moments before speaking. "This is an incredible threat!" she cried. "How can you be so calm!?"
"Because I have faith I would guess," Emma replied.
"Aren't you the least bit afraid?" Olga asked.
"Not really, no," Emma replied. "I see no reason to be afraid."
"You are crazy!" Olga said. "I'm terrified!""
Summary of Events:
Chapter 25:
While Emma and her friend Olga shelled peas Emma encouraged Olga to look into learning about something she liked more than kitchen work. Herr Reiter asked Magnus to come work with some horses and showcase his talent and Magnus had a wonderful time.
Chapter 26:
Herr Reiter assigned Magnus to be a groom and trainer — the first ever slave he'd trusted to do so — and Magnus set to work with his guard Jeremiah. Emma saw Magnus as she was trimming beans and was initially afraid of him, until she remembered that Herr Reiter wouldn't deliberately endanger anyone.
Excerpt of the Day:
""Have you heard?" Olga asked.
"I've heard plenty," Emma replied, smiling. "Whether or not I've heard what you want to tell me, I cannot say."
Olga flashed no smile in response — as she often did when Emma responded in that way to her announcement of news — instead forging on:
"Father says that one of the slaves is going to be allowed to work in the main yard every day with the horses!" Olga exclaimed.
Emma startled. "But such a thing has never been allowed before."
"Yes! But he's going to do it!" Olga said. "Herr Reiter seems to have become careless all of the sudden! He had a slave working with the horses yesterday too!"
"He did?" Emma asked.
"Yes, I saw him," Olga replied. "He had a collar around his neck."
Emma looked toward the horse pastures. She couldn't see anyone out working with the horses yet, of course breakfast had yet to be served, and aside from cooking there wasn't much of any work done before breakfast.
"What was the slave charged with?" Olga asked. "What if he suddenly decides to commit the same crime again? Or what about a worse crime? He could be very dangerous out here in the main yard! Does Herr Reiter even realize what kind of danger he's putting us into — especially young women like you and I — by doing this? Is Herr Reiter loosing his sanity?"
"Oh I don't know," Emma replied. "I think that Herr Reiter probably has taken great care and concern in even considering doing this. I'm sure he's not exactly doing this on the spur of the moment either. Herr Reiter must trust this slave. And I know that Herr Reiter will make sure that the slave is severely reprimanded if he ends up doing unacceptable. I doubt there's really any reason to panic."
"No slave is worth trusting!" Olga exclaimed. "Father doesn't even trust that the slaves will always be obedient when he gives them orders! I hope you don't forget, Emma, that these slaves are convicted criminals!"
"I don't," Emma replied. "But I don't fear them."
"How can you possibly not fear them!?" Olga exclaimed.
"Because they've not ever done anything threatening to Papa, to Herr Reiter, to his farm, or anything else," Emma replied. "And even if they decided to do anything, I have faith that God will provide protection for us against any ill that any slaves might intend against us unless it is His will that such trials come upon us. And if they do, I have faith that He will give us the strength and courage to make it through them well."
Olga stared at Emma dumbfounded for several moments before speaking. "This is an incredible threat!" she cried. "How can you be so calm!?"
"Because I have faith I would guess," Emma replied.
"Aren't you the least bit afraid?" Olga asked.
"Not really, no," Emma replied. "I see no reason to be afraid."
"You are crazy!" Olga said. "I'm terrified!""
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 12
Word Count: 72,008
Summary of Events:
Part 7: Twilight
Chapter 22:
Magnus was brought out of the mine and offered for sale to Herr Reiter who nearly didn't purchase Magnus, but finally decided to do so. Emma and Olga worked in the kitchen. Upon arriving at Herr Reiter's farm Magnus was given a shave, a haircut, a bath, new clothes, a physical, and food.
Chapter 23:
Emma's brother Korbinian and Olga's sister Dagmar got married and everyone celebrated the occasion, Emma presented the wedding cake which awed Korbinian and Dagmar. Magnus helped with getting the crops planted, driving one of the plough teams which he really enjoyed.
Chapter 24:
Emma, Olga, and Emma's mother weeded the garden and then Emma worked to make tarts for Herr Reiter's dinner party that evening. Magnus finished weed ploughing for the day and put the team away, then he helped stop a runaway coach horse.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Heading out of the stables — still under the watchful eye of one of Herr Reiter's manservants — Magnus headed back toward the wall which he spent most of his days inside of.
An equine squeal, however, caused Magnus to stop. He turned toward the horses and carriages at the house and saw a single horse who was hitched to a small carriage on its hind legs, thrashing its forelegs in the air.
It looked like it was taking all of the driver's strength to get the horse not to run away. Magnus couldn't see anything that should've set the horse off, which puzzled him. He thought that there really ought to be a reason for the horse's fuss.
Before Magnus could examine the situation any more, though, there was a loud snap and the horse was off at a full gallop with the carriage in tow and the driver hanging on to the edges of his seat for dear life.
Magnus turned toward the pastures he'd passed at a run and grabbed the nearest horse. Swinging aboard — with no controls save his legs — Magnus charged the horse out of the pasture and after the runaway horse who was making straight for the Strenghärte.
It seemed Magnus had made a good selection in his horse, as — one he got his horse galloping — it began to steadily gain on the runaway horse. Magnus crouched low over his horse's withers, savouring the feel of the horse's muscles rippling powerfully underneath his legs.
Soon Magnus was close enough to the runaway horse to reach for it. Magnus grabbed the runaway's bridle and slowed his horse with subtle leg cues, causing the runaway horse to be forced to turn — slowing his momentum until finally he was stopped — his nostrils flared huge, eyes wide showing the whites, sides heaving, sweat darkening the coat.
Magnus sat still on his horse — who felt to be equally as winded — and got his own breath for a few moments before gently reaching forward with his other hand and rubbing the bridge of the horse's nose.
After awhile Magnus got off of the horse he'd borrowed — who dropped its head to eat calmly — and reached up his hand to the horse's neck, never once letting go of the bridle, and gently rubbed the horse's neck.
When the horse started to relax somewhat Magnus started to murmur softly and kindly to the horse. Slowly and gently he worked until the horse lowered his head nicely, and then he kept going until finally the horse got so relaxed that he cocked a hind hoof and sent his hip to an angle.
Magnus then released the horse's bridle and mounted back onto the horse he'd borrowed. Taking up one of the broken reins, Magnus then led the now settled runaway at an easy walk back to where he'd taken off from."
Summary of Events:
Part 7: Twilight
Chapter 22:
Magnus was brought out of the mine and offered for sale to Herr Reiter who nearly didn't purchase Magnus, but finally decided to do so. Emma and Olga worked in the kitchen. Upon arriving at Herr Reiter's farm Magnus was given a shave, a haircut, a bath, new clothes, a physical, and food.
Chapter 23:
Emma's brother Korbinian and Olga's sister Dagmar got married and everyone celebrated the occasion, Emma presented the wedding cake which awed Korbinian and Dagmar. Magnus helped with getting the crops planted, driving one of the plough teams which he really enjoyed.
Chapter 24:
Emma, Olga, and Emma's mother weeded the garden and then Emma worked to make tarts for Herr Reiter's dinner party that evening. Magnus finished weed ploughing for the day and put the team away, then he helped stop a runaway coach horse.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Heading out of the stables — still under the watchful eye of one of Herr Reiter's manservants — Magnus headed back toward the wall which he spent most of his days inside of.
An equine squeal, however, caused Magnus to stop. He turned toward the horses and carriages at the house and saw a single horse who was hitched to a small carriage on its hind legs, thrashing its forelegs in the air.
It looked like it was taking all of the driver's strength to get the horse not to run away. Magnus couldn't see anything that should've set the horse off, which puzzled him. He thought that there really ought to be a reason for the horse's fuss.
Before Magnus could examine the situation any more, though, there was a loud snap and the horse was off at a full gallop with the carriage in tow and the driver hanging on to the edges of his seat for dear life.
Magnus turned toward the pastures he'd passed at a run and grabbed the nearest horse. Swinging aboard — with no controls save his legs — Magnus charged the horse out of the pasture and after the runaway horse who was making straight for the Strenghärte.
It seemed Magnus had made a good selection in his horse, as — one he got his horse galloping — it began to steadily gain on the runaway horse. Magnus crouched low over his horse's withers, savouring the feel of the horse's muscles rippling powerfully underneath his legs.
Soon Magnus was close enough to the runaway horse to reach for it. Magnus grabbed the runaway's bridle and slowed his horse with subtle leg cues, causing the runaway horse to be forced to turn — slowing his momentum until finally he was stopped — his nostrils flared huge, eyes wide showing the whites, sides heaving, sweat darkening the coat.
Magnus sat still on his horse — who felt to be equally as winded — and got his own breath for a few moments before gently reaching forward with his other hand and rubbing the bridge of the horse's nose.
After awhile Magnus got off of the horse he'd borrowed — who dropped its head to eat calmly — and reached up his hand to the horse's neck, never once letting go of the bridle, and gently rubbed the horse's neck.
When the horse started to relax somewhat Magnus started to murmur softly and kindly to the horse. Slowly and gently he worked until the horse lowered his head nicely, and then he kept going until finally the horse got so relaxed that he cocked a hind hoof and sent his hip to an angle.
Magnus then released the horse's bridle and mounted back onto the horse he'd borrowed. Taking up one of the broken reins, Magnus then led the now settled runaway at an easy walk back to where he'd taken off from."
Friday, March 13, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 11
Word Count: 63,018
Summary of Events:
Part 6: Darkest Hour
Chapter 21:
Magnus was sold again and then delivered to his new master Herr Keßel who put him to work in his mines right away. Emma was assigned to help set the table for Herr Reiter's lunch and was complimented by Herr Reiter's guest quite highly.
Excerpt of the Day:
""What's with this?" the overseer asked.
"I know not," the other man replied. "I didn't notice it."
The overseer sighed. "We'll have to do something about it when the day is through."
"I shall let Herr Keßel know," the other man said.
The overseer said nothing, but Magnus had a feeling he'd probably nodded. Magnus glanced over and saw he was chained to the bolt by the link after the melted, deformed link that was the last one on his chain.
Magnus then looked over at the other slaves, trying to figure out what he was supposed to be mining. He'd never been in a mine before, and he didn't know what metals looked like in the mountain. He only knew what they looked like refined.
"What are you waiting for?" the overseer demanded. "Get to work!"
Magnus turned to the overseer, leaping his head low. "I know not what I am looking for," he said. "I've not ever been in a mine or been mining before."
The overseer groaned. "Why?"
Magnus had a feeling that the overseer was talking to himself, so Magnus offered no response. The overseer unchained Magnus from where he'd been chained and chained him to a bolt on which another person was chained and Magnus was put beside the man.
"Show him," the overseer said.
The man nodded and looked at Magnus. He then turned back to the mountain wall and chipped at the wall. Magnus watched as the man worked wordlessly. Magnus occasionally chipped at the wall to help. After awhile the man reached down to the chips of rock he'd knocked down and picked up a couple of pieces of something metallic.
Holding them out in his hand, he showed them to Magnus. Magnus looked at them, then he looked at the man.
"What is it?" Magnus asked.
The man moved Magnus out of his way and went over to the wagon. He then dropped the metal into the wagon. So that was what they were looking for. But what was it, as in what metal?
"What metal is it?" Magnus asked.
The man shook his head. Magnus furrowed his brow. He had no idea what was going on. The man then opened his mouth and Magnus kept his brow furrowed, finding that something wasn't right about the man's mouth. Something was wrong.
When Magnus realized what was wrong he turned his head away quickly. The man's tongue had been cut out of his mouth. Magnus knew that cutting out of the tongue was a punishment give to some of the least of crimes in Zeig — and especially when the crime was something about lying or speech — but he'd never seen someone who'd suffered it.
Magnus glanced at the man apologetically now that the man had closed his mouth, the man just nodded in response and went back to the wall. Magnus followed the man and started working alongside the man, looking for metal that didn't seem to be particularly obvious much of anywhere."
Keßel: kessel
*I only wrote one chapter (3,000 words) today because of my schedule, I will be writing three chapters tomorrow because I have the time.*
Summary of Events:
Part 6: Darkest Hour
Chapter 21:
Magnus was sold again and then delivered to his new master Herr Keßel who put him to work in his mines right away. Emma was assigned to help set the table for Herr Reiter's lunch and was complimented by Herr Reiter's guest quite highly.
Excerpt of the Day:
""What's with this?" the overseer asked.
"I know not," the other man replied. "I didn't notice it."
The overseer sighed. "We'll have to do something about it when the day is through."
"I shall let Herr Keßel know," the other man said.
The overseer said nothing, but Magnus had a feeling he'd probably nodded. Magnus glanced over and saw he was chained to the bolt by the link after the melted, deformed link that was the last one on his chain.
Magnus then looked over at the other slaves, trying to figure out what he was supposed to be mining. He'd never been in a mine before, and he didn't know what metals looked like in the mountain. He only knew what they looked like refined.
"What are you waiting for?" the overseer demanded. "Get to work!"
Magnus turned to the overseer, leaping his head low. "I know not what I am looking for," he said. "I've not ever been in a mine or been mining before."
The overseer groaned. "Why?"
Magnus had a feeling that the overseer was talking to himself, so Magnus offered no response. The overseer unchained Magnus from where he'd been chained and chained him to a bolt on which another person was chained and Magnus was put beside the man.
"Show him," the overseer said.
The man nodded and looked at Magnus. He then turned back to the mountain wall and chipped at the wall. Magnus watched as the man worked wordlessly. Magnus occasionally chipped at the wall to help. After awhile the man reached down to the chips of rock he'd knocked down and picked up a couple of pieces of something metallic.
Holding them out in his hand, he showed them to Magnus. Magnus looked at them, then he looked at the man.
"What is it?" Magnus asked.
The man moved Magnus out of his way and went over to the wagon. He then dropped the metal into the wagon. So that was what they were looking for. But what was it, as in what metal?
"What metal is it?" Magnus asked.
The man shook his head. Magnus furrowed his brow. He had no idea what was going on. The man then opened his mouth and Magnus kept his brow furrowed, finding that something wasn't right about the man's mouth. Something was wrong.
When Magnus realized what was wrong he turned his head away quickly. The man's tongue had been cut out of his mouth. Magnus knew that cutting out of the tongue was a punishment give to some of the least of crimes in Zeig — and especially when the crime was something about lying or speech — but he'd never seen someone who'd suffered it.
Magnus glanced at the man apologetically now that the man had closed his mouth, the man just nodded in response and went back to the wall. Magnus followed the man and started working alongside the man, looking for metal that didn't seem to be particularly obvious much of anywhere."
Keßel: kessel
*I only wrote one chapter (3,000 words) today because of my schedule, I will be writing three chapters tomorrow because I have the time.*
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 10
Word Count: 60,007
Summary of Events:
Part 4: Night
Chapter 19:
Magnus was sold to Herr Starr of Sommerstädt to work in his orchards, and got in trouble for climbing into the apple tree to get apples he couldn't reach. Emma and her family mourned the loss of a baby boy who'd died too young to be named. Magnus then got in trouble for stepping on Herr Starr's grass and sold to another master.
Part 5: Midnight
Chapter 20:
Magnus was taken to Finsternesstädt* to work for Herr Zänkisches in logging and witnessed a slave having a finger forcefully removed because he made a mistake. Emma helped prepare for a Weinachten banquet Herr Reiter was holding and received more compliments about her culinary talent. Magnus continued to help with the logging on Herr Zänkisches land.
Excerpt of the Day:
"A grotesque image flashed into Magnus' head combining the chicken butchering experiences of his childhood and the finger severing of the winter before. Magnus froze for a moment.
Sharp and biting the whip bit into Magnus' skin and he instantly launched into action chopping the branch off the tree he'd been in the process of chopping before he'd heard the cry.
Magnus tried to shake the image from his mind, but as much as he could shake the image, he couldn't shake the thought, the realization: the overseers had killed the slave. He was sure that was what had happened.
But were they going to get punished? No. Magnus was quite certain of that. There was no way whatsoever that anyone would find out — mainly because slaves weren't allowed to testify in court, as they were classified with animals.
This place was horrible. Herr Jagd had never deliberately killed anyone — although when the shed had collapsed it almost sounded like Herr Jagd had been inclined to slaughter them all — even if he had treated them wretchedly.
Slavery was atrocious. Magnus could see why the Rohrbauer family had chosen not to buy a bidding number and become a slaveholding farm. The men who had slaves treated them worse than animals. Magnus almost felt like it would be better if the king were to create prisons instead of letting freemen do whatever they so pleased to criminals that they could buy, sell, and even maim and kill it seemed.
But Magnus said nothing and continued to remove branches from the trees. As unjust as slavery was, there was nothing Magnus could do about it. He had no voice, no rights, no choice. He was bound to be abused and bought and sold according to the whims of his masters.
There were no laws that kept masters from doing what they so pleased to slaves. Any injustice punishable against a freeman was permissible against a slave. It was wrong, Magnus thought.
As much as these men had done wrong — or all of the except himself, he was sure — they were being punished for it in their own minds, and maybe they did deserve some harshness, but they didn't deserve to be killed. They didn't deserve to suffer this kind of brutality.
They were men just as much as the freemen were men, they were just men who'd done wrong and been rightfully punished. There was nothing that made them inhuman. Any man in Zeig could do whatever crimes these men had done, these men who were now slaves weren't demented by anything.
But yet they were still abused. Magnus sighed and continued to chop the branches off the trees. If he ever got free he might have to see what he could do to get slaves treated somewhat better than this, because this was utterly inhuman."
Finsternessädt: finstirne'stahd
Zänkisches: zahnkihsh-es
*I couldn't read my own writing when I was writing up the Essential Information and i became u, so it's supposed to be i.
Summary of Events:
Part 4: Night
Chapter 19:
Magnus was sold to Herr Starr of Sommerstädt to work in his orchards, and got in trouble for climbing into the apple tree to get apples he couldn't reach. Emma and her family mourned the loss of a baby boy who'd died too young to be named. Magnus then got in trouble for stepping on Herr Starr's grass and sold to another master.
Part 5: Midnight
Chapter 20:
Magnus was taken to Finsternesstädt* to work for Herr Zänkisches in logging and witnessed a slave having a finger forcefully removed because he made a mistake. Emma helped prepare for a Weinachten banquet Herr Reiter was holding and received more compliments about her culinary talent. Magnus continued to help with the logging on Herr Zänkisches land.
Excerpt of the Day:
"A grotesque image flashed into Magnus' head combining the chicken butchering experiences of his childhood and the finger severing of the winter before. Magnus froze for a moment.
Sharp and biting the whip bit into Magnus' skin and he instantly launched into action chopping the branch off the tree he'd been in the process of chopping before he'd heard the cry.
Magnus tried to shake the image from his mind, but as much as he could shake the image, he couldn't shake the thought, the realization: the overseers had killed the slave. He was sure that was what had happened.
But were they going to get punished? No. Magnus was quite certain of that. There was no way whatsoever that anyone would find out — mainly because slaves weren't allowed to testify in court, as they were classified with animals.
This place was horrible. Herr Jagd had never deliberately killed anyone — although when the shed had collapsed it almost sounded like Herr Jagd had been inclined to slaughter them all — even if he had treated them wretchedly.
Slavery was atrocious. Magnus could see why the Rohrbauer family had chosen not to buy a bidding number and become a slaveholding farm. The men who had slaves treated them worse than animals. Magnus almost felt like it would be better if the king were to create prisons instead of letting freemen do whatever they so pleased to criminals that they could buy, sell, and even maim and kill it seemed.
But Magnus said nothing and continued to remove branches from the trees. As unjust as slavery was, there was nothing Magnus could do about it. He had no voice, no rights, no choice. He was bound to be abused and bought and sold according to the whims of his masters.
There were no laws that kept masters from doing what they so pleased to slaves. Any injustice punishable against a freeman was permissible against a slave. It was wrong, Magnus thought.
As much as these men had done wrong — or all of the except himself, he was sure — they were being punished for it in their own minds, and maybe they did deserve some harshness, but they didn't deserve to be killed. They didn't deserve to suffer this kind of brutality.
They were men just as much as the freemen were men, they were just men who'd done wrong and been rightfully punished. There was nothing that made them inhuman. Any man in Zeig could do whatever crimes these men had done, these men who were now slaves weren't demented by anything.
But yet they were still abused. Magnus sighed and continued to chop the branches off the trees. If he ever got free he might have to see what he could do to get slaves treated somewhat better than this, because this was utterly inhuman."
Finsternessädt: finstirne'stahd
Zänkisches: zahnkihsh-es
*I couldn't read my own writing when I was writing up the Essential Information and i became u, so it's supposed to be i.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 9
Word Count: 54,006
Summary of Events:
Chapter 17:
Magnus continued to suffer abuse under Herr Jagd. Meanwhile Emma learned how to make éclairs. Herr Jagd Sr. died, causing Magnus to pass into the service of Herr Jagd Jr. who seemed to be even more violent now that his father was dead.
Chapter 18:
Two weeks after Josepha got married Emma's family welcomed another boy, Siegwald, into the family. The shed that Magnus and other slaves were kept in collapsed and Herr Jagd intended to burn them all in it, but lawmen showed up and arrested Herr Jagd and sold everything he had.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Magnus scrambled out of the hole, but then gagged as his collar was jerked tight around his neck. He turned around. His chain was caught. He couldn't tell on what, but he didn't want go back into the downed shed.
"You don't want to get inside?" Herr Jagd asked. "Well then! Let all those who remain suffer for you fools!"
Magnus watched as Herr Jagd dropped the torch onto the downed wall of the shed and — due to the dry wood and the fierce wind — the flames quickly took hold of the wood and whipped the building up into a terrible blaze.
The blaze flared up so fiercely Magnus couldn't even see Herr Jagd on the other side of the flames. The flames licked so closely to Magnus, whose chain was still hocked on whatever was inside the roof. Magnus hoped the fire would flare up high enough to melt his chain and get him free.
Someone grabbed Magnus' arm and tried to pull him away from the building. Magnus looked and saw it was one of his fellow slaves. Magnus grabbed his chain and tugged. The slave understood what Magnus meant and seized Magnus' chain to pull.
Magnus also hauled back on it. Several others noticed and started jerking hard on the chain, trying to get Magnus free and away from the building. Magnus noticed Herr Jagd striding around the building, heading toward them.
"Get inside! Get inside!" Herr Jagd cried.
Everyone kept pulling, giving their master no regard. Magnus then watched with horror as Herr Jagd took up one of the men pulling and threw him onto the burning roof where the man flailed and screamed.
Herr Jagd made for another man just as Magnus' chain gave and the group of them — Magnus wasn't even sure how many — rolled down the long incline behind the building and through the ice into the slough.
Magnus thrust his head out of the water and scrambled for shore. He grabbed chains, collars, arms, and legs of others in the water and pulled them out. The wind was blowing at them ferociously. This wasn't good at all. Magnus looked up. Herr Jagd stood at the top of the hill silhouetted by the fire, his stance daring them to come up to the top again.
Quickly Magnus scrambled off to the right. Everyone followed after him as fast as they could. They went around and slowly up the hill to get around the right side of the house. Magnus hoped that maybe they could get inside or something.
Suddenly there was the sound of hundreds of horses hooves clattering and Magnus turned. Illuminated by the light of the burning shed was a herd of horses bearing armour and armour-clad men.
Magnus stopped and the other wet people with him gathered close around him, and somewhat behind him, as if they hoped that maybe Magnus would shield them from the soldiers.
Herr Jagd came around the building with a malicious expression on his face, which instantly fled at the sight of the armoured men."
Siegwald: seegwalled
Summary of Events:
Chapter 17:
Magnus continued to suffer abuse under Herr Jagd. Meanwhile Emma learned how to make éclairs. Herr Jagd Sr. died, causing Magnus to pass into the service of Herr Jagd Jr. who seemed to be even more violent now that his father was dead.
Chapter 18:
Two weeks after Josepha got married Emma's family welcomed another boy, Siegwald, into the family. The shed that Magnus and other slaves were kept in collapsed and Herr Jagd intended to burn them all in it, but lawmen showed up and arrested Herr Jagd and sold everything he had.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Magnus scrambled out of the hole, but then gagged as his collar was jerked tight around his neck. He turned around. His chain was caught. He couldn't tell on what, but he didn't want go back into the downed shed.
"You don't want to get inside?" Herr Jagd asked. "Well then! Let all those who remain suffer for you fools!"
Magnus watched as Herr Jagd dropped the torch onto the downed wall of the shed and — due to the dry wood and the fierce wind — the flames quickly took hold of the wood and whipped the building up into a terrible blaze.
The blaze flared up so fiercely Magnus couldn't even see Herr Jagd on the other side of the flames. The flames licked so closely to Magnus, whose chain was still hocked on whatever was inside the roof. Magnus hoped the fire would flare up high enough to melt his chain and get him free.
Someone grabbed Magnus' arm and tried to pull him away from the building. Magnus looked and saw it was one of his fellow slaves. Magnus grabbed his chain and tugged. The slave understood what Magnus meant and seized Magnus' chain to pull.
Magnus also hauled back on it. Several others noticed and started jerking hard on the chain, trying to get Magnus free and away from the building. Magnus noticed Herr Jagd striding around the building, heading toward them.
"Get inside! Get inside!" Herr Jagd cried.
Everyone kept pulling, giving their master no regard. Magnus then watched with horror as Herr Jagd took up one of the men pulling and threw him onto the burning roof where the man flailed and screamed.
Herr Jagd made for another man just as Magnus' chain gave and the group of them — Magnus wasn't even sure how many — rolled down the long incline behind the building and through the ice into the slough.
Magnus thrust his head out of the water and scrambled for shore. He grabbed chains, collars, arms, and legs of others in the water and pulled them out. The wind was blowing at them ferociously. This wasn't good at all. Magnus looked up. Herr Jagd stood at the top of the hill silhouetted by the fire, his stance daring them to come up to the top again.
Quickly Magnus scrambled off to the right. Everyone followed after him as fast as they could. They went around and slowly up the hill to get around the right side of the house. Magnus hoped that maybe they could get inside or something.
Suddenly there was the sound of hundreds of horses hooves clattering and Magnus turned. Illuminated by the light of the burning shed was a herd of horses bearing armour and armour-clad men.
Magnus stopped and the other wet people with him gathered close around him, and somewhat behind him, as if they hoped that maybe Magnus would shield them from the soldiers.
Herr Jagd came around the building with a malicious expression on his face, which instantly fled at the sight of the armoured men."
Siegwald: seegwalled
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 8
Word Count: 48,102
Summary of Events:
Chapter 15:
Georg left Geizenstadte to head back home, feeling badly that Magnus was sentenced to slavery. Magnus was collared and put away to wait for sale. Emma personally confronted Josepha and reconciled with her. Magnus was sold for 6,530 Marks at the slave market.
Part 3: Dusk
Chapter 16:
Magnus arrived at the rather squalid farm belonging to the father and son Herr Jagd Sr. and Jr. Emma — the next summer — was helping her mother weed the garden while Josepha courted an apprentice of Herr Reiter. Magnus was tasked with fixing some chips in the wall during the night and heard an argument between Herr and Frau Jagd Jr.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Crouching down low, Magnus found a place to sit where he wasn't on top of anyone, although he could tell that he was touching quite a few of them. He wasn't sure what to do, as he was sure that he couldn't sleep sitting up.
"What's your sentence?" a dry, rough voice asked.
"Temporary slavery," Magnus replied.
A rough bark sounded out. "Temporary? How could it possibly be temporary?"
"I was charged with murder," Magnus replied.
A disunion of gasps sounded like they almost sucked the air out of the building. He waited to hear the crash of the building falling down. Nothing happened.
"Murder is only worthy of the death sentence," a voice wheezed — a voice that sounded feminine — which chilled Magnus.
"Why aren't you dead?" a masculine voice asked.
"I wasn't convicted," Magnus replied.
"And why not?" the rough voice that began the conversation asked.
"Because, I'm not guilty," Magnus replied. "But they haven't found out who is, and because I am the one who looks the most like I ought to have done it, I was charged, and as they haven't reached a resolution I'm being put here while they try to come up with answers."
"Who tried you?" another person asked.
"His Majesty the Imperial King Frederick the eighteenth himself," Magnus replied.
The gasps sounded out again. Once again the building didn't fall down, although Magnus had a feeling that it could well collapse if these people continued to gasp at him and all of the things he was telling them.
"And he couldn't even find any answers," Magnus added.
"Do you know who it was?" a young masculine voice asked.
"No," Magnus replied. "I have no idea. But I am completely convinced that I didn't do it. Someone else took my arrow and fired it. I don't even know why. I am completely confounded about the whole thing."
"It's a shame you've come here," an old man's voice said. "It's a wretched shame that you should come to this scum hole. Was there no one else that thought you valuable?"
"Only as far as six thousand five hundred and twenty five Marks," Magnus relied.
Another chorus of gasps sounded out. This shed could well collapse before the night was out at the rate they were going.
"They were obviously desperate if they paid that much for you," the rough voice said.
"When are they not desperate?" another voice asked. "With they way they treat us and the fact that they're so blasted picky it's no wonder they're always looking for more bodies."
Magnus shuddered at their words. With what they were saying Magnus wondered if whoever owned the bidding number 3603 would've treated him any differently. He hoped they would've.
Of course it was no matter. Even if they would've treated him nicer, he was here, he was in this place of horrors, it seemed, and he was stuck here until they sold him, he was freed, or he died."
Jagd: yahghd'
Summary of Events:
Chapter 15:
Georg left Geizenstadte to head back home, feeling badly that Magnus was sentenced to slavery. Magnus was collared and put away to wait for sale. Emma personally confronted Josepha and reconciled with her. Magnus was sold for 6,530 Marks at the slave market.
Part 3: Dusk
Chapter 16:
Magnus arrived at the rather squalid farm belonging to the father and son Herr Jagd Sr. and Jr. Emma — the next summer — was helping her mother weed the garden while Josepha courted an apprentice of Herr Reiter. Magnus was tasked with fixing some chips in the wall during the night and heard an argument between Herr and Frau Jagd Jr.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Crouching down low, Magnus found a place to sit where he wasn't on top of anyone, although he could tell that he was touching quite a few of them. He wasn't sure what to do, as he was sure that he couldn't sleep sitting up.
"What's your sentence?" a dry, rough voice asked.
"Temporary slavery," Magnus replied.
A rough bark sounded out. "Temporary? How could it possibly be temporary?"
"I was charged with murder," Magnus replied.
A disunion of gasps sounded like they almost sucked the air out of the building. He waited to hear the crash of the building falling down. Nothing happened.
"Murder is only worthy of the death sentence," a voice wheezed — a voice that sounded feminine — which chilled Magnus.
"Why aren't you dead?" a masculine voice asked.
"I wasn't convicted," Magnus replied.
"And why not?" the rough voice that began the conversation asked.
"Because, I'm not guilty," Magnus replied. "But they haven't found out who is, and because I am the one who looks the most like I ought to have done it, I was charged, and as they haven't reached a resolution I'm being put here while they try to come up with answers."
"Who tried you?" another person asked.
"His Majesty the Imperial King Frederick the eighteenth himself," Magnus replied.
The gasps sounded out again. Once again the building didn't fall down, although Magnus had a feeling that it could well collapse if these people continued to gasp at him and all of the things he was telling them.
"And he couldn't even find any answers," Magnus added.
"Do you know who it was?" a young masculine voice asked.
"No," Magnus replied. "I have no idea. But I am completely convinced that I didn't do it. Someone else took my arrow and fired it. I don't even know why. I am completely confounded about the whole thing."
"It's a shame you've come here," an old man's voice said. "It's a wretched shame that you should come to this scum hole. Was there no one else that thought you valuable?"
"Only as far as six thousand five hundred and twenty five Marks," Magnus relied.
Another chorus of gasps sounded out. This shed could well collapse before the night was out at the rate they were going.
"They were obviously desperate if they paid that much for you," the rough voice said.
"When are they not desperate?" another voice asked. "With they way they treat us and the fact that they're so blasted picky it's no wonder they're always looking for more bodies."
Magnus shuddered at their words. With what they were saying Magnus wondered if whoever owned the bidding number 3603 would've treated him any differently. He hoped they would've.
Of course it was no matter. Even if they would've treated him nicer, he was here, he was in this place of horrors, it seemed, and he was stuck here until they sold him, he was freed, or he died."
Jagd: yahghd'
Monday, March 09, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 7
Word Count: 42,005
Summary of Events:
Chapter 13:
Herr Dichter appealed to have the case heard by the king, being as everyone was tired of hearing the same information over and over. Emma made her return to the kitchen as they transferred from the summer kitchen to the main kitchen.
Chapter 14:
Georg was awed by Geizenstadte as they arrived and got settled into their hotel. Emma was back at work in the kitchen, and Josepha suddenly resumed being irritable again. Magnus gave his testimony one final time before King Frederick XVIII and the Court went to deliberate . . .
Excerpt of the Day:
"The longer it took, though, the more uncertain Magnus became. King Frederick and the Court were taking forever. Conversation was still keeping on with the others — mainly because they were going off and starting conversations with other people — but Magnus was starting to feel a fear building up within himself.
They had to be convicting him. They had to be sentencing him to hang from the gallows Magnus had seen in the yard in front of the King's Courthouse. He'd cringed at the sight of it, raised up off the ground, the platform beneath it, the loop of the rope hanging, waiting to be fitted around the next man's neck, waiting to become taut when the platform was dropped open.
Magnus nearly felt the rough court tightening around his neck and startled. He shook his head and settled himself back in the courtroom. The door opened and the Court headed back to their seats. Everyone then rose to their feet and King Frederick returned to the room, taking his seat on his stand again.
"This is indeed a very confusing case," King Frederick began. "Both sides have convincing arguments and solid evidence in their favour. It is quite difficult to discern what the answer should be."
Magnus felt a fear bringing cool to his breastbone. Terror was starting to chill him, panic was beginning to make him tremble. It took everything within him to hold himself together lest he interrupt the king.
"We have agreed that there are only two suspects in this case: Herr Georg Kenner, and Herr Magnus Kenner," King Frederick continued. "There is no other possibility that is in any way reasonable or legitimate based on the evidence that we have acquired, although this verdict does not, by any means, prohibit any of the members of the Court, or any of the Bevollmächtigter from seeking out more evidence to test the viability of alternate theories."
Couldn't he just hand down the verdict already? Magnus was going to absolutely loose it if he didn't say what the verdict was soon.
"Being as it will surely take some time to compile any evidence that might bring about reason for a retrial, and being as the Kaingsvoldisch Zeigreisch does not have any facilities for the imprisonment of accused men," King Frederick continued. "It has taken some due deliberation to decide our course of action in regards to this incredibly unique case, being as it cannot well and easily be determined which of the Herrs Kenner are guilty of the charge."
Magnus felt an unexpected relief rush through him. He wasn't being hung? Or were they just both going to be hung? Magnus had a feeling that no hanging was going to come out of this. But he wasn't sure as to what was going to happen.
"However," King Frederick went on. "We have reached a verdict. Our verdict is that, until it is that further evidence has been brought forward to reach a conviction, Herr Magnus Kenner, the accused, is sentenced to slavery.""
Bevollmächtigter: behvolemahchtihg-tur
Summary of Events:
Chapter 13:
Herr Dichter appealed to have the case heard by the king, being as everyone was tired of hearing the same information over and over. Emma made her return to the kitchen as they transferred from the summer kitchen to the main kitchen.
Chapter 14:
Georg was awed by Geizenstadte as they arrived and got settled into their hotel. Emma was back at work in the kitchen, and Josepha suddenly resumed being irritable again. Magnus gave his testimony one final time before King Frederick XVIII and the Court went to deliberate . . .
Excerpt of the Day:
"The longer it took, though, the more uncertain Magnus became. King Frederick and the Court were taking forever. Conversation was still keeping on with the others — mainly because they were going off and starting conversations with other people — but Magnus was starting to feel a fear building up within himself.
They had to be convicting him. They had to be sentencing him to hang from the gallows Magnus had seen in the yard in front of the King's Courthouse. He'd cringed at the sight of it, raised up off the ground, the platform beneath it, the loop of the rope hanging, waiting to be fitted around the next man's neck, waiting to become taut when the platform was dropped open.
Magnus nearly felt the rough court tightening around his neck and startled. He shook his head and settled himself back in the courtroom. The door opened and the Court headed back to their seats. Everyone then rose to their feet and King Frederick returned to the room, taking his seat on his stand again.
"This is indeed a very confusing case," King Frederick began. "Both sides have convincing arguments and solid evidence in their favour. It is quite difficult to discern what the answer should be."
Magnus felt a fear bringing cool to his breastbone. Terror was starting to chill him, panic was beginning to make him tremble. It took everything within him to hold himself together lest he interrupt the king.
"We have agreed that there are only two suspects in this case: Herr Georg Kenner, and Herr Magnus Kenner," King Frederick continued. "There is no other possibility that is in any way reasonable or legitimate based on the evidence that we have acquired, although this verdict does not, by any means, prohibit any of the members of the Court, or any of the Bevollmächtigter from seeking out more evidence to test the viability of alternate theories."
Couldn't he just hand down the verdict already? Magnus was going to absolutely loose it if he didn't say what the verdict was soon.
"Being as it will surely take some time to compile any evidence that might bring about reason for a retrial, and being as the Kaingsvoldisch Zeigreisch does not have any facilities for the imprisonment of accused men," King Frederick continued. "It has taken some due deliberation to decide our course of action in regards to this incredibly unique case, being as it cannot well and easily be determined which of the Herrs Kenner are guilty of the charge."
Magnus felt an unexpected relief rush through him. He wasn't being hung? Or were they just both going to be hung? Magnus had a feeling that no hanging was going to come out of this. But he wasn't sure as to what was going to happen.
"However," King Frederick went on. "We have reached a verdict. Our verdict is that, until it is that further evidence has been brought forward to reach a conviction, Herr Magnus Kenner, the accused, is sentenced to slavery.""
Bevollmächtigter: behvolemahchtihg-tur
Saturday, March 07, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 6
Word Count: 36,015
Summary of Events:
Chapter 11:
The trial continued, working to determine if the time of the manservant's death was the same as that of Magnus and Georg shooting at the deer — involving a lot of switching between questioning Georg and Councillor Hausierer — and finally determining they were at the same time.
Chapter 12:
Herr Hahn started bringing forward previously interviewed members of the Councillor's hunting party who were professing they saw Magnus shoot the manservant, but Herr Dichter exposed them to have been bribed. Emma watched Herr Reiter working with one of his colts and had an epiphany about how to help Josepha in the kitchen.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Magnus glanced over at Herr Hahn. His face was stoically bored as he regarded the judge and Herr Dichter. Magnus felt rather suspicious about Herr Hahn, though. He'd seemed quick to absolve himself of the blame. He'd probably get punished if he were convicted, though, Magnus was pretty sure.
"Let us bring forth the other witnesses that Herr Hahn has called up," the judge said.
Herr Hahn startled. "But Euer Gnaden–"
"Let us see if they have all received notices the same as this," the judge continued, interrupting Herr Hahn — and also giving Herr Hahn no recognition.
Herr Hahn got to his feet and opened his mouth to protest.
"I will not hear any objections Herr Hahn," the judge said. "We must examine this bribery. And if you wish for us not to do so, then perhaps you would like to explain what you might know about it?"
Herr Hahn stared at the judge for a few moments, his mouth agape. He snapped his mouth shut, broke his gaze with the judge, and shook his head before finally stepping forward.
"It appears that I, too, have been victimized," Herr Hahn said, striding forward.
Herr Dichter stepped back towards Magnus and the table with a look of intrigue on his face.
"I was given word from one of the paid messenger-boys who runs around town, that some of the members of the hunting party had given false testimonies, and that I ought to call them up and coerce them to reveal the truth — which didn't turn out to be a hard coercion — and he told me the name of every man who had spoken falsely at first: men who had actually spoken truthfully at first, but have obviously since been bribed to speak falsehood for the sake of convicting this youth who is being tried. Herr Dichter, I must admit, I am beginning to find your theory of the stolen arrow more credible with every passing day."
Herr Dichter looked unimpressed, but he said nothing, and made no indication of anything either. The judge nodded and Herr Hahn resumed his seat. Herr Dichter did the same.
"Let the other witnesses be called forth," the judge said.
Herr Dichter leaned over to Magnus. "Herr Hahn should be the descendant of a dither, he's got the silver tongue for it."
"He's lying?" Magnus whispered.
"It isn't the first time," Herr Dichter replied. "But I will get him for it, I assure you of that much. This time I will finally get him for it."
Magnus considered possibly asking Herr Dichter what he meant, but being as Herr Dichter probably wanted to concentrate on the witnesses being reexamined — and to reexamine them himself — he stayed silent. Herr Hahn had lied before? Did the judges not know about it? How could the possibly not know? Or, if Herr Hahn was behind the bribing, had he bribed them as well?"
Summary of Events:
Chapter 11:
The trial continued, working to determine if the time of the manservant's death was the same as that of Magnus and Georg shooting at the deer — involving a lot of switching between questioning Georg and Councillor Hausierer — and finally determining they were at the same time.
Chapter 12:
Herr Hahn started bringing forward previously interviewed members of the Councillor's hunting party who were professing they saw Magnus shoot the manservant, but Herr Dichter exposed them to have been bribed. Emma watched Herr Reiter working with one of his colts and had an epiphany about how to help Josepha in the kitchen.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Magnus glanced over at Herr Hahn. His face was stoically bored as he regarded the judge and Herr Dichter. Magnus felt rather suspicious about Herr Hahn, though. He'd seemed quick to absolve himself of the blame. He'd probably get punished if he were convicted, though, Magnus was pretty sure.
"Let us bring forth the other witnesses that Herr Hahn has called up," the judge said.
Herr Hahn startled. "But Euer Gnaden–"
"Let us see if they have all received notices the same as this," the judge continued, interrupting Herr Hahn — and also giving Herr Hahn no recognition.
Herr Hahn got to his feet and opened his mouth to protest.
"I will not hear any objections Herr Hahn," the judge said. "We must examine this bribery. And if you wish for us not to do so, then perhaps you would like to explain what you might know about it?"
Herr Hahn stared at the judge for a few moments, his mouth agape. He snapped his mouth shut, broke his gaze with the judge, and shook his head before finally stepping forward.
"It appears that I, too, have been victimized," Herr Hahn said, striding forward.
Herr Dichter stepped back towards Magnus and the table with a look of intrigue on his face.
"I was given word from one of the paid messenger-boys who runs around town, that some of the members of the hunting party had given false testimonies, and that I ought to call them up and coerce them to reveal the truth — which didn't turn out to be a hard coercion — and he told me the name of every man who had spoken falsely at first: men who had actually spoken truthfully at first, but have obviously since been bribed to speak falsehood for the sake of convicting this youth who is being tried. Herr Dichter, I must admit, I am beginning to find your theory of the stolen arrow more credible with every passing day."
Herr Dichter looked unimpressed, but he said nothing, and made no indication of anything either. The judge nodded and Herr Hahn resumed his seat. Herr Dichter did the same.
"Let the other witnesses be called forth," the judge said.
Herr Dichter leaned over to Magnus. "Herr Hahn should be the descendant of a dither, he's got the silver tongue for it."
"He's lying?" Magnus whispered.
"It isn't the first time," Herr Dichter replied. "But I will get him for it, I assure you of that much. This time I will finally get him for it."
Magnus considered possibly asking Herr Dichter what he meant, but being as Herr Dichter probably wanted to concentrate on the witnesses being reexamined — and to reexamine them himself — he stayed silent. Herr Hahn had lied before? Did the judges not know about it? How could the possibly not know? Or, if Herr Hahn was behind the bribing, had he bribed them as well?"
Friday, March 06, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 5
Word Count: 30,019
Summary of Events:
Part 2: Sunset
Chapter 9:
Magnus met with his lawyer, Herr Dichter, and told Herr Dichter his testimony and Herr Dichter showed Magnus that the outlook wasn't really as bleak as Magnus had thought it was. Emma tried to help Josepha in the kitchen, but she got mad at Emma.
Chapter 10:
Magnus listened to Georg's testimony and the subsequent questioning which revealed quite a few holes in Georg's testimony, but Georg managed to patch them up rather quickly. Emma was staying out of the kitchen to be out of the way of Josepha and ended up talking with her father about Josepha.
Excerpt of the Day:
""I do," Herr Dichter replied. "Herr Kenner, you told Herr Hahn that you may or may not have seen a person in the woods. Unfortunately, Herr Hahn was not clear as to when and at what vantage he was asking you about when he asked you about seeing this person; and in your answer, what vantage were you at, and when, when you may or may not have seen this person?"
"I was referring to after lunch when we'd espied the deer," Georg replied.
"Now, Euer Gnaden, I do believe that we must ask a key question that — unfortunately, it appears — we have neglected to answer the question: when was the manservant shot?" Her Dichter asked. "Does it correspond to this time when the deer was shot at by the Kenner brothers? Was it sooner? Was it later? It seems that we have all very grossly erred in assuming that the manservant was shot at the same time that the brothers were shooting at the this deer, when it could very well be that such was not the case. I am honestly appalled at myself for having not realized that we needed to established what time this manservant was killed in comparison to when this deer was shot at instead of assuming the two were at the same time."
The judge nodded. "A gross error indeed."
"In fact, Euer Gnaden," Herr Dichter went on. There is nothing that says that — if it is indeed that the manservant was killed after the brothers shot at the deer — that the man that Herr Kenner may or may not have seen too the arrow belonging to the accused and used it to shoot this manservant after it'd gone astray — regardless of which brother ended up shooting it; as we've already established that the brothers could well have mixed up their arrows because of their opposite dominant sides. Because of that, I would like to call Councillor Hausierer back to the stand for further questioning."
Georg left the stand and Councillor Hausierer returned to the stand. A valid option indeed, Magnus had to say. He never would've thought of it. Magnus watched as Georg left the stand, but he noticed that Georg's face was clouded with anger. Why was Georg mad? What was going on with Georg?
There was no way Georg could possibly want him to be convicted, could there? He turned back to face Herr Dichter, who'd begun question Councillor Hausierer, disturbed by the fact that he couldn't solidly ascertain a positive answer.
For all Magnus knew Georg could well want him to be hung. But why? Magnus couldn't imagine. It probably was related to Georg's irritability — not that Magnus knew the source of that either.
But if Georg wanted him to be hung then Georg could well be lying. Magnus sighed and looked up at Councillor Hausierer as he gave his answer, his jowls vibrating worse than a rooster's comb and wattle whenever it moved its head. Magnus had no answers. All he had was confusion, and he desperately wished he could climb out of it and find the answers."
Dichter: dickter
Hahn: hahnh
Euer Gnaden: ooyer nahden
Hausierer: howzee-errer
Summary of Events:
Part 2: Sunset
Chapter 9:
Magnus met with his lawyer, Herr Dichter, and told Herr Dichter his testimony and Herr Dichter showed Magnus that the outlook wasn't really as bleak as Magnus had thought it was. Emma tried to help Josepha in the kitchen, but she got mad at Emma.
Chapter 10:
Magnus listened to Georg's testimony and the subsequent questioning which revealed quite a few holes in Georg's testimony, but Georg managed to patch them up rather quickly. Emma was staying out of the kitchen to be out of the way of Josepha and ended up talking with her father about Josepha.
Excerpt of the Day:
""I do," Herr Dichter replied. "Herr Kenner, you told Herr Hahn that you may or may not have seen a person in the woods. Unfortunately, Herr Hahn was not clear as to when and at what vantage he was asking you about when he asked you about seeing this person; and in your answer, what vantage were you at, and when, when you may or may not have seen this person?"
"I was referring to after lunch when we'd espied the deer," Georg replied.
"Now, Euer Gnaden, I do believe that we must ask a key question that — unfortunately, it appears — we have neglected to answer the question: when was the manservant shot?" Her Dichter asked. "Does it correspond to this time when the deer was shot at by the Kenner brothers? Was it sooner? Was it later? It seems that we have all very grossly erred in assuming that the manservant was shot at the same time that the brothers were shooting at the this deer, when it could very well be that such was not the case. I am honestly appalled at myself for having not realized that we needed to established what time this manservant was killed in comparison to when this deer was shot at instead of assuming the two were at the same time."
The judge nodded. "A gross error indeed."
"In fact, Euer Gnaden," Herr Dichter went on. There is nothing that says that — if it is indeed that the manservant was killed after the brothers shot at the deer — that the man that Herr Kenner may or may not have seen too the arrow belonging to the accused and used it to shoot this manservant after it'd gone astray — regardless of which brother ended up shooting it; as we've already established that the brothers could well have mixed up their arrows because of their opposite dominant sides. Because of that, I would like to call Councillor Hausierer back to the stand for further questioning."
Georg left the stand and Councillor Hausierer returned to the stand. A valid option indeed, Magnus had to say. He never would've thought of it. Magnus watched as Georg left the stand, but he noticed that Georg's face was clouded with anger. Why was Georg mad? What was going on with Georg?
There was no way Georg could possibly want him to be convicted, could there? He turned back to face Herr Dichter, who'd begun question Councillor Hausierer, disturbed by the fact that he couldn't solidly ascertain a positive answer.
For all Magnus knew Georg could well want him to be hung. But why? Magnus couldn't imagine. It probably was related to Georg's irritability — not that Magnus knew the source of that either.
But if Georg wanted him to be hung then Georg could well be lying. Magnus sighed and looked up at Councillor Hausierer as he gave his answer, his jowls vibrating worse than a rooster's comb and wattle whenever it moved its head. Magnus had no answers. All he had was confusion, and he desperately wished he could climb out of it and find the answers."
Dichter: dickter
Hahn: hahnh
Euer Gnaden: ooyer nahden
Hausierer: howzee-errer
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 4
Word Count: 24,007
Summary of Events:
Chapter 7:
Magnus and Georg went hunting together, mostly finding only small game, which made the excursion rather frustrating, but finally Magnus shot a deer and the headed homeward, however they were confronted by a lawman before they could get there.
Chapter 8:
Emma's mother was back working in the kitchen and had brought Josepha with her to learn more about cooking — but it wasn't going so well. Georg returned home and recounted the incidents of the day to his parents.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Georg went to the road and rode toward Rohrbauerheim.
"But aren't we going to take the game home?" Magnus asked.
"Grandfather has more storage space, not to mention he has more than one smoking hut," Georg replied. "With the amount of game we've shot today we'll need to make use of some of his things."
When they arrived Magnus dismounted from Schnellsonne and led Windläufer over to the building where Tiedemann handled all of his meat. Manservants came out to help Magnus remove the game.
Magnus counted which had Georg's arrows, and which had his own, and found that he had — counting the deer — only three more pieces of game than Georg. Obviously once they'd settled down Georg's aim and accuracy had improved. Either that or Georg had been doing better than Magnus and even Georg himself had been thinking.
"Oh would you look at this," Georg said — sounding as if he meant to be irritable.
Magnus looked up at Georg, still astride Schnellsonne, looking at the deer still across Windläufer's back.
"The deer is mine," Georg said. "You missed"
"What!?" Magnus exclaimed.
He took up one of his arrows and held it alongside the arrow in the deer. Indeed. It was Georg's arrow that was in the deer. Magnus couldn't believe it. But then where was his arrow? Magnus hadn't even looked where the astray arrow had gone.
"But I shot the deer," Magnus said. "I'm sure of it. Surely our arrows couldn't have been mixed up."
"Oh I don't think so," Georg said. "The deer is mine." He smiled proudly.
Magnus shook his head, utterly bemused. He couldn't believe it. It made no sense, he was positive he'd hit the deer.
The manservants brought the deer down and took out the arrow; heading off with the game without a word.
"Come, let's go home, we'll worry about it tomorrow," Georg said.
Magnus took Windläufer to the stables and untacked him; releasing him out into his pasture. He then climbed on behind Georg again and tried to puzzle through it. It really didn't make any sense whatsoever, but that appeared to be the way it was.
They were getting close to Graßbenestädt when a man ran out and stopped them, he looked to be a rich man who was incredibly upset. Magnus hoped that he would leave them alone so they could go on. Another man was standing behind the upset man watching.
"Do you recognize this arrow?" the upset man asked, holding it up.
Magnus looked at it and he felt his heartbeat accelerate as he started to go cold. This couldn't be good.
"It is mine," Magnus replied.
The man turned a gaze brimming with vehement rage at Magnus, the lawman behind him strode forward and indicated for Magnus to dismount, which Magnus did.
"What is your name?" the lawman asked.
"Magnus Kenner sir," Magnus replied.
"Well, Herr Kenner," the lawman said. "As a soldier of the law of Kaingsvoldisch Zeigreisch, I place you under arrest for murder.""
Rorhbauerheim: roarbower-hyemh
Schnellsonne: shnell-sohnh
Windläufer: windlau-fur
Tiedemann: tiedhman
Summary of Events:
Chapter 7:
Magnus and Georg went hunting together, mostly finding only small game, which made the excursion rather frustrating, but finally Magnus shot a deer and the headed homeward, however they were confronted by a lawman before they could get there.
Chapter 8:
Emma's mother was back working in the kitchen and had brought Josepha with her to learn more about cooking — but it wasn't going so well. Georg returned home and recounted the incidents of the day to his parents.
Excerpt of the Day:
"Georg went to the road and rode toward Rohrbauerheim.
"But aren't we going to take the game home?" Magnus asked.
"Grandfather has more storage space, not to mention he has more than one smoking hut," Georg replied. "With the amount of game we've shot today we'll need to make use of some of his things."
When they arrived Magnus dismounted from Schnellsonne and led Windläufer over to the building where Tiedemann handled all of his meat. Manservants came out to help Magnus remove the game.
Magnus counted which had Georg's arrows, and which had his own, and found that he had — counting the deer — only three more pieces of game than Georg. Obviously once they'd settled down Georg's aim and accuracy had improved. Either that or Georg had been doing better than Magnus and even Georg himself had been thinking.
"Oh would you look at this," Georg said — sounding as if he meant to be irritable.
Magnus looked up at Georg, still astride Schnellsonne, looking at the deer still across Windläufer's back.
"The deer is mine," Georg said. "You missed"
"What!?" Magnus exclaimed.
He took up one of his arrows and held it alongside the arrow in the deer. Indeed. It was Georg's arrow that was in the deer. Magnus couldn't believe it. But then where was his arrow? Magnus hadn't even looked where the astray arrow had gone.
"But I shot the deer," Magnus said. "I'm sure of it. Surely our arrows couldn't have been mixed up."
"Oh I don't think so," Georg said. "The deer is mine." He smiled proudly.
Magnus shook his head, utterly bemused. He couldn't believe it. It made no sense, he was positive he'd hit the deer.
The manservants brought the deer down and took out the arrow; heading off with the game without a word.
"Come, let's go home, we'll worry about it tomorrow," Georg said.
Magnus took Windläufer to the stables and untacked him; releasing him out into his pasture. He then climbed on behind Georg again and tried to puzzle through it. It really didn't make any sense whatsoever, but that appeared to be the way it was.
They were getting close to Graßbenestädt when a man ran out and stopped them, he looked to be a rich man who was incredibly upset. Magnus hoped that he would leave them alone so they could go on. Another man was standing behind the upset man watching.
"Do you recognize this arrow?" the upset man asked, holding it up.
Magnus looked at it and he felt his heartbeat accelerate as he started to go cold. This couldn't be good.
"It is mine," Magnus replied.
The man turned a gaze brimming with vehement rage at Magnus, the lawman behind him strode forward and indicated for Magnus to dismount, which Magnus did.
"What is your name?" the lawman asked.
"Magnus Kenner sir," Magnus replied.
"Well, Herr Kenner," the lawman said. "As a soldier of the law of Kaingsvoldisch Zeigreisch, I place you under arrest for murder.""
Rorhbauerheim: roarbower-hyemh
Schnellsonne: shnell-sohnh
Windläufer: windlau-fur
Tiedemann: tiedhman
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 3
Word Count: 18,006
Summary of Events:
Chapter 5:
Georg spent some time thinking about the rumours that Magnus was going to inherit their grandfather's farm. Emma got up after bedtime and met her little newborn brother Jochen. Magnus went for a ride with his gelding after the farrier came to trim all the horses' hooves.
Chapter 6:
Emma helped in the kitchen glazing cinnamon rolls and was told by Herr Reiter that starting as young as she was she could well become one of the king's cooks. Magnus was invited to go hunting on the weekend with Georg. Coming home late for supper, Emma told her parents about her day.
Excerpt of the Day:
""In fact, Magnus," Georg went on — seeming to not even notice Magnus' confusion — "Being as it is now getting into the peak of hunting season, would you like to go out for a hunting excursion?"
"I wouldn't mind doing so, no," Magnus replied.
"Is there any time in particular that works for you best?" Georg asked.
"You are the man, you ought to be the one who would more likely have some kind of engagement hindering you from going on the excursion," Magnus replied. "I'm a young man, even a boy, I should have anything hindering me from my participation."
"That doesn't answer my question," Georg said.
Magnus sighed. "No, I haven't any hindrances to joining you whenever it is that you would wish to go hunting."
"Excellent!" Georg exclaimed — his exclamation and the expression on his face almost seeming too bright — Magnus felt an uncertainty within himself about this whole thing all of the sudden.
"Georg," Magnus said.
"Yes?" Georg asked, startling.
"You seem to be forcing yourself to do this," Magnus said. "Really, don't force yourself to do this if you don't want to. I will admit that I am somewhat puzzled by the sourness of your countenance of late, but if you really don't want to do this, please, don't make yourself do it on my account."
"I am not forcing myself to do it," Georg said. "I want to spend some time with you my brother."
"But you seemed overly exuberant at the fact that I don't have any specific obligations hindering out excursion," Magnus said.
"Ah, that was only because I have an excellent day in mind for us to go hunting on, and I'm pleased that you are a lot freer than you've seemed to be of late," Georg replied. "I was afraid that we wouldn't be able to go hunting until the snow had set in because of you so frequently being at the home of our grandfather, that was all."
"Oh," Magnus said.
"I was so pleasantly surprised that I couldn't help but be so exuberant," Georg said.
Magnus nodded.
"So you'll be free to go hunting on this Saturday?" Georg asked.
"Yes," Magnus replied.
"I want to set out with the dawn," Georg said.
"Alright," Magnus said, nodding.
"I look forward to seeing which one of us will kill more game on Saturday," Georg said.
Magnus nodded, determination coming over his face. "And I hope that you do not think that it shall be easy for you to kill more game than I," he said.
Georg returned Magnus' determined gaze with one of his own. "Oh I don't, but I am quite sure that I shall come out victorious either way."
Magnus smirked and shook his head. Just wait until Georg saw his accuracy — both in shot and in tracking. He'd so markedly improved that even he himself had noticed. Georg would be the one heading home effectively vanquished after their hunting excursion come Saturday."
Jochen: johkehn
Summary of Events:
Chapter 5:
Georg spent some time thinking about the rumours that Magnus was going to inherit their grandfather's farm. Emma got up after bedtime and met her little newborn brother Jochen. Magnus went for a ride with his gelding after the farrier came to trim all the horses' hooves.
Chapter 6:
Emma helped in the kitchen glazing cinnamon rolls and was told by Herr Reiter that starting as young as she was she could well become one of the king's cooks. Magnus was invited to go hunting on the weekend with Georg. Coming home late for supper, Emma told her parents about her day.
Excerpt of the Day:
""In fact, Magnus," Georg went on — seeming to not even notice Magnus' confusion — "Being as it is now getting into the peak of hunting season, would you like to go out for a hunting excursion?"
"I wouldn't mind doing so, no," Magnus replied.
"Is there any time in particular that works for you best?" Georg asked.
"You are the man, you ought to be the one who would more likely have some kind of engagement hindering you from going on the excursion," Magnus replied. "I'm a young man, even a boy, I should have anything hindering me from my participation."
"That doesn't answer my question," Georg said.
Magnus sighed. "No, I haven't any hindrances to joining you whenever it is that you would wish to go hunting."
"Excellent!" Georg exclaimed — his exclamation and the expression on his face almost seeming too bright — Magnus felt an uncertainty within himself about this whole thing all of the sudden.
"Georg," Magnus said.
"Yes?" Georg asked, startling.
"You seem to be forcing yourself to do this," Magnus said. "Really, don't force yourself to do this if you don't want to. I will admit that I am somewhat puzzled by the sourness of your countenance of late, but if you really don't want to do this, please, don't make yourself do it on my account."
"I am not forcing myself to do it," Georg said. "I want to spend some time with you my brother."
"But you seemed overly exuberant at the fact that I don't have any specific obligations hindering out excursion," Magnus said.
"Ah, that was only because I have an excellent day in mind for us to go hunting on, and I'm pleased that you are a lot freer than you've seemed to be of late," Georg replied. "I was afraid that we wouldn't be able to go hunting until the snow had set in because of you so frequently being at the home of our grandfather, that was all."
"Oh," Magnus said.
"I was so pleasantly surprised that I couldn't help but be so exuberant," Georg said.
Magnus nodded.
"So you'll be free to go hunting on this Saturday?" Georg asked.
"Yes," Magnus replied.
"I want to set out with the dawn," Georg said.
"Alright," Magnus said, nodding.
"I look forward to seeing which one of us will kill more game on Saturday," Georg said.
Magnus nodded, determination coming over his face. "And I hope that you do not think that it shall be easy for you to kill more game than I," he said.
Georg returned Magnus' determined gaze with one of his own. "Oh I don't, but I am quite sure that I shall come out victorious either way."
Magnus smirked and shook his head. Just wait until Georg saw his accuracy — both in shot and in tracking. He'd so markedly improved that even he himself had noticed. Georg would be the one heading home effectively vanquished after their hunting excursion come Saturday."
Jochen: johkehn
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 2
Word Count: 12,010
Summary of Events:
Chapter 3:
Emma got up to have breakfast and was unsettled by the fact that her mother didn't participate, but she found out that her mother was near to giving birth. Magnus worked with his father for a day and was puzzled by the irritability of his his older brother Georg.
Chapter 4:
Emma got some time to talk to her parents and found that the baby's due date was quite close, and that Herr Reiter was a widower. Magnus helped his grandfather in ploughing the fields under and decided that he was going to aspire to be a farmer. Emma was helping her mother make a salad when her mother's water broke and Emma went to get her father to get the doctor.
Excerpt of the Day:
"As soon as Magnus was done he was allowed to be excused and took his dishes to the wash basin. Magnus then headed out to the workshop to start clearing things up for the evening.
He'd just started sweeping when Georg briskly strode past Magnus and disappeared into the house. Magnus turned and looked over at the door for a few moments, then he sighed and resumed sweeping.
Steffen came out after awhile and tidied up his things. He said nothing to Magnus — not that Magnus asked any questions. As soon as Steffen was done he returned into the house.
Heinrich zweite came out and cleaned up the rest of the things — letting Father get more rest in, being as he'd been working at wainwrighting for years more than any of them had been.
"I'm going to visit Wieland and Engelbert once I'm done," Magnus said.
Heinrich nodded and continued cleaning things up. They both finished at about the same time and Magnus pushed the doors closed from outside. Heinrich bolted them on the inside and Magnus set off to meet Wieland and Engelbert as they'd planned.
Wieland was already waiting when Magnus arrived, but Engelbert wasn't there. Magnus sat down beside Wieland and sighed.
"Hard work in the shop?" Wieland asked.
"No," Magnus replied. "Georg was off today."
"What do you mean?" Wieland asked.
"I've seen some of his work on Father's wagons and it's been incredibly fine, I thought he was going to be a wainwright with Father and Heinrich zweite, but today his work was atrocious and he even nearly ruined a spoke at the end of the day and left in a huff," Magnus replied. "He didn't come back until after I was finished eating."
"That does sound odd," Wieland said. "But nothing was different."
"Not outwardly anyways," Magnus replied.
"I know probably not to you, but isn't Georg pretty open to your parents?" Wieland asked.
"I don't know," Magnus replied. "Probably somewhat."
"Did they have a clue?" Wieland asked.
"No," Magnus replied.
"What do you think was the reason?" Magnus asked.
"Me," Magnus replied.
"What do you mean you?" Wieland asked.
"I almost feel like Georg was off because I was there," Magnus replied.
"How could you possibly have upset things?" Wieland asked.
"I don't know," Magnus replied. "But I just feel kind of like I was responsible."
"Wow, Georg is pretty sensitive to alterations," Wieland said.
"I don't know that it was the fact that I was there in the workshop working," Magnus said. "I don't think it would've upset him that much if there was a fourth person aside from himself working in the workshop."
"The fact that it was you you think is what upset him," Wieland said.
"I do," Magnus replied, nodding.
"What does Georg have against you, though?" Wieland asked.
"I don't know," Magnus replied. And it bothered him that he didn't know, but had that inclination. Why would Georg be mad at him?"
Georg: gayorgh
Zweite: z'white
Summary of Events:
Chapter 3:
Emma got up to have breakfast and was unsettled by the fact that her mother didn't participate, but she found out that her mother was near to giving birth. Magnus worked with his father for a day and was puzzled by the irritability of his his older brother Georg.
Chapter 4:
Emma got some time to talk to her parents and found that the baby's due date was quite close, and that Herr Reiter was a widower. Magnus helped his grandfather in ploughing the fields under and decided that he was going to aspire to be a farmer. Emma was helping her mother make a salad when her mother's water broke and Emma went to get her father to get the doctor.
Excerpt of the Day:
"As soon as Magnus was done he was allowed to be excused and took his dishes to the wash basin. Magnus then headed out to the workshop to start clearing things up for the evening.
He'd just started sweeping when Georg briskly strode past Magnus and disappeared into the house. Magnus turned and looked over at the door for a few moments, then he sighed and resumed sweeping.
Steffen came out after awhile and tidied up his things. He said nothing to Magnus — not that Magnus asked any questions. As soon as Steffen was done he returned into the house.
Heinrich zweite came out and cleaned up the rest of the things — letting Father get more rest in, being as he'd been working at wainwrighting for years more than any of them had been.
"I'm going to visit Wieland and Engelbert once I'm done," Magnus said.
Heinrich nodded and continued cleaning things up. They both finished at about the same time and Magnus pushed the doors closed from outside. Heinrich bolted them on the inside and Magnus set off to meet Wieland and Engelbert as they'd planned.
Wieland was already waiting when Magnus arrived, but Engelbert wasn't there. Magnus sat down beside Wieland and sighed.
"Hard work in the shop?" Wieland asked.
"No," Magnus replied. "Georg was off today."
"What do you mean?" Wieland asked.
"I've seen some of his work on Father's wagons and it's been incredibly fine, I thought he was going to be a wainwright with Father and Heinrich zweite, but today his work was atrocious and he even nearly ruined a spoke at the end of the day and left in a huff," Magnus replied. "He didn't come back until after I was finished eating."
"That does sound odd," Wieland said. "But nothing was different."
"Not outwardly anyways," Magnus replied.
"I know probably not to you, but isn't Georg pretty open to your parents?" Wieland asked.
"I don't know," Magnus replied. "Probably somewhat."
"Did they have a clue?" Wieland asked.
"No," Magnus replied.
"What do you think was the reason?" Magnus asked.
"Me," Magnus replied.
"What do you mean you?" Wieland asked.
"I almost feel like Georg was off because I was there," Magnus replied.
"How could you possibly have upset things?" Wieland asked.
"I don't know," Magnus replied. "But I just feel kind of like I was responsible."
"Wow, Georg is pretty sensitive to alterations," Wieland said.
"I don't know that it was the fact that I was there in the workshop working," Magnus said. "I don't think it would've upset him that much if there was a fourth person aside from himself working in the workshop."
"The fact that it was you you think is what upset him," Wieland said.
"I do," Magnus replied, nodding.
"What does Georg have against you, though?" Wieland asked.
"I don't know," Magnus replied. And it bothered him that he didn't know, but had that inclination. Why would Georg be mad at him?"
Georg: gayorgh
Zweite: z'white
Monday, March 02, 2015
Hopeless Night: Day 1
Word Count: 6,012
Summary of Events:
Part 1: Eventide
Chapter 1:
A torrential rainstorm was drawing near as Magnus was at his grandfather's farm, and he helped his grandfather's servants get all of the crops in before the rain came. Emma helped her mother make strawberry jam by mashing the berries once her older sister had taken the tops off.
Chapter 2:
Magnus — now that the fields were all harvested — helped with the threshing of the wheat and then had lunch with his grandfather. Emma and her friend Olga washed carrots for pickling and discussed the approaching winter. Magnus talked with his friends Engelbert and Wieland about rumours that he'd inherit his grandfather's farm.
Excerpt of the Day:
""I can't wait until we're done with all the preserving," Olga said. "I want to go play some more."
"But it won't be long before it's cold outside," Emma said.
"It's fun to play in the snow," Olga said.
Emma nodded. "I know, but still, it's cold outside," she said.
"We can have snowball fights," Olga said.
Emma made no comment. She didn't like snowball fights because everyone — especially Korbinian and Manfred — seemed to be able to hit her close to her face, and it was cold, along with hurting and being wet.
"And we can make snowmen, and snow angels, and snow forts," Olga said.
Emma nodded. She didn't mind doing those.
"And when we're cold we can come into the kitchen and warm up with all the yummy food smells all around us," Olga said.
Emma nodded more enthusiastically at that, she liked sitting in the kitchen. She liked being in the kitchen anytime. She liked watching as meat turned from red to brown as it cooked, she liked watching the women as they quickly chopped and sliced the vegetables and fruits and whipped up the desserts and made all of the fine foods for Herr Reiter and his guests — as Herr Reiter always seemed to have guests.
"And then Weinachten," Olga said.
As Emma pulled carrots out of the water she thought about all of the desserts and sweets she'd seen the women make for Weinachten all of the years before, toffees, glass candies, truffles, chocolates, cookies, cakes, rolls, pies — the thought of it made her hungry.
"Do you think your parents have already thought about what they'll do for you for Weinachten?" Olga asked.
"I don't know," Emma replied. "They're probably too busy thinking about the abby to worry about Weinachten. Probably after the baby is born they'll think about Weinachten."
"When is the baby supposed to be born?" Olga asked.
"I think it's supposed to be soon, Mama's just about as big as she was when Selma was born," Emma said. "It'll probably be before Weinachten."
"I hope so," Olga said. "Otherwise if they're still worrying about the baby then they won't be able to get anything done for you or anyone else for Weinachten."
Emma nodded. She liked the gifts she got for Weinachten, and she hoped that the baby wouldn't prevent her from getting gifts tho year. Glancing up at the girls, Emma caught Josepha's gaze which was somewhat angry, but also somewhat concerned.
Quickly Emma turned back to the carrots. She glanced up at Olga, but said nothing, suddenly disturbed at Josepha's gaze. Was something wrong with the baby? Or did Josepha know something about Weinachten that she didn't?
Was there something that was going to keep them from having Weinachten like they used to? Emma glanced nervously over at Josepha who was busy working on cutting her carrots. Emma would have to ask Mama and Papa. Hopefully they'd tell her, and hopefully they would still be able to have Weinachten. They'd always had Weinachten."
Wieland: whyland
Korbinian: korbinee-ann
Weinachten: whynahcht-ehn
Summary of Events:
Part 1: Eventide
Chapter 1:
A torrential rainstorm was drawing near as Magnus was at his grandfather's farm, and he helped his grandfather's servants get all of the crops in before the rain came. Emma helped her mother make strawberry jam by mashing the berries once her older sister had taken the tops off.
Chapter 2:
Magnus — now that the fields were all harvested — helped with the threshing of the wheat and then had lunch with his grandfather. Emma and her friend Olga washed carrots for pickling and discussed the approaching winter. Magnus talked with his friends Engelbert and Wieland about rumours that he'd inherit his grandfather's farm.
Excerpt of the Day:
""I can't wait until we're done with all the preserving," Olga said. "I want to go play some more."
"But it won't be long before it's cold outside," Emma said.
"It's fun to play in the snow," Olga said.
Emma nodded. "I know, but still, it's cold outside," she said.
"We can have snowball fights," Olga said.
Emma made no comment. She didn't like snowball fights because everyone — especially Korbinian and Manfred — seemed to be able to hit her close to her face, and it was cold, along with hurting and being wet.
"And we can make snowmen, and snow angels, and snow forts," Olga said.
Emma nodded. She didn't mind doing those.
"And when we're cold we can come into the kitchen and warm up with all the yummy food smells all around us," Olga said.
Emma nodded more enthusiastically at that, she liked sitting in the kitchen. She liked being in the kitchen anytime. She liked watching as meat turned from red to brown as it cooked, she liked watching the women as they quickly chopped and sliced the vegetables and fruits and whipped up the desserts and made all of the fine foods for Herr Reiter and his guests — as Herr Reiter always seemed to have guests.
"And then Weinachten," Olga said.
As Emma pulled carrots out of the water she thought about all of the desserts and sweets she'd seen the women make for Weinachten all of the years before, toffees, glass candies, truffles, chocolates, cookies, cakes, rolls, pies — the thought of it made her hungry.
"Do you think your parents have already thought about what they'll do for you for Weinachten?" Olga asked.
"I don't know," Emma replied. "They're probably too busy thinking about the abby to worry about Weinachten. Probably after the baby is born they'll think about Weinachten."
"When is the baby supposed to be born?" Olga asked.
"I think it's supposed to be soon, Mama's just about as big as she was when Selma was born," Emma said. "It'll probably be before Weinachten."
"I hope so," Olga said. "Otherwise if they're still worrying about the baby then they won't be able to get anything done for you or anyone else for Weinachten."
Emma nodded. She liked the gifts she got for Weinachten, and she hoped that the baby wouldn't prevent her from getting gifts tho year. Glancing up at the girls, Emma caught Josepha's gaze which was somewhat angry, but also somewhat concerned.
Quickly Emma turned back to the carrots. She glanced up at Olga, but said nothing, suddenly disturbed at Josepha's gaze. Was something wrong with the baby? Or did Josepha know something about Weinachten that she didn't?
Was there something that was going to keep them from having Weinachten like they used to? Emma glanced nervously over at Josepha who was busy working on cutting her carrots. Emma would have to ask Mama and Papa. Hopefully they'd tell her, and hopefully they would still be able to have Weinachten. They'd always had Weinachten."
Wieland: whyland
Korbinian: korbinee-ann
Weinachten: whynahcht-ehn
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